I was Robbed yesterday by a small girl or child WTF


Active Member
Yesterday someone went through a locked window in my daugherts room with a small crack 8in and left foot prints , they were about size 7 girl size.They took up 3 oz that was hanging wet and left through the front door.
Im So pissed None of my freinds are this small,And none of them new I just choped a plant..Its weird....A old freind and his crackhead skinny girl came over the night before to drop of a gift for my baby..And this chick kept on saying how depressed and broke she was ...I only have 3 friends I dont sale ...Hope im not wrong for blaming her but all the sighs point to her(this chick swears she didnt do it) ..Sorry im venting any advice from anyone I couldnt even sleep last night


Well-Known Member
That's fucked up.... if they left foot prints... and you know NOBODY else with a crackhead skinny girl... Then its obviously them..

Are you in a legal state? are you a MMJ patient? Call the police... its the same as theft of any other object.... but if you're growing illegally... I don't really know what to tell you.... besides going over there and beating the fuck out of "your old friend" for using their kid to steal from you...

Fucked up yo someone deserves a slap


Well-Known Member
damn, that's really weird man. size 7 foot print? that could be a grown woman, it's hard to blame someone with no evidence. if it was hanging in a reasonably secret place i bet they knew you had some weed drying, otherwise i'm sure it's safe to say your shit would have been gone through and there probably would have been more things of yours missing.

did you happen to tell this skinny crackhead girl about your harvest?


Active Member
Im a MMJ patient but didnt want to envolve the police.....THe crackhead seen small clones in the livingroom..Oh even weirder the plant was taken the day I cut it..I have others locked away in sepate closest


Active Member
its like the bitch come over with a babygift to scope my pad...But Ive nown her bF since the 3rdgrade but here lately they have been smoking oxycotton ...and they both recently got 1150's


Well-Known Member
That's why you don't deal with crackheads you should have just reported it as a break in foot prints could have been compared to hers and if nothing else itd be breaking and entering enough to maybe make her think twice


Well-Known Member
yeah man, if you are a patient and EVERYTHING is legal, call the police. i've heard they don't care about stolen weed or plants, but you can just report the break in as it is, and maybe mention you aren't sure about all that was stolen so that you get a unbiased cop to do the report


Well-Known Member
Definition of a crackhead friend....they will steal your dope then help you look for it..you need new friends


Well-Known Member
call the cops :)

your gut is like right on. usually this stuff happens from someone you know or who has been there


Global Moderator
Staff member
Should i report it...My GF is on probation So i dint want to case problems for her...
If your GF is on probation I'd keep the authorities out of it - she needs to stay under their radar.
Talk bluntly with your bud & review your home security plan.


Active Member
Im going to look for a big attack dawg this weeken....I live to a condo complex everthing close this person had ballz to do this in broad daylight


Active Member
If your GF is on probation I'd keep the authorities out of it - she needs to stay under their radar.
Talk bluntly with your bud & review your home security plan.
thats what Im worried about and shes pregant having a little girl this month......Sux i have no weed know and nothing flowering just veged ......Ive new this guy since the 3rd grade hopefully im right about them doing it or im going to fell bad for blaming them last night.but no ones been at my house i need a beer


Well-Known Member
you can get those ADT signs for cheap on ebay and a dog works great he cant be a pussy tho dont let any one tuch him but your family and send him to a watch dog school...thats what i have best investment i ever made he is good with kids and very vigilant... ass far as that crack head bitch ive learned that it dont matter how long you have known some one if they are on and sort of hardcore drug blues,oxy.roxy,coke,crack,hearts any of that garbage thats not weed of course it changes them i say hang that bitch by her feet and beat her like a pinata


Active Member
any tips to cathc them...I found a nug left over I can match people weed and ask who they got it from if its the same??


Well-Known Member
Dude when you call the police, have you're girl go somewhere else. You're legal they're not going to mess with your girl, especially if she's not even there.

Fuck that crack head bitch, and if you're friend is dating a crackhead bitch and smoking oxy (LMAO who smokes oxy?) then I'd get rid of the friend. Nothing good will come of him while he's with her. She'll probably turn him into just as big of a crackhead. It sucks but thats life. I'm sorry you got jacked, especially since you're a med patient. Karma is a bitch, so hopefully they get theirs. You should show up at their pad one day and look for your shit. It was drying so their place is probably stinky as fuck if they still have it (I don't know a lot of people that will buy wet bud, especially from a crackwhore).

btw whats an 1150?

Hope you get things straightened out man, good luck.