Well-Known Member
I'm sure as hell glad Im not Canadian.
I'm not so sure about that....driving laws in Ontario totally stink compared to Michigan but everything else seems more cool, the people seem more free. Yeah I agree the police in Canada have too much power yet the courts are not nearly as mean as the US courts are.
Take the Vapor Lounge in Toronto, open for well over 5 years now, never raided/shut down, no MM card needed, just bring your bud inside and relax or take in a show. If your 18 or older, thats good enough.
That would never ever happen here in the USA, weed is illegal and even the 2 states where it is legal, clubs like V.C. are illegal unless its all medical only members. One place in Colorado got raid and members arrested during some "private party" cops claimed it was still in public and illegal.
The dude from VC, Chris, told me, well people need to stand up and fight, I've been arrested over 30 times, even spent the night in jail...ah in the USA, U can't get arrested 30 times, by your 5---10th arrested, its all over for you, they lock you up "forever" as a habitual offender..some places have "3 strikes and U are out" 3 felonies and its life in prison for U.
Nope, Canada seems to value life more and give folks more chances. They also don't kill their own people, no matter how bad the crime was.