I Was Wrong, But She IS Forgiving


Active Member
I may be the worst grower ever, having made so many mistakes. I just get too excited. I forget to slow down, because it's all too fun. I make mistakes and learn from them, but I make so many mistakes along the way.
This leads me to how forgiving the plants, and nature, are. They are so forgiving that even a klutz like I can manage a few flowers.
Looking back, I see now why:
my plants are not huge; I trimmed too much early on.
the roots are brownish, not white.
the plants didn't get tall at all...only about 20 inches.
each stem has only a few flowers on them.
each flower is pretty small.
i feel the urge to harvest, but am just not seeing the cloudiness yet.

If you want to know about doing things wrong, I have your notes.

Don't get me wrong, I study...while I am going. I am learning the value of approach and study ahead of time. Why didn't they teach this in school? Oh yeah, they did. I was just stoned and missed it.

So while I am here, I hope I can learn and eventually help. Keep learning, friends. We will all be super-growers at this rate.
Roots are brown so assuming you’re in DWC of some sort. Correct? You’re a newer grower and going hydro? Save any bs about hydro being easier than soil. Anyone telling you that doesn’t understand hydro.

New or newer growers - forget hydro and forget coco. For damned sure. Save it with how great coco is too. Read all the threads and coco appears so many times you’ll lose count.

I'm sure there's many farmers who've tried every idea to improve a crop and if you look around, the majority still put a seed in the ground and it gets very little attention until harvest. Cannabis is the same...guess I'm lucky to have been raised in a farming community where KISS is still king. Sure better know what ya doing with complex grow ideas.
Roots are brown so assuming you’re in DWC of some sort. Correct? You’re a newer grower and going hydro? Save any bs about hydro being easier than soil. Anyone telling you that doesn’t understand hydro.

New or newer growers - forget hydro and forget coco. For damned sure. Save it with how great coco is too. Read all the threads and coco appears so many times you’ll lose count.

Totally agree here. If your new and you’ve never grown this plant or any other plant for that matter. Stick to soil until you have a few harvests. Soil is forgiving and mistakes can be made. With hydro and coco there’s not a lot of room for mistakes. A small one can cost you a whole crop
Roots are brown so assuming you’re in DWC of some sort. Correct? You’re a newer grower and going hydro? Save any bs about hydro being easier than soil. Anyone telling you that doesn’t understand hydro.

New or newer growers - forget hydro and forget coco. For damned sure. Save it with how great coco is too. Read all the threads and coco appears so many times you’ll lose count.

Ebb & Flow
I have nothing against soil, and will become it someday. The learning curve of hydro is just brutal. It's supercropping the brain. Copius notes and persistence helps. I'll still play outside in the dirt, too.
It pays to know your medium...soil, soilless or hydro or ???....personally I've never ventured past a 'known' soilless such as bio bizz light mix or promix after reading some of the problems with other less forgiving mediums. All will teach ya a few lessons but after 15 years, I still need the easy growing provided by my choice... ain't out to impress anyone.....Actually, my first few grows 15 yrs ago, were with miracle grow! That shit will sure teach ya a few lessons...especially about watering!