I was Robbed yesterday by a small girl or child WTF


Active Member
Dude when you call the police, have you're girl go somewhere else. You're legal they're not going to mess with your girl, especially if she's not even there.

Fuck that crack head bitch, and if you're friend is dating a crackhead bitch and smoking oxy (LMAO who smokes oxy?) then I'd get rid of the friend. Nothing good will come of him while he's with her. She'll probably turn him into just as big of a crackhead. It sucks but thats life. I'm sorry you got jacked, especially since you're a med patient. Karma is a bitch, so hopefully they get theirs. You should show up at their pad one day and look for your shit. It was drying so their place is probably stinky as fuck if they still have it (I don't know a lot of people that will buy wet bud, especially from a crackwhore).

btw whats an 1150?
its under influence of meth .........I looked for her house she moved.......And i went to the other dude's parents house and had his sisterlet me look.......nothing


Well-Known Member
there you go, it seems like she took it if she's gone. she also probably feels like she's been caught and that's why she had moved

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
yeah man, if you are a patient and EVERYTHING is legal, call the police. i've heard they don't care about stolen weed or plants, but you can just report the break in as it is, and maybe mention you aren't sure about all that was stolen so that you get a unbiased cop to do the report

Best advice I've read. Don't withhold the fact that your a patient if they ask, have all your paperwork ready for them to look over.


Well-Known Member
Shitty deal. I know how you feel, had a QP stolen from me years ago, but I didn't grow at the time, so I ended up owing money to my guy. You really can't trust anyone when it comes to weed and drugs. (notice how I seperate the two) People will do anything for their drug of choice, and to them, stealing is the best way to get drugs.

Will Karma catch up with him? Karma is a lot like religion: Hard to prove, and just as hard to disprove. Sometimes I ask myself, who's dose of Karma is this? Is this my bad karma catching up with me, or is this someone else gearing up for negative karma. Sometimes bad people do bad things to good people, and sometimes its the good people that have to do the bad things to the bad people. See how twisted and unpredictable karma is? It's just as bad of a school of thought as religion.