I Was Out All Day and Came Home to Burned and a Dying Plant Pls.Help! Pics Attached


Active Member
I am a new grower these are my first plants and i have been putting them thru hell =( at first i had them under a t5 wasnt cutting it now i have them under a 250mh light i came home left them alone for about 8 hours and came home to them burned and curled, is it due to the light??? or lack of water or nutrients??? please help me thanks so much



Active Member
It doesn't look like light damage. Your plant looks starved of nutrients and dry. Before I say that, what kind of soil are you using? It may have nutrients that just aren't available.


Well-Known Member
I remember using that same sentence when asking for help in my first grow "putting them thru hell" LMAO, Anyhow you have the CLAW my friend. That's from N burn, and over fertilization. You want to flush and give them 24 hours in water and superthrive to ease the stress and they can recover. The sooner you act, the more the chances for the plants to overcome this. When you start feeding again go with 1/2 dosage, then up it to 3/4 if necessary. SLOWLY


Active Member
Im using happy frog soil i transplanted them about a week ago or less

i posted earlier about them yellowing and everyone said they had n deficiency and i over watered so before leaving i added a couple spoons of rainbow grow to the top of the soil they need water im 100% sure of that i just wanna make sure i add all the right stuff to the water before i water them, i have a gallon of water i added 1/4 teaspoon superthrive and i ph'd it at 6.3-6.5 im gonna put some of that in a spray bottle for my foliar spray, i think thats all im gonna do because the soil should have nutrients everyone says happyfrog should have 2 weeks of nutrients in it,

i have silica blast would that help at all???


Well-Known Member
It doesn't look like light damage. Your plant looks starved of nutrients and dry. Before I say that, what kind of soil are you using? It may have nutrients that just aren't available.
Holy shit Dan Dan the Hydroman actually had a thought out reply Nice!!! Right up till you started to get all scientific with the "it may have nutes that are not available" .Dont confuse the guy he has a definite nutrition problem just look at the leaves and stems does it look like anything?

Do you have a grow and bloom nute yet if so what is it? You need to mix up a batch I would say young plant strength and get into the pot ASAP and depending on what you have for nutes you need to start a foliar spray as well but we need to know what you are using first and then we can start fixing your plant. No worries buddy it is not that bad and in a week it will look like a new plant.

Superthrive is a hormone and will not have the power to help with what you need. You need a good grow nute.

No on the silica for now.


Well-Known Member
I remember using that same sentence when asking for help in my first grow "putting them thru hell" LMAO, Anyhow you have the CLAW my friend. That's from N burn, and over fertilization. You want to flush and give them 24 hours in water and superthrive to ease the stress and they can recover. The sooner you act, the more the chances for the plants to overcome this. When you start feeding again go with 1/2 dosage, then up it to 3/4 if necessary. SLOWLY
The claw is the last thing he has. Where did you come up with that please?


Well-Known Member
Ok cool go make up a batch 10 mil or 2 tea per gal and water the plant really well. Then make a foliar spray out of it 1/8 tea per quart and spray that thing once tonight and in the morning. Then once a day until its starts to get better. You can add your super thrive into the nute mix for watering.


Active Member
@spark a fire, Thanks Man you been helping me alot is it possible to over do it on the foliar spray??? because if it is possible i probably will lol i tend to them wayyyy to much, im obsessed with them i feel bad i want to help them,


Well-Known Member
never poke the bear your thread will be jacked. It comes with the territory That was a good one though Newbie Burn. LOL


Well-Known Member
@spark a fire, Thanks Man you been helping me alot is it possible to over do it on the foliar spray??? because if it is possible i probably will lol i tend to them wayyyy to much, im obsessed with them i feel bad i want to help them,
Lets do this just mix it up spray it once and then spray again in the morning. You do not want to burn them trying to fix them. 1/8 tea no more if no signs of burn then sure you can spray more. You will find the plants talk to you telling you what they want.


Active Member
"never poke the bear your thread will be jacked" ??? Lol wats that supposed to mean

&nd Thanks Sounds like a good plan, Ill keep u updated thanks for the help =)


Well-Known Member
They look clawlish and over ferted, but I'm sorry if I was misleading the OP it wasn't my intention anyways good to know he's in good hands now.
Sorry man its just this board has so many people giving jacked up info its hard not to be snappy I know we are all learning but when the info is way out of line in my opinion I call it and then maybe I will learn something. It wont be the first time I get "learned" by stepping on my dick over reaching my knowledge. The best way I found to learn is by researching other people bullshit for them.

I should have said poke the troll. You never heard "Don't poke the bear?" hmmmmm You must be young :)


Active Member
Yea i noticed that shit i know people are trying to help but stoners are fucken know it alls lmao but thats why i try to research everything especially some random persons opinion and i already know if they dont ask me some kinds of questions before giving their opinion they are probably wrong so i just look shit up everywhere i dont want to fuck up my lil babies i know i could go get new ones but i got attached to them lol, BTW not a man lol... everyone automatically assumes men are the people that grow weed lol...


Well-Known Member
Well then let me be the first one to hit on you then !!! Are you hot right? LMAO! There are chicks on here but very few. What stoners lazy and think they know stuff? NoWAY!


Well-Known Member
Get a room you two!!! Anyway i don't want to disagree with sparkafire but i am compelled to!lol! Why the fertilize or even foliar spray??? I feel that a straight watering may show good recovery and if a fertilize is needed just a very weak one. The size of pot is big and if repotted to the right size as he seems to have done a week ago i see no reason why the plant isn't living comfortably in the new soil and its nutes (providing he has potted up from a low strength seedling soil etc etc to a higher strength soil)!? I too would be tempted to fertilize lightly at this point too but know i would hold off to see what happens with just a pH'd watering first. If that failed i know i would definatly fertilise next watering. I am no noob so don't take this the wrong way, normally i would agree with you but here i feel that i would have taken a different action to you, why is this?!


Active Member
Happily Married Thanks...

Yea i was worried to over fertilize so i made a extremely diluted gallon of water with the normal amount of superthrive but 1/4 of the amount of nutes, i am worried about over fertilizing because i did transplant less than a week ago with happy frog so the soil should still be rich in nutrients because i did water with nutes and superthrive then, i been hearing alot of different shit about foliar spray, that its good for quick recovery but over doing it can burn the leaves right? and i also hear that the leaves will get a salty look on them i think my sativa plant is getting that rough saltyness on it last night i watered them and sprayed them, dont see much of a difference now, how quick do they start to recover? i really was expecting to come home and see bigger and happier plants but came home to toasty brown sad girls =(