I used to be so proud of being Canadian

I'm sure as hell glad Im not Canadian.

I'm not so sure about that....driving laws in Ontario totally stink compared to Michigan but everything else seems more cool, the people seem more free. Yeah I agree the police in Canada have too much power yet the courts are not nearly as mean as the US courts are.

Take the Vapor Lounge in Toronto, open for well over 5 years now, never raided/shut down, no MM card needed, just bring your bud inside and relax or take in a show. If your 18 or older, thats good enough.

That would never ever happen here in the USA, weed is illegal and even the 2 states where it is legal, clubs like V.C. are illegal unless its all medical only members. One place in Colorado got raid and members arrested during some "private party" cops claimed it was still in public and illegal.

The dude from VC, Chris, told me, well people need to stand up and fight, I've been arrested over 30 times, even spent the night in jail...ah in the USA, U can't get arrested 30 times, by your 5---10th arrested, its all over for you, they lock you up "forever" as a habitual offender..some places have "3 strikes and U are out" 3 felonies and its life in prison for U.

Nope, Canada seems to value life more and give folks more chances. They also don't kill their own people, no matter how bad the crime was.
My brother was in court last week for having a mini bong in his pocket while walkin home from a friends.
I did 1000 hrs of community service for a one year old roach...now geanted i lost my shit on the cop but the charge was the same.
I know of three mmpr guys that were raided and demo'd they were never charged but the cops tore fown their gear and killed all the plants.

Ive been to four drs that all say i cant work anymore and my back is finished yet they wont sign my script.
Its not as weed friendly as everyone likes to think.

Is it better than africa well obviously but ive never lived there to watch their society take a steady decline the way i have here.
When i was a kid i used to sing along to the anthem and get nostalgic because my great grandfather fought in both wars now i find it sad.
When we send troops all over the world to help police planet earth yet neglect all the problems at home.

How they treat aboriginals is wrong but they are simply maintaining the status quo started many moons ago.
Yeah there is lot wrong with Canada and they can be unfair to some but the USA isn't much better and in some ways worst. Community service stinks but its better then going to jail and having to take drug tests for 1--2 years and if you mess up even just once, its back to jail for U. And don't think a mini bong won't get U jail time, if U refuse to play their game and do drug testing, counseling and community service well its off to jail for 6 months....and get this, U can be charged with other crimes while in jail. Some ass wipe starts a fight with U and U kick their butt, U get charged with assault or worst. So now U are in for 2 or more years. (this stuff really happens)

We had a saying back in HS, it went, "Roaches don't get you high, they just get U busted" we always burned our roaches to a crisp, never save them.

Never own more then 2 pipes/bongs. If U keep more then 2, then its too easy to lose track of 1 of them and it might show up one day and get U busted. If U buy a new pipe, U throw your old pipe away immediately.

But public transportation, health care, community services are all much better in Canada. I rather be poor and a Canadian then a poor American.

Your charter bill of rights give U lots of freedom, U have a right to work in a safe environment, even if the work is deemed illegal. U have a right to use drugs in a safe environment, why safe injected sites are slowly popping up. The court ruled they are legal yet it sure is taking the time to get them anywhere else but in BC.

Safe injected sites are unheard of in the USA, if the drug is illegal, U got no right to use them, let alone in a safe environment.
Yeah there is lot wrong with Canada and they can be unfair to some but the USA isn't much better and in some ways worst. Community service stinks but its better then going to jail and having to take drug tests for 1--2 years and if you mess up even just once, its back to jail for U. And don't think a mini bong won't get U jail time, if U refuse to play their game and do drug testing, counseling and community service well its off to jail for 6 months....and get this, U can be charged with other crimes while in jail. Some ass wipe starts a fight with U and U kick their butt, U get charged with assault or worst. So now U are in for 2 or more years. (this stuff really happens)

We had a saying back in HS, it went, "Roaches don't get you high, they just get U busted" we always burned our roaches to a crisp, never save them.

Never own more then 2 pipes/bongs. If U keep more then 2, then its too easy to lose track of 1 of them and it might show up one day and get U busted. If U buy a new pipe, U throw your old pipe away immediately.

But public transportation, health care, community services are all much better in Canada. I rather be poor and a Canadian then a poor American.

Your charter bill of rights give U lots of freedom, U have a right to work in a safe environment, even if the work is deemed illegal. U have a right to use drugs in a safe environment, why safe injected sites are slowly popping up. The court ruled they are legal yet it sure is taking the time to get them anywhere else but in BC.

Safe injected sites are unheard of in the USA, if the drug is illegal, U got no right to use them, let alone in a safe environment.
I watched a documentary the other night about Detroit. Now there is one place I wouldn't want to live. The show was about all the fires that happen there. People burning their city down. Amazing to watch. What happened to all the great things that used to come out of Detroit? I sort of had the same feeling when I went home this summer to Hamilton and saw how poor people in my hood have become. The place is a ghost town compared to when I grew up there.
You are right when you say our public transit, healthcare and community services are superior to the us. I wouldn't want to pay for the shit you guys pay for. I like that I can walk into a clinic and be seen by a doctor. Might take a little time, but it's pd for. Our safe injections sites save lives. Bottom line. There is a lot that 'merica could learn from it's hat.
What happen to Detroit is everybody who could afford to leave, left. Go 20--30 mins outside Detroit and you will find some really nice neighborhoods. The people who were stuck in Detroit knew nobody cared about them, so they too did not care about anything. They resented seeing anything of value.

I'm a newbie when it comes Canada, I thought Hamilton was OK place to go shopping at on the way to Niagara Falls. I know London has been going downhill for awhile.

Whats about about Toronto, those home/condo prices are crazy, $800,000 just gets you a decent place to live in the city. This too happen in parts of the USA and then the housing crash happen but Canada banks seem more strong and the loans less risking. The USA banks were loaning money to anybody who ask for a loan, the banks just thought they could later on dumb the home on the market to pay back the loan if the borrower failed to pay up..problem is, every bank thought that and issued way too many risky loans.

It be great is somehow we could take the good of each country and merge together to create a new country, LOL. It never happen in our lifetimes, the war of 1812 is still fresh in some peoples minds but it could be great, IMO.

I would trade my right to bear arms to the right of health care and being free to do what I want with my own body. I also don't need the right of hate speech, we call it the right of free speech but its really like the right to say hateful stuff about other groups of people.
im proud of canada, but i think we have a lot more to do however progress is never easy and we will continue to face struggles throughout the way
Canada just like every other country needs to focus on solving problems and making the country better instead of continuing to try to legislate morality.
We need to stop out sourcing our oil and refine here at home. Does it really make sence to pay 13% tax on all items after your paycheque is already taxed 22%+ ? keep in mind fuel is like 50%+ tax
I watched a documentary years ago when we were at 15% and they had a math expert figure out some super complicated
Equation that basically the average true value of a dollar is like -.12cents.

Theres way too many taxes and my great grandfather died complaining how the military guys were promised that taxes were only temporary. So governments have been fukkin people for a lonnngggg time.
Theres way too many taxes and my great grandfather died complaining how the military guys were promised that taxes were only temporary. So governments have been fukkin people for a lonnngggg time.

You now how many treaties were made with the Indians over 200 years ago and none were ever kept ? I forgot how many but it was quite a few. Every one was a lie, it was just so the Indians would back off for a while and that allowed the white men to take over their land.

Both Canada and the USA spend way too much money overseas and now in space. I like to know what good rovers up on Mars does me ? Sure I get to see some pretty pictures of Mars but like I rather have a better life here on Earth. Better roads, public transit, lower taxes--that all could happen if we stop pissed money away on Mars and the Middle East
BTW, I believe men walking on the moon is one big lie, that we can not "go back to the moon" cause we never went. What else can't we do that we could do 45 years ago ? Nothing but putting a person on the moon. When the write brothers first flew an airplane, 45 years later we had jet airplanes zipping across the sky.

The kids love seeing about the moon walk and it gives hope that anything is possible, it gives everybody hope that nothing is out of reach. All governments across the world want a space program and need their people to support it, if the truth would be told that man isn't close to walking on the moon-Mars, there be less public support, so the moon walk lie lives on, why shoot it down when someday it really will happen.

I had my doubts 30--35 years ago but as time marches on and I see not one country trying to put their flag up on the moon, well, it just doesn't make much sense to me. One would think it be cheaper and easier then ever to go back to the moon.....if we ever did go.
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Sure you can ask, good question...
Why would I be proud of being Canadian in the past?...The way we were perceived by the rest of the world, and how I felt inside about how we conducted ourselves. Kinda like when your kid scores the winning goal or gets a scholarship.
I feel Canada had a very unique political view. Peacekeepers, but ready to stand up when required. Democratic. Caring. Not afraid of voicing our opinion and standing alone if required.
Our work in Cyprus and in Africa made me proud. Saying no to the USA made me proud. Our healthcare system is a source of pride.
I am proud we are a mosaic versus a melting pot.
I am for the most part proud of our history, there are some exceptions...

I think a lot about it...

I've probably got a few more years on you....I can see a shift over the decades...

Very articulate post. You and I feel the same way on a lot of lines, I can tell.

Leaving right-vs-left bullshit aside, I do believe that things have gone downhill since Harper, far faster than ever before. We need to go back to how we were as a country. We've always been known around the globe as friendly and caring. Our 'leaders' are dragging us down the same path our southern neighbours are completely spiraling down.

Heck, even many US states are opening up in regards to cannabis, but what do we do? One of the most liberal countries regarding weed, we make mandatory minimum sentences for six plants, and remove medical growing rights. sigh
