I thought this was America?

If we follow your logic, then they are all part of something even greater, and then that is god itself. You see, you are to busy trying to define god to realize that it can not be defined, and is all encompassing.
My logic is there are no Gods or God. i don't believe in a god or gods (most of the time). Its just to control populations and for people with miserable lives to think and believe in a fairy tail afterlife.
We live, we die, the end.
I know we're venturing off of subject here, but here's by experience anyways. Living in the Middle East for a few years, I got to experience Islam in every aspect. 5 public prayers a day on loud speakers, Ramadan where they believe that Mohamed was robbed and beaten, so once a year, they refrain from eating or drinking from sunup to sundown. Then they feast, and beat theirselves with whips with chards of glass and metal to cut thier skin... I've also witnessed the Christian arena, and studied the control they have over thier audience with scriptures from Matthew saying that you should give 10% of your income to the church. ... which is bullshit. They have figured out that fear is easy money....and tax free.
Bottom line. We have thousands of religions at the moment. Is anybody right?. .. IDK. This is where I feel like the Universe is a powerful force that helps your body and soul. I feel more, or closer to my maker when im outside at night. I feel the energy as I look up at this perfect perpetual system that's been going for thousands of years. I find comfort in it. I feel a connection more so than going to church.
My brother in law has built a 5 million dollar Mega Church only to get kicked out for reasons I really don't know. But I can tell you from talking to him for the past 8 years that religion is a business. They were constantly looking at the numbers, tithes, and figuring out ways to increase the audience and tithe flow to grow the business. This was kinda my turning point that you don't need to gather to be whole as a person. You just need time outside of the city, and silence. You'll find that the Universe seems to be looking after you, if you are aware of it.
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This was kinda my turning point that you don't need to gather to be whole as a person. You just need time outside of the city, and silence. You'll find that the Universe seems to be looking after you, if you are aware of it.
Moving out of any city is a no brainer for personal happiness.
Or are you just looking after yourself?
I've lived in the countryside for 22 years now..... I love it. No neighbors, no light pollution.... just trying to give some good advise to go to the desert or whatever to bring your soul full circle, and develop peace in your mind and body.
Happy mind is a happy body. (with a beer belly.lol)

To much of the population are glass 1/2 empty people.

Work less = have sex more.
I know that people that live in highly populated areas can't see what I see. I can see it clearly. I watch the changes throughout the year, and it's a constant. I've never seen anything more reliable than the Universe. It asks nothing from you, but offers comfort when you need it. I can't tell you how many times i've looked up at the stars and said "thank you" Gratitude is a powerful tool.
I lived on a cattle station in the Kimberley desert for a bit, not far from an Aboriginal community.
Aust first nations people have perhaps the worlds oldest religion which is a creationist type thing called The Dreamtime. It dates back some 65,000 years.

The back drop of the community was a small mountain that had DreamTime significance and as such nobody was allowed to climb the mountain. But the base of the mountain was used as a rubbish tip.
Kinda sums up religion for me.

It's kind of a give and take.. the more you help someone else out, it will come back to you. We have given so many cancer patients left over weed made into oil to help with recovery. I haven't worked in 4 years, but we still are at the same level we were 4 years ago...or better actually, and I really don't understand how. I've only lost 2 patients in 4 years, but they were stage 4, and no amount of RSO is going to help at that point. But!, we have brought back people that thought they had no hope. I'm just at that point if I can help someone, I will. Life is short, help your fellow human if you can, and the world will be a better place.
It's kind of a give and take.. the more you help someone else out, it will come back to you. We have given so many cancer patients left over weed made into oil to help with recovery. I haven't worked in 4 years, but we still are at the same level we were 4 years ago...or better actually, and I really don't understand how. I've only lost 2 patients in 4 years, but they were stage 4, and no amount of RSO is going to help at that point. But!, we have brought back people that thought they had no hope. I'm just at that point if I can help someone, I will. Life is short, help your fellow human if you can, and the world will be a better place.

I posted this on another thread-

Forgive the sound quality -it gets better.
The system is setup to make you believe that the the poor man is your problem. Did you ever stop to wonder why the middle class continues to erode, poverty continues to climb, and wealth disparity reaches record levels? Why did people not go back to retail jobs? Is it really the fault of "others" just being lazy couch potatoes? People do not get the same reward today that you got for your effort by working 2-3 jobs. In the generation before me families were able to save with one bread-winner working one job. People work 2 jobs just to get by today. People working at Walmart and tending bar are investing in food, utilities, and rent, not MRNA. 5% of the population holds 85% of the stock market, their returns are far greater than average, and they rebound more quickly and robustly from recessions.

In the run up back in 2016 even the GOP said "It's time to talk about wealth inequality." Then they got control and moved $1.5 T into greater wealth concentration.

The facts are that opportunities are disappearing due to the system. It isn't a people problem. It's a resource distribution problem.
I know we're venturing off of subject here, but here's by experience anyways. Living in the Middle East for a few years, I got to experience Islam in every aspect. 5 public prayers a day on loud speakers, Ramadan where they believe that Mohamed was robbed and beaten, so once a year, they refrain from eating or drinking from sunup to sundown. Then they feast, and beat theirselves with whips with chards of glass and metal to cut thier skin... I've also witnessed the Christian arena, and studied the control they have over thier audience with scriptures from Matthew saying that you should give 10% of your income to the church. ... which is bullshit. They have figured out that fear is easy money....and tax free.
Bottom line. We have thousands of religions at the moment. Is anybody right?. .. IDK. This is where I feel like the Universe is a powerful force that helps your body and soul. I feel more, or closer to my maker when im outside at night. I feel the energy as I look up at this perfect perpetual system that's been going for thousands of years. I find comfort in it. I feel a connection more so than going to church.
My brother in law has built a 5 million dollar Mega Church only to get kicked out for reasons I really don't know. But I can tell you from talking to him for the past 8 years that religion is a business. They were constantly looking at the numbers, tithes, and figuring out ways to increase the audience and tithe flow to grow the business. This was kinda my turning point that you don't need to gather to be whole as a person. You just need time outside of the city, and silence. You'll find that the Universe seems to be looking after you, if you are aware of it.
More things we agree on. I think religion serves a good purpose but like everything else, there are always bad actors around money. and despite their religion people can still somehow rationalize separating families and treating some citizens as not worthy of their rights.