HAHHAHAHA yeah my head NEVER, EVER gets quiet at all lol. And yup, reefer takes up more than a fair section of synaptic activity for me indeed. First thing people think of when I am mentioned is 'pot freak' not 'stoner' but total pot freak

I have too high a tolerance to be called a stoner I never LOOK stoned, aside from the high CBD strains that give me properly RED eyes.
You want to hear something really, really weird... I don't think South Africa will never see legal weed, not because of government being full of it, hell if it was up to them it would be legal and taxed already.
Problem is they can't, because the vast majority of South Africans live in extreme povert, all sorts of funny things are done with weed by a LOT of people.
Like mixing it with anti-retrovirals and smoking that. Seriously. People break into AIDS clinics, steal the drugs, and mix it with weed then smoke it. It's not even real weed, I think you guys call it Ditchweed, no buds just leaves.
There's another cocktail going around where they mix it with heroin, speed (the meth we get here is a whole different ballgame from the stuff over in the states, it's like crack it to cocaine) AND AIDS drugs.
So you can imagine what that does for it's image as a safe and harmless herb. Absolutely MENTAL.
Yeah India is a trip. The Baksheesh system there is an actual respected SYSTEM. Of course you can get arrested for paying off the wrong guy or trying to, but going in there with somebody with local knowledge, it is less like paying somebody off than it is purchasing a service.
In the ol' Transkei it is something best avoided I must admit, as corruption really is a problem on many levels, from government all the way down. I just kinda take solace in the fact that the one guy I paid off really was a very poor guy from a very poor town, I found out later he lives with 10 people in one house, 3 generations under one tiny roof. So it's his racket, fine man still a cheaper holiday for me than most ones I can take, and he's NEVER had a holiday. At least it's not the guy stealing out of trust funds and so on. But still, it is part of a bigger problem, and it is not cultural it is symptomatic of people living under a government that has not been able to serve them yet.
Funny if you think that it was near the town Nelson Mandela was born in.
Anyhow my bongs are getting me pretty ripped and it's quite late here, tokin on a DELICIOUS little piece of bubble hash a mate dropped off today. It was his first run with his bubble bags and it better not be his last. He made it off Big Buddha's cheese, it is the most beautiful hash I have ever seen. Completely blonde with a pure white inside. There is no other way for me to smoke this but with tobacco, he knew this and dropped some lovely organically grown low-alkaloid tobacco for me too, he really is a magician with plants of all kinds. No mad head-rush from nicotine, this stuff hardly has any and he also cures it so it goes VERY light in colour and is really weak in flavour and everything else.
This bubble tastes like cheese concentrate. YUM. Off to bed with me now