I Was Out All Day and Came Home to Burned and a Dying Plant Pls.Help! Pics Attached


Well-Known Member
Get a room you two!!! Anyway i don't want to disagree with sparkafire but i am compelled to!lol! Why the fertilize or even foliar spray??? I feel that a straight watering may show good recovery and if a fertilize is needed just a very weak one. The size of pot is big and if repotted to the right size as he seems to have done a week ago i see no reason why the plant isn't living comfortably in the new soil and its nutes (providing he has potted up from a low strength seedling soil etc etc to a higher strength soil)!? I too would be tempted to fertilize lightly at this point too but know i would hold off to see what happens with just a pH'd watering first. If that failed i know i would definatly fertilise next watering. I am no noob so don't take this the wrong way, normally i would agree with you but here i feel that i would have taken a different action to you, why is this?!
Back off Man she is hot and I hit on her first! z:) I foliar all the time and I would not grow without it I use 3 sprays in rotation Liquid Light, Seaweed and my bloom or grow nute which ever I am using at the time. The plant absorbs the nutrients faster though the leaves and if there is any issues in the soil or water it helps balance the nute requirements. If you spray everyday within a week I promise you too will not grow without it. Also it give me a moment of just "us time and she really likes that.

Happily Married Thanks...

Yea i was worried to over fertilize so i made a extremely diluted gallon of water with the normal amount of superthrive but 1/4 of the amount of nutes, i am worried about over fertilizing because i did transplant less than a week ago with happy frog so the soil should still be rich in nutrients because i did water with nutes and superthrive then, i been hearing alot of different shit about foliar spray, that its good for quick recovery but over doing it can burn the leaves right? and i also hear that the leaves will get a salty look on them i think my sativa plant is getting that rough saltyness on it last night i watered them and sprayed them, dont see much of a difference now, how quick do they start to recover? i really was expecting to come home and see bigger and happier plants but came home to toasty brown sad girls =(
Dont worry too much about burnng them you are OK! As far as the saltiness "Man why did that just pop into my head?" anyway if you see salt build up on the leaves just spray with water and it will wash off. At least that is why I tell my wife but she never believes me. Why is that? If you worked on this last night you should come home to perked up plants.


Well-Known Member
I don't spray my plans, not even the clones and they look healthy.. I'd be doing it if I had liquid light or penetrator gold though.


Well-Known Member
I don't spray my plants, not even the clones and they look healthy.. I'd be doing it if I had liquid light or penetrator gold though.
You should try it, Mikey likes it :) You do not have to go buy anything just use what you have and dishsoap. Research it!


Well-Known Member
Foliar spray dose work fine but each to his own, i run a small grow room so cannot spray or ill get the electrics wet. Personally if you have a healthy plant i find thet spraying dose nothing that the roots can't do but if the plant is hungry and the roots are sick it is a great alternative. I use to fert in the soil and spray seaweed and epsom salts in a diluted form if i ever had anything past NPK deficiency.

Glad to see that you kept the nutes weak. I would be more inclined to water this time with a foliar spray but a light fertilize won't hurt much, remember that you have added ferts for the next time, recomend just water at the next watering. When they start to dry out don't let them overdry, cultivating the surface with a spoon or fork or some mini garden tool will keep the soil evenly moist and let it evenly dry throughout, very simple yet very effective, too dry roots will turn brown and die quick in the complete dry. I always find that the bottom of the pot stays wet for longer than the top so sometimes i just add a little water to the top of the pot very slowly so that it soaks into the top layer only on the occasional waterings where the pot still feels heavy but the soil is dry 2/3 inches down. Post some more pics of the results and how the plant is doing if you could, can compare them to the previous picture.

P.s. ignore Sparkafires advances, hes been single for a long time now!lol!


Active Member
Yea i went real light on the nutes im expecting the soil to be good already ill prolly just use plain ph balanced water for the next 2 feedings and i did the foliar spray last night and this morning and i probably will give them another shot before bed

and about the soil i noticed that a couple days ago the top of the soil was all dry and right under it was still pretty moist so i just used a spoon to move around the soil and i sprayed the dirt with the foliar spray i didnt want to go to deep tho because i dont know how big the roots have grown, wouldnt want to damage those babies, here go some pics that i just took



Well-Known Member
Well it looks better, a little anyway, roots dont really grow in the top inch of soil, trust me cultivate the top of the soil, just dig it round and loosen the top half inch to an inch, will stop the soil crusting over and help the soil evenly dry. I will wait for your boyfriend to say somthing!lol!


Active Member
Yea i moved around about an inch or a little more. i dont really see any difference, but i havent actually compared the pics but hopefully hey get alot better, BTW my husband, and say something about what?


Well-Known Member
I meant sparkafire, sorry for joking but after all i am stoned and there is no reason why serious discussion shouldn't be tainted with the odd bit of humour now and again. Looking at those pics more closely i am thinking sparafire is right with the foliar spray and nutes, obviously you have fertilized twice and weakly but the plants do look hungry. See how they go anyway and keep us updated with pics so we can see the results and hopefully recovery.


Well-Known Member
NICE!!!!! They look SOOOOOOO much better! Don't be too afraid to feed them they are big plants they can handle it.


Active Member
Holy shit Dan Dan the Hydroman actually had a thought out reply Nice!!! Right up till you started to get all scientific with the "it may have nutes that are not available" .Dont confuse the guy he has a definite nutrition problem just look at the leaves and stems does it look like anything?

Do you have a grow and bloom nute yet if so what is it? You need to mix up a batch I would say young plant strength and get into the pot ASAP and depending on what you have for nutes you need to start a foliar spray as well but we need to know what you are using first and then we can start fixing your plant. No worries buddy it is not that bad and in a week it will look like a new plant.

Superthrive is a hormone and will not have the power to help with what you need. You need a good grow nute.

No on the silica for now.
You should consider others advice before assuming you already know it all. You also shouldn't be so quick to diagnose a deficiency when it could be due to a lockout. There are some signature signs of lockout, but to most growers a lockout and deficiency look the same. If you diagnose it wrong and use that solution, the problem gets worse.

And thank you spreading my advice in your posts. :)


Active Member
@kingrow LOL I guess i was too stoned to pick up on your joke, i get it now, i was all super confused like what is he talking bout =? and yea im thinking they are hungry too poor girls, i added some rainbow grow to the top of the soil its like some powder stuff that has guanos and other great stuff in it, hopefully that helps them out some more, i been doing the foliar spray 2 times a day, i was thinking bout maybe making it 3 times a day see if they recover a little faster, what do you guys think???

and if you look at the pics on the sativa plant (which was supposably my healthy plant) one of the leaves is super yellow and dried and broken off at the tip, is that caused by lack of nutrients??? should i chop it off???

the sativa plant seems really healthy besides that and its retaining the water well, but the soil on the indica seem to be dry already i think i might water her again in the morning, she was probably really thirsty and just sucked all that shit up quick


Well-Known Member
I'll agree on that a lock out and nute deficiency do look the same sometimes especially when all over the plant but in the early stages it is more visable as to what it is. It always confuses me as to what is going on with the plants but knowing feeding schedules and waterings etc etc makes for a much clearer picture. Sometimes getting it wrong for me is worth more in knowledge than getting it right, one day someone might come up with a talking strain and it can just tell us its bloody problems.


Active Member
well i dont think that my problem is lock out because i ph'd my water last night and the run off was the same level, checking the ph of the water and the run off everytime will prevent any nute lock out problems right???


Well-Known Member
Just seen your post cat eyes, please go slow with the nutes as they are dangerous things in the wrong hands, rather a slight nute deficiency than an overdose anyday! By the way my soil company has been ripping me off royally, i first used westlands soil years ago and has always been very hot and full of nutes, used it for years now with the same problem! I start growing this year and 2 week old seedlings are showing me calcium def already as well as slight yellowing all over!! I noticed the seedling soil was a lot more muddier this year and loads more sand than usual and with the flowering compost i am pretty much either fertilizing with the watering at the first repotting stage or a week after, this stuff use to give me 4/5 weeks solid growth before nute deficiency and has gone so weak!! I am fighting phosphorous and pottasium problems right from the word flower and the only major problem i haven't had is magnesium but added epsom salts already just incase! Do these soil companies wana fight or what, the soils been the same for years and won awards, think this season they forgot to add the nutes. You now see why i wish i was in hydro because i can grow those plants well but with soil there is so much you can't control and once you have a problem it takes ages to show good growth again, think i would be a pro in hydro!


Well-Known Member
well i dont think that my problem is lock out because i ph'd my water last night and the run off was the same level, checking the ph of the water and the run off everytime will prevent any nute lock out problems right???
Sort off, i dont bother and to check ever so sparkafire or dan dan the hydroman will explain better but a nute lockout can happen from to many nutes as well (weird i know but thats how annoying these plants can be as well). PPM or parts per million is what you check the strength of the nutes in and too high can cause a nute lockout. The difference between the plant burning and lockingout is that in a lockout the plant wont absorb the nutes and looks deficient, in a burn the plant has absorbed too many nutes which cause burn. Dont worry about ppm if you dont want to, you learn along the way how to stay in the safe zones and things like regular flushes and repotting revert the soil back to a netral state, sort of.


Well-Known Member
OK we are getting into over thinking mode here. The plants look great we solved the problem we know how to fix the problem now lets enjoy the grow. She is a smart gal I think she has walked her way though this and understands a whole lot more about what was going on and its my guess is that within a week the plants will be green. Nice job Cat!

Dan Dan the Hydroman your a douche!


Well-Known Member
OK we are getting into over thinking mode here. The plants look great we solved the problem we know how to fix the problem now lets enjoy the grow. She is a smart gal I think she has walked her way though this and understands a whole lot more about what was going on and its my guess is that within a week the plants will be green. Nice job Cat!

Dan Dan the Hydroman your a douche!
Leave dan dan alone sparky! Hes just learning like the rest of us, dont listen to him dan hes just uptight he's been single so long.!lol!


Active Member
So do you mix all kinds of shit in your soil or you just keep it how it is? cuz i keep reading about mixing the perlite and sand and worm casings, but i was reading the bag of my soil and it says it has that stuff in there? is the water supposed to drain at a slow pace? cuz mines drains kinda fast


Well-Known Member
What do you mean by drains? do you mean the soil is going dry quick or it all pours out the bottom when you water it? The soil mix will have lots of things in and should be fine.