Iced Grapefruit, Skunk#1, Menage a Trois, Flower from day 1

Good to hear you're better bro. Probably pretty smart taking it easy on the lungs though. Gel caps are a great way to medicate, and not have to smoke a thing. I'm going to a car show later so I put a little extra in my daily oral dose for the arthritis pains I'll be having for sure later. The Cindy99's stem is very rigid, and snappy kind of as well. Strong enough to hold all the weight of very heavy flowers, but it makes it difficult to train her at all with older growth in mind. I got in the tent this morning so I could move some of the girls around for better position. I moved the Sour Blueberry to the front of the tent from the rear right. I noticed that her under growth is really frosty as I couldn't see much of it before. I started looking her over, and getting pretty excited as she has at least 3 weeks left to mature even more. Her colas are huge now running almost the full length of the branches they're on. Every one of them has a lean to it with all the weight accumulating on top, and the density of the flowers there. She's so healthy with a nice look to her, but still no color coming on yet.

These are all lower flowers that really don't get any direct light if any. I have this lady Main-Lined though so she should be getting a pretty even distribution of everything in her, as far as nutrients, and hormones, and such. I have to say her tops are even more impressive, and are quite beautiful. The Sour Blueberry has been a great strain the whole grow, being alot like an easy Skunk strain to grow. She takes whatever you can throw at her, and just keep going happily along. It's funny to watch her sway back, and forth happily in the wind now that she's in the front, and almost looks like she's listening to a song only she can hear. Her long graceful colas are filling in even thicker every day, and will soon look like full blown baby arms I think. Her touch, and fell, and some of her looks remind me some of the Menage a Trois a little. Her smell is all her though with some uniqueness to it. Earthy, sweet, and a little forest berry in there too. This lady still has like 3 weeks left too, so there's alot of time for development here. If she needs to go longer of course she will, but you guys know how I hate too many amber trichs on my ladies.

I'll try to get a little update of the Blue O.G. too, even though I said I wouldn't update her any more I hate to feel like I'm just leaving her out like that since she's giving me meds after all. I have to warn you though upfront she has a little light bleach on 2 of her tops, and when she had the Mg issue some of her top leafs bleached out as well, and look weird now. Other than that though she's really doing really good now, and I can say is even impressive. I don't think she was ever completely happy with her soil situation, and has just went up & down the whole time in flower. She was a picky beotch from the beginning though with all her slow growth spurts, LOL. Oh well, next time I know to go lean on the nutes in her soil set-up, and keep her far from the lights too. he has some nice swell to her now though, and with all her frost she's gonna make some insane concentrates. Enough for now, I'll get more on her later with some pics if I can. Have a great day everyone, and enjoy the rest of your weekend. Peace and love.
I've grown a few strains that seem to ripen from the bottom up... It's killer because once the tops are done, EVERYTHING is done for sure. Come to think of it, all the Spanish reefer did that: The Jack47 from Sweet Seeds, Critical Mass from MNS (also made in spain) and I had one called Milaga Diesel, beans from a private grower in, well, Milaga. All of them ripened bottom-up...
Sour Blueberry sounds wonderful, can't wait for the smoke report!
That's a pretty interesting observation Hamish. I like how a strain will adapt to the environment like they do. That would be my guess on the finish, maybe environmental adaption. I moved the girls around a little more, and got a couple shots of the Blue O.G. I went a little lower than normal, and got some pretty cool shots I think. This Blue O.G. is just frosty as all get out people. I was in her lower canopy, and was clearing out some leafs that were done, and noticed her flowers are just rock hard even as low as I was. Her tops are of course tight knots, but her lower flowers are amazingly tight as well. It's hard to explain this to the detail that's it's true, but I can show you guys after I harvest how they turn out in the end. Until then though, I have some pics of some very pretty flowers.

Such a beautiful girl I.M.O. When I was working on her she was putting out the most wonderful smell. The entire room filled with the smell of berries, Kush, and maybe lemons. I can't wait to get my hands on her for some oil, and get those flowers dry for some meds too. I haven't put a scope to her yet, and probably won't for at least another week or two, but she's coming along regardless. I'm glad I have more seeds of her, and didn't write her off too soon. These genetics are weak to any sort of stress, but they will reward when done right I think. Prosperian's Blue O.G. is a beautiful specimen, and I think she's gonna make that man really happy. I still have a little time to make this one happy, and am just giving her plain water here on out. Plenty of CaMg+ though, as I've found that she has quite the fetish for it. It seems alot of the newer strains eat Cal/Mg like crazy or maybe it's me, IDK. What do you guys think? Have a great day everyone, I'll have some better pics of the Blue O.G. soon. Peace and love.
Yeah Myco ALL the OG's really need more Mg than most, I've noticed that too... Those buds do look insanely dense from where I am looking, and with those thick white pistils I bet you're going to see some insanely fat calyxes on her.
I have a seed of it I got as a freebie with a 'tude order. Just went onto my 'must grow soon' list ;)
Frosty as all hell too!! I'll catch you guys again tomorrow evening or so, early night for me (well it's almost 11pm here) and a very early morning, just had a killer little evening walk so I'm going to sleep like a brick.
Have an EXCELLENT week Myco!
Hey bro, wife should be back today right? That should be an awesome reunion for you man, enjoy that. This is my first O.G. strain believe it or not. I've always been more interested in the fruity strains I guess. My Iced Grapefruit in the veg closet is looking outstanding so I took a quick pic this morning of her leaf.

This is a pretty small plant mind you, but she's as healthy as you could want a plant. I really need to get in my closet today, and get the Skunk#11 a little more tied down so she can flower out soon. I don't know how much typing I'll be doing today as my arthritis is livid for some reason. Take er easy everyone. Peace out.
I love that color of green. Your shots are showing dank after dank. I think that the newer strains are asking for more CaMg for sure. How much CaMg+ do you usually use per gallon and how often are you using it? I am using anywhere between 20 drops per gallon in the teas or a tsp per gallon in plain water once a week.
I've been using it at 1 tsp a gallon per week, and about 15-20 drops for my teas too. I think some of these ladies are wanting it at a higher ratio still though. My Green Poison is looking slightly deficient after looking at some close pics, and even the Cindy99 seems to want a little more as well. The ladies in the veg closet could use an extra dose I think too. Especially the Skunk#11, I think she's been def for a while with her really light green. I hate to dose the things nuts with it, but it seems to be getting close to that. I'm not going to go crazy with it or anything, but I really need her to get healthier or I might just cull her for the space. I don't want to fight that thing all the way through flower for poor results in the end, you know. I could use the space alot more wisely I.M.O. I hate to feel like I've given up on her, but it is what it is if she doesn't start to do a little better. I was thinking the same about the Blue O.G. not too long ago, and she started to pick her head up some, so we'll see. Every strain is very different, and has a different set of requirements. I think one of the best things you can do for your ladies is to water them individually, and with separate nutes if you're using any. Too many people seem to do mass waterings, and it doesn't do your girls any favors. Even if it takes 3x as long it's the best thing for the ladies I think. Usually any time taken individually with your girls is rewarded by them. Peace out.
I agree with you 100%. I'll tell you what speaks volumes to me on CaMg use is that my low levels of application has the sats looking very happy yet the more indica leaning plants are showing defs. We all know that the indicas feed like crazy so I am going to up the old CaMg to the tbs per gallon that the G.O. calls for. My bubblegummer looks like it really wants it bad. Some of her upper leaves are pretty bad. She is growing like crazy though. It's the way it goes I guess. Weird. If you want new strains to grow and a variety of flavors then some bumps are sure to come with learning them. BTW....your pictures really are amazing Myco. Classics.
I agree with you 100%. I'll tell you what speaks volumes to me on CaMg use is that my low levels of application has the sats looking very happy yet the more indica leaning plants are showing defs. We all know that the indicas feed like crazy so I am going to up the old CaMg to the tbs per gallon that the G.O. calls for. My bubblegummer looks like it really wants it bad. Some of her upper leaves are pretty bad. She is growing like crazy though. It's the way it goes I guess. Weird. If you want new strains to grow and a variety of flavors then some bumps are sure to come with learning them. BTW....your pictures really are amazing Myco. Classics.

Thanks about the pictures man, I've been taking a ton of them lately, and hope I'm getting a little better. The wife went out, and picked up a usb hard drive for me cause I was cramming all of them onto sd cards, and the rest were going on the lap-top which was really bugging her. We share a 4 year old computer for her school work, and all my grow, and riu crap so it can get full. If it's not screaming fast she gets annoyed really quick. I'm pretty much noticing the same thing as you are as far as the indica/sativa thing, and the Cal/Mag feeding. All except the Skunk#11, she has always had a greater need for the Cal/Mag. I know some sats can have a lighter color, but I think it's been a slight def the whole time, but she's still a friggin huge bush, IDK. I checked twice, and the general feeding for the G.O. CaMg+ is 1 tsp, and the heavy feeding is 2 tsp. I'm gonna up to about 1 1/2 tsp on everybody the next watering, and go 2 tsp on the Skunk#11 with some accompanying epsoms as well. All the girls in flower are in line to get a dose of actual bottle nutes so I'm gonna hit them with the CaMg+ as well pretty good, and go with the epsoms with them too. I have to check, but I think the Green Poison's soil will be getting it's first dose of molasses. I think i might go ahead, and give the Cindy99's soil a little taste of molasses too just to jump start it all, and see if it will help with her claw issue a little. I definitely know to thin that soil out a little more now. First it got the BubbleGummer, and now my Cindy99, good grief. I thought I was going easy with the Cindy99 too, but she ended up with that claw. Oh well, other than that she looks amazing, and just growing like crazy. The Green Poison stretched out some 9-10 inches since her flip, and she looks beautiful now with a nice full canopy of great looking bud sets. Quite an amazing strain so far I think, and i know you have one around too, so I hope yours is coming out as good as mine is. I had to do a little maintenance on the Sour Blueberry pulling some of colas back up to center because they're getting a slight lean to them. I just put a little ring of the heavy soft tie around the stem, and then took a zip-tie around the ring, and looped it the the tomato cage, and then zzzzziiiipppppppp to the right place. pretty easy really, and keeps them exactly where you want them. Now I have better light penetration on the lower flowers, and everybody should be a little more happy, and fill in better for me. Even attempting this with the Blue O.G. would be so futile as she has way too many branches to do this successfully. I think when I start to see a fade on her I'm gonna do some selective leaf trimming on her. I just mean that I'll go through, and start to take out what's actually covering flowers that might still benefit from these leafs removal. With my soil having the nutrition it seems to have this won't really be too negative for the plant. What it will do is let that intense light swell the flowers it reaches that much more before I'm chopping on her, so I think it's worth it. I think for now on I'm going for an 8-12 main tops on my plants. I've always known there is a limit to what a plant will ultimately yield, but the magic number for my set-up seems to be that, 8-12 main tops. I did a main-line with 8 main tops with the Sour Blueberry, and that sucker has baby arm colas already, and something like 3 weeks to go. That is just bad @$$ if you ask me! This has Blue Dream yields with what seems like alot shorter flower period so far. I think after harvesting, and drying out the flowers of the Blue O.G. though I could play marbles with the smaller flowers they're so dang dense. Like I said earlier this is my first O.G. strain. I think this girl was still a bad pheno, but her flowers are rock hard, and just covered in frost though. Next time I'll have her perfect, and really see what she can do, but this time isn't a total bust like I was almost thinking for a while. When the density of those flowers started to set in I knew I still had something going on, but when the frost really started to set in like it did, I knew I had something special. I'll still be making alot of oil with her, but alot of the flowers will be really nice to cure out. I guess I should get to some more farming, huh. Have a great day people. Peace and Love.
I keep all my grow info, calendars, pics, on an external hard drive and erase it from everywhere else. Just in case of an emergency, yank and hide. I don't store porn, so there's lots of room on my hard drive! LOL!!!!!
I was able to get a couple shots in before my batts died so I'll have to get more, but for now I have a couple of fun pictures.
DSCF0819.jpgDSCF0821.jpgDSCF0824.jpgDSCF0827.jpgDSCF0828.jpgThese are all my Blue O.G. DSCF0817.jpg

The above picture is my Sour Blueberry. Just beautiful looking, and smelling. I have a couple more pics of her too, but they're from a lower perspective looking up. I was looking at the pictures on my computer after taking them, and when I was going through looking at them in order thought, that's a nice cola, next picture, that's a nice cola too, then the last picture I thought, holly crap look at that thing.

This is a friggin bat people. I don't know of any damn baby with an arm that big, do You? The flowers are so rock hard too. Admitted the Blue O.G. are a little more dense, but it does not take away from the fact that these are as solid as a popcorn ball. Just no popcorn buds here, LOL. i'm gonna move the blue O.G. today to get her out of the rear of the tent, so I'll try and get some pics of her up too. I just thought these deserved a little post of their is all. I just really couldn't be any happier with the way this lady has turned out so far, and I think she'll still surprise me at the end even more. Have a great day everyone. Peace and Love.
STELLAR pics man, if you get any better I'd be able to pick the buds right out of the computer screen because they'd be REAL LOL...
Really digging to read about how the Blue OG is starting to impress you... That's typical OG behaviour right there, keep it all for the end and then put every last drop of energy into the flowers. You end up with such incredibly good calyx-to-leaf ratios, I bet trimming her up is going to be a real treat!
The Sour Blueberry is one helluva impressive plant man. I've been the opposite when it comes to flavours, I've been all OGK and Chem for a few years now, but I am starting to miss something sweet in my garden now.
Oh and reports are coming in about the LVBK from across RIU... I really thought I don't know how to grow reefer, she's been soooo slow and unresponsive. But it seems that is just how she is. I just got report from Galvatron that his are also and I quote 'extremely slow veggers..' No good for an SoG that way.
So as soon as the Dream Beaver gets here I am focusing all my energy I can spare on them beans. Started up 5 new Tahoe mums, THANKS SO MUCH for the info on how you use the soft ties, I've used the same principle but on small plants and using pipe cleaners, wire with soft fuzz on it. Literally just looped around the stem and then bent the wire down to keep the branches in place. Training them without putting any tension on the root-zone, I can now train thick stalked little plants with even less stress.
That was a trick really worth learning, and I am truly grateful to you for showing it to us!! It is really serving me very well already!!

All the best to you and your girl, I hope she has great success with her studies also. I finished my studies with Berklee last year, also working on PC and internet in their online extension school, it was tough to fit into the schedule of normal life but I did it and scored a near perfect GPA too. Funny how I bought my wife an external so she can keep pics off the PC LOL!!!

Yeah it's EPIC having my family back here again. So much to catch up on!

Have an EXCELLENT week Myco! I'll be back with PICTURES soon now that the camera is back in the house too :)
I was checking out some other O.G. grows, and found you to be right on about them bro. You wait, and you wait, and all of a sudden, "boom", heavy @$$ flowers everywhere. I kind of like that, you know. It sounds like you'll be busy for a while man. I really like the Dream Beaver, I was checking on it's lineage as I thought(or maybe just assumed) it must be a DreamWeaver mix, but as usual I was wrong on that one. Quite the genetic marvel that one. I'm really glad you found the soft tie info useful bro, I used pipe cleaners for years training my plants, but always had rust issues with them, but found these one day, and never looked back. They have heabier versions like friggin 10 gauge wire, and then there's the smaller lighter stuff too. Both are made by the same company, but the heavier ones you can do almost anything with. I like the smaller stuff on my smaller ladies then they get graduated to the heavier wire when the go into flower sometimes. A buddy of mine has his inline fans hung with the stuff. My wifey seems to suck up information like a vacuum man. She's had a 3.75 gpa or higher ever since High School, and has honors in almost every class she's been in. Between all the grants, and the other stuff she's won along the way I think she's only ever payed for half of her education if that. She's one of those type of people that are so damn smart you just teach them stuff to see if her head will explode finally, but never does. She uses me for a dictionary or thesaurus at times, but that's ok as I've won spelling bees my whole life. Lost alot of all that now as you can probably tell at times, but it's still rattling around in there I guess. I better get to some gardening, but I'll be on and off riu all day, so see you around bro. Peace and Love.
Really digging to read about how the Blue OG is starting to impress you... That's typical OG behaviour right there, keep it all for the end and then put every last drop of energy into the flowers. You end up with such incredibly good calyx-to-leaf ratios, I bet trimming her up is going to be a real treat!

That's good to hear about the Blue OG. Didn't want myco to get turned off to the strain by how it's growing. Glad to hear from myco that it might be kicking into gear. It is very popular and I get asked about it all the time on RIU. You would think it would be fantastic based on it's popularity.

Anyway, thanks for sharing Hamish.
I haven't really touched the Menage a Trois as to let her cure out some. I decided what the hey I'll get a flower out, and see where they're at. OMG people can you say berry cobbler! First off the smell that hit my nose when I opened the jar was so friggin delicious. Berries, sweet sugary cereals, and hints of tarts maybe. I start to break the flowers open, and I'm getting the berries alot stronger, and there is a cobbler smell in there very distinctly now. I can't nail down any specific berries, but the cobbler with a mixed berry smell is really accurate at this point. I put fire to them, and all the tastes flush right over the tongue with the inhale, and the exhale is stronger even. You slap your lips together, and you feel as if you've just swallowed a bite of berry cobbler. I like to make myself cough lightly after a hit as well as this will bring flavors across your tongue again, and they're all there. Such a sweet velvety smoke with no lung expansion or cough at all to it. Even the biggest of hits doesn't produce any burn or negative effects just a bigger rush after the exhale. No cough what so ever or any tinge in the throat at all really. I want to say it's like air, but there is a heavy quality to it almost, but it's all taste, and flavor though. I immediately get a rush off the exhale, and just smile. The more you smoke the more you smile, and feel giggly, and stupid. The stone off of it has mellowed out quite a bit, and seems less lethargic, but I still don't feel like doing too much, LOL. I tell you what though, I do have enough motivation to go, and raid the fridge I think. I'm so impressed with how this plant turned out, and couldn't be happier with the end results of her. What a great strain I really don't know why this one never took off cause she's an awesome set of genetics I think. I find it hard to believe I lucked out, and got the one pheno that's any good or something, but it does happen sometimes. I still have the 5 reg beans left so I'll just have to see some time in the future I guess. Here are a couple of pics of some of the flowers.

The creamy smoke off this is so delicious. If this stuff can't give you an appetite, you're already dead, and have no need of eating folks. I was weighing the flowers of this, and after it's all dried the weight is impressive from the density. Smaller flowers come out to 2-3 grams pretty easily. Looking at it now I could have let the calyx's swell a little more, but then the trichs would have had alot more amber in there, and I just don't want that in my meds. Well I guess I should get busy for a little while. Go work the buzz off some too cause this stuff is pretty strong for sure. Take it easy folks. Peace and Love.
:) The day still has to come that I read this glowing a report on the smoke off hash oil bud :) Nothing beats a nice flower that's had a proper cure eh?!
Dank as hell bro. They look so nice. I want to twist up a blunt of that. Sounds insane. The description is making me salivate. Loving the pictures too.
Keep waiting for one of my RIU buddies to do a smoke report..."this taste like cat shit"

Lucky for us, harvests are not a disappointment.

Maybe I just surround myself with excellent growers! Myco would be on the top of my list!
That new avatar is friggin hilarious man. I have to agree with you on the whole flavor, and all that. Flowers always come out delicious in the end if you know how to cure, but not all oils taste good unfortunately. I do however think that oils are better than most hashes though as far as taste, and always potency it seems. A hash made from only trichs won't have as full a flavor as an oil made from the whole flower I.M.O. That's why I prefer dry ice hash over bubble even. If it's made properly I think the taste will always be superior. I might change my mind about this if I had some of Frenchi's cannoli's, but until then I have to stick with what I know. I really do love flowers though, I know I went a little nuts with the oil at first, but my true love is for my flowers. There's nothing like hitting the nail when you're feeling bad for a boost of anti-nausea or such though. When it comes down to it in the end I would pick the flowers if I had one last choice for life. I would like to see someone take some cookies phenos, and extract that out of them in the full flavor, can't be done. The only way you're gonna get the fullest experience out of a flower is to smoke the flower. I don't think hashes blend well either. I like to mix my flowers every once in awhile to get a fuller cannabanoid profile, and find that hashes don't really mix well in my experience. The flavors will seem off, and the high is always weird, and can make me feel off, I guess, it's hard to explain. I just don't prefer doing that is all I guess. I do like to take a little hash, and put it on some flowers in a bowl, or maybe in a joint though. That always seems fine to me the mixing of flowers, and hash. Like now I have some Iced Grapefruit, and Menage a Trois flowers in a joint with Skunk#1 dry ice hash in it. All those sweet flavors dancing around together on my tastebuds, and the punch is both to the body, and head at the same time pretty evenly really. The smoke rolling around smells like a friggin head shop with all the sweet smells like the incense & candles, and then the slight skunkiness like an employee burned one in the bathroom. It's pretty awesome really, I love the buzz. I think we're of one mind on the flowers though as now that I light my cigarette after my joey the buzz is so all around the entire head and body. It's funny how music sounds so interesting, and fuller after a smoke. I think it's time to jam some tunes, and do the farmer thing bro. It's always nice when you came in man, I hope the pics start coming soon now that you have the camera. I think I read you don't want to start a full thread so please feel free to post any of those pics right here bro, dank is always welcome! Have fun with the family, but get them pics up, J/K. Take er easy folks. Peace out.