
New Member
I really want to start growing, my friend accidentally dropped a nug into a pot by his window and it just so happened to sprout and now he has 4 mason jars full of pretty ok bud. If he can do that on accident so I'm thinking if I actually try how good would it be.

Right now where I live its about to be winter and our winters drop to normally 22F on really cold days, so I know i'll need to keep it indoors.

other than that what strains would be good for a first time grower
could I just set it on my window seal before i leave for class every day and that would be good lighting, or should i get a light.
should i do a grow box, is that wise or just go as i learn
how much water a day
soil type

anything and everything would help me start this journey
Not to be mean... Well kinda... Because posts like this are incredibly annoying. If you cant find the very readily available information on how to begin growing weed with a simple google search... What makes you think your going to be successful in the actual process of growing? Get a book, google, read forums. Im sorry, but nobody is going to waste their time trying to teach You anything if you can't be bothered to do the slightest amount of research first before jumping on here and and saying "derr da derr my friend grow weed now i want to too!! How I do this? And I don't want to put in any work or spend any money!" ... riiiight...

I personally think your friend is full of shit. He dropped a nug into a pot by his window? And it just happened to grow into a 2-3oz plant all on its tiny little lonesome? Im certainly not doubting the incredible persistence and resilience of this plant... But come on dude.

Invest in some decent seeds, pick an area that is large enough to accomidate the number of plants you desire to grow (at least a 2' x 2' x 3'H if you want to produce anything worth bragging to your friend about) seeds, get some decent lighting, good soil, and a cheap nutrient to feed it. Thats where you start.
Not to be mean... Well kinda... Because posts like this are incredibly annoying. If you cant find the very readily available information on how to begin growing weed with a simple google search... What makes you think your going to be successful in the actual process of growing? Get a book, google, read forums. Im sorry, but nobody is going to waste their time trying to teach You anything if you can't be bothered to do the slightest amount of research first before jumping on here and and saying "derr da derr my friend grow weed now i want to too!! How I do this? And I don't want to put in any work or spend any money!" ... riiiight...

I personally think your friend is full of shit. He dropped a nug into a pot by his window? And it just happened to grow into a 2-3oz plant all on its tiny little lonesome? Im certainly not doubting the incredible persistence and resilience of this plant... But come on dude.

Invest in some decent seeds, pick an area that is large enough to accomidate the number of plants you desire to grow (at least a 2' x 2' x 3'H if you want to produce anything worth bragging to your friend about) seeds, get some decent lighting, good soil, and a cheap nutrient to feed it. Thats where you start.

no need to be a jerk, ive been reading up on stuff for weeks now, i purchased 3 books, have tons of links on my laptop. I just felt like it would be a good idea to ask people who've probably known this for years so i would feel better about it and hopefully not make to many mistakes. Sorry for wanting to talk or get advice from a more experienced person. Any lover of weed, wouldn't care if it was in a forum or not, if you have questions they have answers because everyone should be able to experience the glory of growing..not once did i say i didn't wanna put in any work or money.


Also my friend noticed very early on what it was, right towards the end of the seedling stage once he realized this he put it in a plot of his own and made a little space bucket until it got to big and from there he cleared out his closet bought some light fixtures and kept taking care of it.
There's lots of great info on here already and the reason people get a little bit quirked about these types of threads is because they happend so often and it's like pissing in the wind ....if you have done research and bought books and you have a friend ....then you should of already bought fixtures and seeds and have a lot more planned out than blindly asking what to do .........the same guys that give you shit now will help you out once you get under way and are asking hands on questions .......you start by popping a seed and until then what is there to ask besides opinions and there's millions of those free all over the internet ........gotta show your serious get seeds get equipment soil all your shit and then come ask ......not being a dick just trying to make you realize there's lots of people who waste others time with no intentions of growing ......get your stuff like I said above and then post and people can tell you what's good and bad from there ..........if your friend is growing that's a person to get advice from to ....
no need to be a jerk, ive been reading up on stuff for weeks now, i purchased 3 books, have tons of links on my laptop. I just felt like it would be a good idea to ask people who've probably known this for years so i would feel better about it and hopefully not make to many mistakes. Sorry for wanting to talk or get advice from a more experienced person. Any lover of weed, wouldn't care if it was in a forum or not, if you have questions they have answers because everyone should be able to experience the glory of growing..not once did i say i didn't wanna put in any work or money.


Also my friend noticed very early on what it was, right towards the end of the seedling stage once he realized this he put it in a plot of his own and made a little space bucket until it got to big and from there he cleared out his closet bought some light fixtures and kept taking care of it.
how old are you? do you live alone or with others? if you live with others (parents, friends, relatives, gf, bf, etc) are they ok with you growing and can you trust them completely?

answer these questions and i'll see what i can do to help you find the right direction.
I dont think your friend told you the whole truth..but anyways..

If in doors what space did you have in mind?...and no, right by your window wont work. Your space will dictate what track to go down..very small space CFL is the norm. If you are using a decent space then COBs or Gavita's would arguably produce the most yield..heat is also an issue.
So, yea. space and if its not a room size or in a grow tent what is it? Fridge, cupboard, PC case... ?
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Im sorry, but I still dont see a question that can't be easily found in your numerous resources you've aquired but apperantly haven't read yet.

Lighting - I guarantee you there is a section entitled "lighting" if all 3 of your books and almost every link you have saved. They will most likely go over which lighting sources are best for which growing sitiations, along with detailed information on electricity consumption, light output, quality of light, and what you can expect to produce with said lighting. You will most likely choose to go with cfl or t5, so I would read up on that. They are cheap, effective, heat/energy efficient, and great for small spaces.
**Tldr; To answer your question: No, do not just put it kn your windowsill before you go to school.

Good strains for a first grower, first just find strains that appeal to you, then research them a bit more to see if they will be good fits for your skill level and growing style. There are just tok many to list.
Good places to order include: TheDankTeam, Jamesbean co., Great Lakes Genetics, Midweek Song, @HeadieGardens on IG... And many many others you can find on this very forum in the breeder/seedbank review page... Or all over the newbie forum. Just look for titles such as "where do I get seeds?!!"

Im not sure what you mean by "grow box or go as I learn?" You need an area that is completely sealed and light proof. Light leaks will cause you issues. Get a tent, build a box, or seal your closet.

These are the questions that really erked me:
Soil type?
How much water a day?

Ok, so if you have, in fact, do have the research materials you said you have; and you have, in fact, been "reading up on stuff for weeks now," there should be no need to ask these.

You will find a million posts on here about soils and watering. First of all, watering will depend on several factors such as pot size, size of plants and their roots, heat and humidity. Most likely you will not water daily. You will most likely be watering every 4-5 days at first in a small solo cup or small pot. When you get up to larger pots, your frequencybof watering will greatly depend on the size of plants/root mass compared took ur pot sizes. Research a little on the pot lift method rather than going by days in between.

Many soils will work. It will depend what what you have available to you. I would just suggest adding some pearlite. Number one issue newbies run into is overwatering. If your soil drains well, you will be less likely to make your soil muddy by overwatering. Most people here (including myself) use fox farms ocean forest (ffof) or fox farms happy frog (ffhf) mixed with about 15-30% pearlite. Other popular choices are: ProMix, Sunshine #4, Roots Organic, Black and Gold. Some even use mirical grow with good results (use pearlite!!).

All of your books will go over all of this (except maybe the strains/seeds).
There's lots of great info on here already and the reason people get a little bit quirked about these types of threads is because they happend so often and it's like pissing in the wind ....if you have done research and bought books and you have a friend ....then you should of already bought fixtures and seeds and have a lot more planned out than blindly asking what to do .........the same guys that give you shit now will help you out once you get under way and are asking hands on questions .......you start by popping a seed and until then what is there to ask besides opinions and there's millions of those free all over the internet ........gotta show your serious get seeds get equipment soil all your shit and then come ask ......not being a dick just trying to make you realize there's lots of people who waste others time with no intentions of growing ......get your stuff like I said above and then post and people can tell you what's good and bad from there ..........if your friend is growing that's a person to get advice from to ....
I'd like to elaborate for you a bit, seems our new friend needs a bit of help that I might can give...

@potluck40... just take a moment and read over your first post, what the actual question was, what context you asked it in and what you were hoping to hear from experienced members who've been at this for a pretty long time, maybe longer than you've been alive. Not trying to be mean about your age but you're not coming off as much older than 15 or 16.

I say this because we are all adults here, there are rules we have to follow as does anyone that is a member, and there are certain things you shouldn't do if you want to be taken seriously. Writing in all caps insinuates yelling and whether or not the person you were addressing deserved it doesn't matter. No one is going to reach out and help you if they see you have a short fuse and don't seem to know what questions to ask.

Like @Indacouch said, newbies do ask the same questions a lot. So much so that the ones here that can help usually evaluate the posters question to get a feel for experience and willingness to take advice, etc. before proceeding to comment in order to help the best way possible.

We are here to help those who have done the research at least and have questions about growing mediums, fertilizers, lighting, and other general topics. My point is, if you have a question, ask it. Think about it first, the audience you're trying to reach, and what it is you want to get out of the conversation.
rollitup has really shitty users got dammit, i'm 19 live alone, i was thinking of putting it in this small little rectangle kind of area in my room and sealing it off, about a 3x4 space just this weird little thing that doesn't fit anything. also honestly i just didn't understand alot of what lights and soil to use, the nutrients it needs, i had different advice from each area one basically said its a weed stick in some dirt give it some water and thats all, one made it seem like rocket science and i should be getting certain soils, certain light fixtures, grow tints, fans etc saying if i didn't do this step by step it would die. another said only use white rooms , while one said silver like backdrops work best. my friend told me to make my own grow box with styrofoam insulation he also told me to use 15W grow lamps , other sites have told me only use florescent bulbs while someone on grasscity forum told me LED lights are best. I've been told to make a spacebucket and to make a grow tint from pvc pipe, i personally would like to just buy a grow tint but i've been told they are shitty. As you can tell I've been given alot of different information, I just want to get it somewhat right the first time so I don't have to go through the wasting money buying the wrong product, I'm a college student money is VERY tight but if I can get this started I'll be able to eliminate the cost of buying weed which is running about $100 a week, plus my dealer gets locked up what seems like every other month so I also don't like going through the process of finding another dealer someone I don't fully trust until my normal dealer is out. I have a slight autism and have found that weed helps me concentrate, think, and function as a person, hell it got me through highschool graduated 3rd in my class. Thing is the books, alot of what I'm reading I think i understand but not fully.
rollitup has really shitty users got dammit, i'm 19 live alone, i was thinking of putting it in this small little rectangle kind of area in my room and sealing it off, about a 3x4 space just this weird little thing that doesn't fit anything. also honestly i just didn't understand alot of what lights and soil to use, the nutrients it needs, i had different advice from each area one basically said its a weed stick in some dirt give it some water and thats all, one made it seem like rocket science and i should be getting certain soils, certain light fixtures, grow tints, fans etc saying if i didn't do this step by step it would die. another said only use white rooms , while one said silver like backdrops work best. my friend told me to make my own grow box with styrofoam insulation he also told me to use 15W grow lamps , other sites have told me only use florescent bulbs while someone on grasscity forum told me LED lights are best. I've been told to make a spacebucket and to make a grow tint from pvc pipe, i personally would like to just buy a grow tint but i've been told they are shitty. As you can tell I've been given alot of different information, I just want to get it somewhat right the first time so I don't have to go through the wasting money buying the wrong product, I'm a college student money is VERY tight but if I can get this started I'll be able to eliminate the cost of buying weed which is running about $100 a week, plus my dealer gets locked up what seems like every other month so I also don't like going through the process of finding another dealer someone I don't fully trust until my normal dealer is out. I have a slight autism and have found that weed helps me concentrate, think, and function as a person, hell it got me through highschool graduated 3rd in my class. Thing is the books, alot of what I'm reading I think i understand but not fully.
so a 3x3? Ok U can go up to about a 600w HID set up if u want to go that way.

Its probably a little to big a space for CFLs but T5 flouros would work ok as would COBs (COBS are expensive unless u can build em yourself). But for bang for ur buck maybe a cheap LED? Leds are not to hot either so u may not get a heat issue.

You will still need an exhaust fan, timer and small fan to circulate the air inside the tent. Id go a good quality soil myself but thats up to you and how comfortable you are with learning new things.
rollitup has really shitty users got dammit, i'm 19 live alone, i was thinking of putting it in this small little rectangle kind of area in my room and sealing it off, about a 3x4 space just this weird little thing that doesn't fit anything. also honestly i just didn't understand alot of what lights and soil to use, the nutrients it needs, i had different advice from each area one basically said its a weed stick in some dirt give it some water and thats all, one made it seem like rocket science and i should be getting certain soils, certain light fixtures, grow tints, fans etc saying if i didn't do this step by step it would die. another said only use white rooms , while one said silver like backdrops work best. my friend told me to make my own grow box with styrofoam insulation he also told me to use 15W grow lamps , other sites have told me only use florescent bulbs while someone on grasscity forum told me LED lights are best. I've been told to make a spacebucket and to make a grow tint from pvc pipe, i personally would like to just buy a grow tint but i've been told they are shitty. As you can tell I've been given alot of different information, I just want to get it somewhat right the first time so I don't have to go through the wasting money buying the wrong product, I'm a college student money is VERY tight but if I can get this started I'll be able to eliminate the cost of buying weed which is running about $100 a week, plus my dealer gets locked up what seems like every other month so I also don't like going through the process of finding another dealer someone I don't fully trust until my normal dealer is out. I have a slight autism and have found that weed helps me concentrate, think, and function as a person, hell it got me through highschool graduated 3rd in my class. Thing is the books, alot of what I'm reading I think i understand but not fully.

You sound really frustrated and I get it. A lot to learn, a lot of different opinions and directions..it's a lot to digest. You will catch on, I promise. Just try to slow your roll a bit and breathe man. You may do better watching videos, I'm a visual learner/hands on person myself. The video @cat of curiosity posted is really super, breaks it down and spells out the what's and why's and will get you on your way to a nice harvest.

Order you some seeds and prepare your grow space while you wait. As you go along if you have any concerns, pop on and post them here. Once you get established, then you should start a grow journal or grow thread where members can peek in and see what you have going on and offer advice.

I know some around here can be a pita but it's mostly a good bunch of knowledgeable folks that give great advice. Try not to be so defensive, let it roll off you because this is in fact, a forum. Lots of people around here, over 10K last I heard, so you will have to deal with trolls badgering you from time to time. That doesn't mean you have to respond to them, we have a great feature called the "Ignore button" that a lot of us have found useful :)
For those who are truly passionate about the cultivation practices, knowledges and wisdom of the Cannabis Industry, culture and history. The true activist or even those affiliated... it can be a little annoying....

Lol i kinda feel you when you say RIU has some shitty users lol but at the same time it can be insightful and truly helpful. Everyone has something different to bring to the table.. take it with a grain salt.

Ill offer you this and point you into a direction that may keep things as simple as possible. If you can't have minimal success with this then you may want look into other endeavors.

A book by the name of Teaming with microbes... Look into ROLS thread right here on RIU.... Don't get to caught up in sales hypes... a basic simple organic recipe after reading Teaming with microbes will provide more than enough information and ROLS will help apply this information.

Then read up on info about how much DLI you will need for the space you want to use and calculate how many photons you will need to provide to get the most out of your space.
What is your goal? Are you trying to produce the most weight or the highest quality? Keep It Simple Stupid (KISS)!!! Youll see that acronym a lot. Its only as complicated as you want to make it. Whats your budget? What kind of equipment do you have access to? Do you have a hydro store near you? Can you order what you need online (some aren't as comfortable with this as others)? What kind of energy consumption can you use? Is heat or cold going to be an issue? These are all questions that you should ask yourself and others to reach your goal.
I really want to start growing, my friend accidentally dropped a nug into a pot by his window and it just so happened to sprout and now he has 4 mason jars full of pretty ok bud. If he can do that on accident so I'm thinking if I actually try how good would it be.

Right now where I live its about to be winter and our winters drop to normally 22F on really cold days, so I know i'll need to keep it indoors.

other than that what strains would be good for a first time grower
could I just set it on my window seal before i leave for class every day and that would be good lighting, or should i get a light.
should i do a grow box, is that wise or just go as i learn
how much water a day
soil type

anything and everything would help me start this journey

Keep it simple. The problem with sites like this and many others is that you actually wind up getting so much information from so many different types of growers that you become completely confused on what to do.

For your first time, I would suggest:
  • AK47
  • Super Skunk
  • White Widow
Those three strains are VERY forgiving and pretty easy to take care of.

Don't get all caught up in the nutrient war. Go simple and keep it simple.

The two biggest factors you're going to have are lighting and water. You need good quality water and a good light. Without those, you're screwed before you start no matter what you do.

Buy feminized seeds.

Do NOT try advanced growing methods like scrog, super-crop and others.

Top once (plenty of info on topping everywhere) and let them grow.

That's about it. I have two White Widows right now about the size of small bushes with a total investment of less than 40 bucks, so don't get all caught up in the bullshit when it comes to soil, nutrients and all that jazz.

Lighting is the most expensive thing. Take care of that first. The type of light you buy will be dictated by how much space you have to work with and how many plants you plan on growing. Figure that out first and everything else will fall into place.