Icemud's dual tent garden under led and using recycled soil, multiple strains.

The Seed Project tent: Budmaster GOD 8 and God 4.

Well the budmaster GOD tent, seed project tent is coming along nicely. The ladies felt a little dry today so I gave them some of the fish/squid mix from above. Other than that not much to do in this grow right now besides wait and see how they do. I did lower the lights about 6", but still I am only using the GOD's at 1/2 power. So far these plants seem really happy and are growing fast since the last topping I did. I think that I will probably repot them either tomorrow or monday, and then probably in about 2 weeks I will be flipping them to flowering and starting the CS applications. I don't need them too large, just large enough to produce a good amount of seeds. The timing should be right too, so that my flowering tent will be pretty much finished by the time pollen forms in this tent, so no worries of it drifting over to the neighboring tent.

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Quick update:

Flowering tent:

Due to some discoloring of some of the leaves and what I believe to be either too much Ca buildup, or possibly a soil ph issue, I loaded up my 5 gallon bucked with r/o water and dropped in some epsom salt. I gave the girls each 6 cups of water which is about 3x as much as a normal feeding, which ensured some runoff to help flush the soil slightly. Next up will be a soil compost tea in a few days after the soil drys out mostly.

Veg tent/seed project tent and 3rd mother tent:

Both of these tents I started out at 18/6 schedule to ensure the clones took off and established a good root base, and now to conserve on energy, yesterday I flipped both timers to the GLR at 12 on, 5.5 off, 1 on, 5.5 off which should save me about 6 hours of electricity per tent. With my veg/seed project running approx 370w or so and my 3rd tent running around 200w. Just bumping down to the GLR should save me around $22 bucks a month off my bill which is a significant savings....

Anyone who wants to lower their electricity bill in veg, try the GLR. Your plants will be happy and so will your pocket...

No photos with this update since I just took some the other day, so I will update again with photos probably mid week...
Day 34 flowering from the flip under Budmaster COB-X-4's.

Well I can't say enough good things about these COB lights and how my garden is doing under them. I can tell that right now, half way through the flowering I am very impressed with the look of the buds, the plant health, the trichome formation and what looks like is going to be an amazing yield.

I fed the girls yesterday a mix of some compost tea I had bubbling, with the new botanicare pro bloom I picked up and some botanicare cal/mag plus. I added some potassium silicate to up the PH a little to the right range and fed the girls. I gave them a good 3x as much as usual so that I could help flush the soil slightly with some fresh new goodies, and saw just a little bit of run off. Today the girls seemed really happy and so things so far are going well.

Other than that, not much else to report on today in the flowering tent. I will update the other 2 tents later this afternoon when they turn on.

Here is some pics! Happy Weedkend everyone!

Here is an update of my vegging seed project tent under Budmaster GOD 8 and GOD 4 panels.

Hey everyone,

So about 3 days ago or so, I switched this tent from 18/6 to the Gas Lantern Routine, 12 on, 5.5 off, 1 on, 5.5 off and so far the ladies really seem to like it. I've never had issues before with it so I'm sure everything will go as planned this run as well... time to save some electricity and pocket money.

So I decided it was time to transplant the remaining plants into 5 gallon square pots, and since I have 9 plants in the tent, only 8 could go into 5 gallon pots but I managed to arrange them so that the 9th plant could remain in the 3 gallon pot. I chose this extra plant to the the 2nd black cherry soda, which will be the one getting sprayed with colloidal silver. Since I only need it to drop pollen and then I can trash it, I figured it was the best choice. I also wont be growing my plants large like I usually do, so there should be plenty of room for it to grow while its doing its thing.

I will be giving the girls a feeding of just r/o water, some humic acid, some 1-1-1 organic b vitamins, as well as I dunked a soil ball into the soil for a few hours and added a little molasses to get a good tea going. I will feed the girls tomorrow since the main rootballs still held some moisture, but not much.

Its much hotter today as the summer starts to swing in, so its a good test to see how these LED's do in my non AC apartment. Right now the extraction fans are only running about mid speed, and it seems to keep the temps within about 5F of the ambient temp outside the tents, so I should be good for most of the summer. I also run my lights at night, so usually as the ocean breeze cools thing down and the sun sets, the lights come on and the tents stay cool.

Well here are the photos of the vegging seed project tent under the GODs. I still can't believe how bright these lights are... and only running at 1/2 power right now!

Here is an update of my mothers/veg tent.

Things are going great in this tent and the ladies are doing very well. I have my grow light at the top of the tent as I don't want to grow these girls extremely fast, as my flowering tent still has about 1 month until its ready, and I don't want to overgrow this one. I will be transplanting the girls in about 1 week to the 5 gallon pots where they will just veg until my flowering tent is clear and then they will get moved over, and clones taken.

After my seed project with the 1st round of black cherry soda is done, I also will be using these mothers to clone for the next round which will be my ogiesel round. I may change my mind though and do a different strain that I don't flower as often like my harlequin, so then I don't have to keep the mother plant alive and reduce my plant count and open up space for other things.

I gave the girls just a foliar spray of fulvic acid, epsom salts and b vitamins as well as used this in my other 2 tent. I wasn't going to spray my flowering girls anymore, but decided since there was salty residue on the leaves I would use this to help wash it off. The ppm was very very low so it was mostly just r/o water, but I needed to add something so that the pure r/o water didn't strip nutrients out of the plant.

Well things are going good in here too, here are the photos.
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Day 37 flowering update:

Today makes day 37 from the flip in my flowering tent under the budmaster cob grow lights and things are looking amazing so far. For about 1/2 way through the flowering stage, the plants have really gained a lot of trichomes, and the buds are really starting to fill in from the lower nodes. These COB lights are really exceeding my expectations and I am absolutely impressed with them!

The plants smell amazing too and the terps are really building as well.

I mixed up a batch of a mix of earthjuice and botanicare nutrients for my next feeding and its currently bubbling waiting for the ph to come up. The plants probably wont need water at least until tomorrow if not wednesday so should be perfect timing as usually it takes about 48 hours for the PH to increase to optimal levels. I have to say now that I am more PH conscious, my plants seem to be much healthier. I'm not really adding anything different to the mix, and no up/down other than occasionally some potassium silicate for up, and fish ferts for down.. Definitely though I'm seeing a huge difference in trichome formation though

Here are today's photos
UPDATE time!!!! wooo hoo!

THE SEED PROJECT TENT (featuring budmaster GOD 8 and GOD 4):

Well everyone, today will be the last day for vegging my seed project and the fun is about to start. I changed my timers today to 12/12 from the Gas lantern routine I was running, and so tomorrow will be day 1 of flowering after the long night. I've read a few different sources for making seeds using colloidal silver and the process actually seems pretty simple.

Basically everything I read said to use colloidal silver with at least 30ppm or more, but not too strong either. It seems very easy to make your own, however I purchased some about a year or more ago and never used it, so its been sitting in my fridge since then, on the bottom shelf away from light, and its in a dark cobalt blue glass jar. I've read that light exposure can ruin colloidal silver so hopefully after being cool, dark and sealed for this time its still good. I guess we will find out..

So the black cherry soda will be the plant that gets the colloidal silver treatments, and since I ran out of room I left it in a 3 gallon round pot. It makes it easy to removed to spray each day with CS and since I won't be keeping it for the full flowering cycle, everything should be good to go after about mid flowering.

So how it works is that for 21 days, or until you see male pollen sacks develop, you spray the plant you want to "turn male" making sure to hit each of the nodes. Some sources recommend doing this 2-3 times a day for the first week and then lower the frequency to just 1x daily, so I think I will go with 2, since its a nice even number.

What supposedly happens is the silver ions force the plant to create male pollen, but with female dominancy and traits, so the plants that get pollenated, should be female. So after the pollen forms, I've read different things and I would appreciate anyones suggestions who has successfully done this before. But after the pollen forms I've read that you can either just shake the plant in the room and the pollen will spread, or some sources recommend shaking the plant into a bag, and then use a small brush to apply the pollen. Some say to take the pollen in a bag, let it dry for a few days and then pollenate, and other sources didn't specify. I think I will just collect fresh pollen in a bag and brush it on as well as shake the plant...haha... should work, but if anyone has done this, please feel free to help guide me as this is my first go at making seeds (intentionally) haha.

Once the female plants are pollinated then supposedly I can either choose to removed the "male plant" or leave it in there. Most likely I will leave it until I am sure that all plants were pollinated, and then I will discard of it carefully so I don't spread pollen all through my house.

Then the buds just develop as normal, but with seeds.

One important thing I read from every single source, was to make sure to spray the CS only on the plant you want to form pollen, for 2 reasons. The first reason was most important, and that you do NOT want to smoke any plants that have been sprayed with CS. I looked and looked for reasons as to why, since some people take colloidal silver for treating sickness and other human related remedy, so I'm not really sure why not to smoke the plant that has been sprayed or received overspray, but I guess better to be safe than sorry.

The second reason to be careful with spraying the CS, is that if it gets on the other plants, they too have a chance to create pollen, and then you won't know which plant pollenated another, which could either screw up your future seeds by not knowing the genetics, or it could be a fun treasure hunt too...LOL

So pretty much that is what I gathered about making seeds.... PLEASE.... If you have done this before and see something wrong in what I am doing, make it known!!!! I would rather be helped by those that are experienced than just reading some sources with unknown growers...LOL.. I trust you guys/gals more..

Today I also gave the girls their last veg feeding which was just R/O water, botanicare pro gro, botanicare cal/mag plus with nothing else added.

I also sprayed the black cherry soda with CS today, and will do it before I go to bed tonight again, as they will be going through their first long night tomorrow.

I also have still been running the Budmaster GOD's at just 1/2 power, both of the panels. I'm sure the GOD 8 could do just fine by itself in this tent, but I wanted a nice even canopy which is why I added the GOD 4. With both on full power, they are extremely intense and so I have only been running them at 1/2 power through veg. Even at like 3 1/2' high, at 1/2 power they were putting out between 150-450 micromoles of PAR light which was nearly ideal for veg, but with flowering being that the day is shorter, the PPFD should be at around 500+, optimally 800-1000. So I had 2 choices, One was to run both panels at full power, which then I would definitely do if harvest weight and quality were key on this grow, but since I'm producing seeds, the extra power usage isn't efficient by running them full. Therefor the other option was to run them at 1/2 power still, but move them much closer to the plants. I did this and moved them about 2' over the canopy, and the PPFD is right between 250-600 micromoles of PAR light which is perfect, as they will stretch in early flowering anyways, and the lights can be raised if needed. I did have to turn the GOD 4 on full, because of the way I have it hung, the back right plant was getting shaded considerably because of the beam angles and intensity on 1/2 power, so I turned it on full since really its only adding about 80w to the total draw.. whole panel only measured 170w or so on full. So that I think will be how I run the lights for the seed project, however I might change my mind and crank up the GOD 8 to full.

Well that is all for now on the Seed project: Here are the photos: (before I lowered the lights)

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DAY 46 of flowering, under the BUDMASTER COB's... (from the flip)

Well things in the flowering tent are going really well right now as the buds continue to grow larger in girth and also fill in more from the lower nodes. I think my timing on the major defoliation and lollipopping was bad though, as the plants definitely went through a shock for a few days as the growth rate seemed to slow quite a bit. As of the last day or 2 though I have seen it pick up again and they are growing quite nicely. Even the harlequin which was just not doing well, is starting to fatten up and get at least decent sized tops on her, even with all the issues with deficiencies and such. The tangies are really starting to get potent smelling and wow, just brushing them or disturbing them in the slightest way just lets out bursts of skunky orange sweet smells. All of the plants really are getting extremely fragrant which I like

So I will not be feeding them for a couple days as the soil is still fairly moist and may even give them a compost tea for the next feeding, but I haven't decided if I will give them feeding, or just a watering with tea. I really need to just pick a certain nutrient regiment and schedule and stick to it.. but my curious mind always has me trying new things... sometimes for the benefit, and sometimes not..LOL

Not much else to report on as of today, but I know that come early next week, temperatures are supposed to get in the 100's even near the beach climate zone I am in, so I will have to be watchful of the temps to see how the ambient inside the tent reacts... May even be time to hook my AC to the window.

Here are today's photos :0

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Hey everyone, Quick update:

Day 4 of flowering in my feminized seed project: (from the flip)

Well I have to say so far things are going good with my feminized seed project. Today makes day 4 from the flip and the plants are definitely showing their response to the change in lighting by showing a slight stretch as well as a little pistil formation already. I have been spraying the black cherry soda with Colloidal silver every day, usually right when the lights come on, and only spraying 1x per day, due to the schedule being "day" at my nighttime, it doesn't leave me much option to spray while I'm sleeping.

Yesterday the girls got their first dose of bloom nutrients which consisted of r/o water: botanicare pro bloom, earthjuice bloom, yucca extract and some humboldt equillibrium.

Other than that, not much else to report on today. Its going to be an extremely hot day in socal today, so we will see how the growtents fair. Luckilly my daylight schedule starts in the afternoon, so hopefully the daily cool down should help with keeping the tents within healthy range. Yesterday the temps were above 90 in my apartment but somehow I managed to keep the tents below 86 which is pretty much ideal temps for cannabis.

Here are some photos for today:

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Hey Everyone!!! Today is day 51 of flowering under the Budmaster COBs and things are getting really interesting.

All of the buds have started to swell majorly and really fill in, and it seems every day that I open the tent they are at least 25% larger than the day before. I know its probably much less than that, but they are really starting to get thick. I gave the girls a few extra days to dry out inbetween feedings and as temperatures started to hit upper 90's and 100's this week, I gave them a good solid feeding of r/o water mixed with botanicare pro bloom, earth juice bloom, potassium silicate (for ph up), botanicare cal/mag and some earth juice catalyst. The mix was bubbling for 2 days in 5 gallons of water and the ph was still very low, so I took about 2 gallons of plain filtered r/o water, and added about 1 gallon of the bubbled mix to it which seemed to bring the ph near close to acceptable with a little potassium silicate, and then fed the girls heavily after starving them a few extra days. I wanted to give them just a slight stress but not to the point of leaf sagging, which ended up still slightly showing but I watered just in time. Since we are getting close to harvest time, I most likely will hit them with a compost tea's to finish out the grow with a few additives in low amounts.

Well with only about 15-20 or so days to go, I think that by mid july this current grow will be harvested and ready for some late summer enjoyment. Most of my grows have averaged about 65 to 67 days from the flip when I harvest so I expect about the same with this grow, but will still go off of what the trichomes and calyx's say to me as well as the pistil color and formation. In the next week or so I am hoping to see the tangie purple pheno change color as usually around day 55 or so it starts to change. Such a beautiful color it will turn, if it does like the other 2 runs so I'm hopeful.

Other than that everything is looking delicious, and even the Pain in the grass Harlequin is still trying to make something worthwile as its showing finally some small bud formation and most of all a lot of trichomes. The smell of the Harlequin is so strange too, its that of a new carpet mixed with a cleaning agent. Very pungent and almost chemical smelling. The black cherry soda and black diamond og were really seeming to lag behind for quite some time, however they finally are really picking up the bud growth as well. Not super impressed with the black diamond og this run, or even last in terms of yield, but flavor and potency and smoke wise its amazing, so maybe I will try next run doing less topping/training and focus on just a few large colas. I also don't plan on running my strains in veg as long either as I think that I would get much better yields if the plants didn't have to transport the nutrients so far up the plants to where the light intensity is. I think in my seed project it will give me an idea of how this does as the plants were entered into flowering very small, and only topped 2x I think.

So other than the update... Here are some pics for today, day 51 of flowering.

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This update we will call BALLS!!!!

Flowering day 14, feminized seed project tent, Budmaster GOD 8 and GOD 4 panels:

So today, I have balls, lots of balls! haha I have to say so far the treatments of colloidal silver on my black cherry soda has been deemed successful, as today when I took the BCS out to spray her with colloidal silver, i noticed that she is now a he, or somewhere inbetween....haha I have been spraying the BCS every day, right when the lights come on and maybe 2 or 3 of the last 14 days I did spray a 2nd time when I was awake while the lights were on, but for the most part I have only been doing 1 spray per day. Making sure to cover every leaf, every node/budsite, and even the bottoms of the leaf. The colloidal silver I am using is 40ppm and it was over a year old but kept in my lowest shelf in my refrigerator, and seems to still be good..

SWEET!!! I'm happy that its working, and I am now on my way to making seeds... finally!! after procrastinating and putting off the project it is finally underway! All of the other plants at this time are showing good flower sets and they are ready to start accepting pollen however I think it will be at least 1-2 more weeks until enough pollen sacks mature and open where I can pollinate the girls. I want a lot of seeds so I will be waiting some time and probably in 2-3 weeks I will be making sure to get all the girls pollen on every node so my tent so hopefully each plant is just loaded with seeds. I want enough were they will last me, as well as possibly enough to give some gifts

Anyhow, the other plants are looking great in the tent, and even the harlequin is showing some healthy new growth even though she started very rough. Hopefully I timed the flowering perfect so the plants will still stretch, but not overtake my tent and grow too tall.

Well here are some pics!!! Sorry for the blurred photos, my camera was having a hard time focusing tonight.

Black cherry soda showing balls!
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Other plants in the seed project tent:
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DAY 60 flowering in the Budmaster COB tent.

Well today I opened the tent and noticed the girls are really starting to give off some stinky goodness smell, moreso than before!!! Thankful for carbon scrubbers, that is for sure! Well it seems that the growth has slowed down quite a bit and the plants are taking up much less water than previous weeks which usually is a sign that they are getting ready to be pulled. I probably will run them at least 1 more week, but with the 3 day weekend coming up, it makes for a perfect time to trim them up and clean the tent for them to hang dry, so come friday I will make the decision whether to harvest them, or let them go another week to be harvested next week.

I haven't done a trichome check yet, so I will be doing that later tonight or tomorrow to see if we are seeing cloudy or still clear, and that will be the main factor I am looking for in relation to my harvest time as I really prefer a heavier, couchlock style buzz so I like to see some amber but we will see. According to a study I read on trichomes, and potency, the study found that 10 weeks of flowering is roughly the optimal time for many different strains that were tested for maximum potency, but again, I will let the trichomes tell me the full story.

I am still seeing white pistils form, but much less than previous weeks, and they are more in little puffs, than all over the bud, which usually is also an indicator for me that the time is ready to harvest. I have to say the girls look really good and even though I don't think my yield will be incredible due to the tent being overcrowded, I think that I still should see some impressive results, especially for only 400w total draw. My tangie #5 has some chunkers on it as far as buds so I may surprise myself, and black cherry soda also is always a high yielding strain too, so we will see ...

Overall I am extremely happy with how the budmaster Cobs are preforming this run, and can't wait to do a combo run in the future using both god and cob... and don't forget, my next grow will also feature the Emerson Far Red flowering trigger panel too

Here are today's photos:

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Tricome Check!!!!

So I took the opportunity today to check my trichomes to see where we are at, and currently we are on day 62 of flowering (from the flip) and with the 3 day weekend coming up, and no dedicated plans. I am thinking that its a perfect time to harvest my plants, trim them, clean my tent and then hang dry them. Since it does take time and its slightly labor intensive, I think the time is ideal and so I wanted to hear what my trichomes had to say....

So I took my 30x lupe and my cameraphone, set to zoom on max and held the 30x lupe to the cameraphone lens. Its much easier to me to take photos like this and then look at them vs trying to lean into my tent, and then focus the lupe to see real time plus it makes for some nice trichome shots...I really wish I had a nice usb microscope so maybe I will put that on my future to get list...would love to have some nice 100x or even 200x shots...

Well for all of the plants, it seems that we have mostly cloudy trichomes and very few amber which is just about right, so I think that due to my free time this weekend, as well as the trichome ripeness I will yank them...I gave the girls their last watering today which was just epsom salt and r/o water to help flush out the soil and with the sulfur hopefully some added fragrance too..

Here are the trichome shots....enjoy !!(as well as some nug porn! )

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The seed project tent: Day 15 flowering from the flip under Budmaster GOD panels...

Today makes day 15 and I am still spraying the Black cherry soda daily 1x with colloidal silver, however as of now she is in full pollen production as all the pistils have disappeared and been replaced by male pollen sacks (balls). I'm so happy that I nailed it my first attempt and now its just a waiting game for the pollen to ripen, and the sacks to open. I think probably in the next week to 2 I should see this happen which at that point I will be using a brush to paint the pollen on to the other plants. I'm not sure when I should stop spraying the colloidal silver, so I have to research that either tonight or this weekend but I assume now that it is in full pollen mode, I could stop. i will confirm this though before I do.

Other than that all the plants that are still female and not being sprayed are showing some nice bud formation and I'm really curious how keeping them shorter will pan out, even though this grow is for seeds and not yield, it will be a good test..

Here are the pics:

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I'm curious, does anyone read or follow this journal? I don't see any likes or comments? I'm just wondering... I know the rules say not to comment unless asked or given permission... and I give everyone permission to comment and join :) Just want to know who all is watching :)
Thank you everyone for the likes! I wasn't sure if anyone was following my journal, so I was debating whether to keep it going or not, but since we have a few people enjoying my journal, I will continue for sure. Thank you for the likes and for letting me know :)
Feminized Seed project update: day 21 flowering from the flip, under budmaster GOD leds.

So things are moving along quite nicely in the seed project tent. The female turned male black cherry soda is now in full pollen sack production and I have not sprayed her with colloidal silver since about a week ago. I haven't seen any pollen dusting on the leaves yet but it does look like a few of the pollen sacks are about ready to pop open and release so should just be a matter of days now. I will keep the male plant in the tent for some time, until I know that each of the female plants has received a good amount of pollen, in which I will be brushing on once the pollen sacks start to release the goodies.

As far as feeding I haven't needed to give the girls any water in about 4 days since they are still doing fine from the watering of r/o water I gave them over the holiday weekend.

As far as the females, they all look for the most part very healthy, with the exception of the harlequin which is still doing the weird leaf discoloring that has happened now for a few generations. Hopefully that the seeds will not carry on this trait that has formed, but we will see.

Other than that, just a waiting game as of now. I'm really curious how the smaller plants flowered early in veg will stack budsites compared to the usual 3'+ monsters I usually grow. Much more light penetration is reaching the full plant so it will be interesting. When looking at my last harvest, I am sort of disappointed that only the top 1' of the plants even budded as the lower portions didn't even get enough light. My fault for packing 8 fairly large plants into a very small tent.

Here are the photos of the feminized seed project tent:

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