I will let you know how bleach works

big liverski

Active Member
I am on my 3rd grow- have fought the slime on every one of them, the last two gave me reduced yields. Everything was going great until 4 days ago when root rot came in really fast and vicious. Cleaned everything with bleach, h202 , ridimin etc- still have it, tonight i cut off the rotten roots of cleaned the res with bleach and added 30 ml of bleach to 12 gallons of water. If they don't die, i will add Heisenberg tea in a few days- if they do die- i'm switching to dirt. As of now the plants are in a res with bleach and gh 3 part- will keep you posted.


Idk about letting bleach touch the roots or even having that in your ressy but good to clean pumps n stuff with! What's your set up like? if you're having root rot everytime there's something wrong with your environment thats promoting the growth. What's your system, lighting, venting or fans, medium, temps/humidity?

big liverski

Active Member
bcnl producer- and i have been fanatical about keeping it clean. have changed my exhaust fan to a 4 inch vortex and i have 6 airstones coming off a 112 Watt 110LPM Active Aqua Commercial Air Pump


ahh the producer... did you get the sensorys overload thingy, that program looks pretty sick! But yea what's your lights, are they of HID and what watts also daily temps/humidity?


Well-Known Member
I am on my 3rd grow- have fought the slime on every one of them, the last two gave me reduced yields. Everything was going great until 4 days ago when root rot came in really fast and vicious. Cleaned everything with bleach, h202 , ridimin etc- still have it, tonight i cut off the rotten roots of cleaned the res with bleach and added 30 ml of bleach to 12 gallons of water. If they don't die, i will add Heisenberg tea in a few days- if they do die- i'm switching to dirt. As of now the plants are in a res with bleach and gh 3 part- will keep you posted.
If you get algae everytime than your either not cleaning your system good enough or a combination of poor house keeping, and high res. temps. I would personally run a H2O2 solution through your system for like 12 hours. It should kill the algea. If you do use bleach its 1 part bleach 3 parts water soaking for 15 minutes. Make sure to wash them off very well with water.
Idk about letting bleach touch the roots or even having that in your ressy but good to clean pumps n stuff with! What's your set up like? if you're having root rot everytime there's something wrong with your environment thats promoting the growth. What's your system, lighting, venting or fans, medium, temps/humidity?
Yes you can use bleach to clean your root system. but I really prefer to H2O2.

big liverski

Active Member
the slime was conquered with heisenberg tea- this was just plain old root rot- roots darkening and coming off with the slightest tug- i also found some weird black dots in the roots, that under a microscope looked like alien eggs- anyway- my frustration level is at 11- i have been meticulous about keeping everything clean- their is 30 mil of bleach in with 12 gallons of water, and it is sink or swim time for this set up. i poured over many threads about bleach in the res, most people against it, some swear by it- i am trying it and will let you know my results- 3 hours no wilting


Active Member
Hope it goes well.
What are the temps of your solution and humidity in there?
Is any light getting to the res solution.

big liverski

Active Member
had the res at 68 with a heater for the heisenberg tea- turned the heater off with the bleach and it is at 57- no light leaks and humidity is 45


Active Member
Are you using the sensors for ph and such or you doing this manually...

I dont think this would be the cause but ive looked up these boxes before and wondered how the perform. I think they over projected what can be yielded from these.


Active Member
Are you using the sensors for ph and such or you doing this manually...

I dont think this would be the cause but ive looked up these boxes before and wondered how the perform. I think they over projected what can be yielded from these.

big liverski

Active Member
Doing it manually, i seem to be have everything good until third week of flower, get massive white root growth , then i always seem to get rot- i spent hours reading online arguments between people with phd's over wether to use bleach or not, with formulas and calculations etc- all i am going to do is report my findings- either it will work or it won't- stay tuned for the exciting conclusion


Nice keep rocking it out with the bleach then, put in some vitamin B1(thiamine) that will help with new root growth...also, are you cloning these plants each time?


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear that. On my first Producer run I had brown algae show up a week before harvest. I didn't do much to deal with it as they were about to get chopped. This run I'm using H2O2 as my room is a bit hotter from the furnace.

Please keep this thread updated over the next few days, I'm pretty interested in the results.


Well-Known Member
I dont think this would be the cause but ive looked up these boxes before and wondered how the perform. I think they over projected what can be yielded from these.

My first time using the Producer I pulled 525 grams from 4 plants. I'm a satisfied customer.

big liverski

Active Member
48 hours, res is clear, no significant root growth, flowers are growing. added aquashield tonight.
Bumbaclat- have you upped up your air pump or exhaust fan?


Well-Known Member
I've got a few improvements I want to make to the box and air stones is one of them. How do you do it? What improvements did you see from it?