I thought this was America?

Not necessarily. As previously stated, I believe in god, but don't follow any religion.

It is possible to have faith without following a set observance procedure, which is what a religion is.

I've never looked at it that way before. Perhaps its my Catholic school upbringing.
That must be strange to believe in a God/God's but not know which way to worship them.
I believe this was recorded before the big disco craze after Saturday night fever.

Being a teenager during the late 70’s, I hated disco and the BeeGees but I always dug this song. I loved James Brown so maybe the funkiness of it appealed to me.

I hated it too, but if you wanted toot in Denver it was usually a sure bet it could be had at the disco's
I've never looked at it that way before. Perhaps its my Catholic school upbringing.
That must be strange to believe in a God/God's but not know which way to worship them.
Rules are not required in order to give devotion to Spirit. The construct of required rules is ironically the great folly of most organized religions.
Sitting here watching Trump live in OH... I would challenge Biden to speak that long without a teleprompter.
