I spoke too soon


Active Member
I have Hidradenitis Suppurativa, and I can completely identify with what you are going through. (hugs)
It is an incidious acne/boil-like disease that attacks the most indiscrete areas of one's body. On my butt, in my groin, under my boobs....you name an embarrassing area to get sores....and I've had it there.

It often goes unreported because so many (including myself) are too embarrassed to even go to the Dr. to have it checked, but even when people do drum up the courage to go, it is very often misdiagnosed...as mine was as well....for over 15 years. My regular Dr. just kept saying that "some people are prone to boils and it looks like you're one of them".

It is, aside from cancer, one of the most horrific skin diseases you can come across. And there is very little to do for it, and it's incurable.

I take 50 mg's of Zinc combined with 500 mg's of tumeric, and that helps. However, the combo makes me nausous(sp)......and that is why I started smoking pot and got my card. It immediately settles my stomach.

Oh, and I want to encourage you too, to not give up with relationships.

I totally feel ugly and unsexy...all.the.time.
But my husband swears he doesn't care about it and that it doesn't turn yhim off.
All I can do is believe him. Otherwise, I'd drive myself crazy always thinking about it.

And our sex life is better than it ever has been, even after 22 years (yesterday was our anniversary)

So please be encouraged. I know how you feel.
PM me if you wanna talk....I'll shoot you my email addy if you want.


Well-Known Member
sorry for being a dick on that other thread, and im glad some people here understand


Well-Known Member
Honey, I know how you feel. Lol everyone says that.

Chronic stress induced psoriasis, born with urticaria, keratosis and granular parakeratosis.

I know there are times you want to crawl into a hole and just not be seen by the world. You look in the mirror and think 'Oh my god, why have I left the confines of my bed looking like this?'

I've managed to keep it under control in recent years from drinking more water bathing and moisturising silly amounts a day, drinking more water, heavy topical steroids and smoking more weed.


Go smoke more weed- alot of my flareups are stress related. You seem like a pretty highly strung individual, so load a bowl and chill.

Cocoa butter, shea butter, olive oil, aloe vera and argan oil- they are your friends.

Looking at my photos you'd never guess a few years ago I was basically a walking scab 0_o

There's one upside to the urticaria though, when I'm bored I can play 3D tic tac toe on my arm or something XD
I believe I have psoriasis to.Its all over my head and arms but I still haven't went to the dr.
I need to get my ass there.Do you got any idea if there's a cure for it?
I take 2 showers a day,constantly apply lotion and I've been using hydro cortisone cream but nothing is helping.I dont care what people have to say about me but I can only imagine what its like being a girl with it.

I think I got this shit in the county since I've never had a sign of it until I came home last year.


Well-Known Member
I have Hidradenitis Suppurativa, and I can completely identify with what you are going through. (hugs)
It is an incidious acne/boil-like disease that attacks the most indiscrete areas of one's body. On my butt, in my groin, under my boobs....you name an embarrassing area to get sores....and I've had it there.

It often goes unreported because so many (including myself) are too embarrassed to even go to the Dr. to have it checked, but even when people do drum up the courage to go, it is very often misdiagnosed...as mine was as well....for over 15 years. My regular Dr. just kept saying that "some people are prone to boils and it looks like you're one of them".

It is, aside from cancer, one of the most horrific skin diseases you can come across. And there is very little to do for it, and it's incurable.

I take 50 mg's of Zinc combined with 500 mg's of tumeric, and that helps. However, the combo makes me nausous(sp)......and that is why I started smoking pot and got my card. It immediately settles my stomach.

Oh, and I want to encourage you too, to not give up with relationships.

I totally feel ugly and unsexy...all.the.time.
But my husband swears he doesn't care about it and that it doesn't turn yhim off.
All I can do is believe him. Otherwise, I'd drive myself crazy always thinking about it.

And our sex life is better than it ever has been, even after 22 years (yesterday was our anniversary)

So please be encouraged. I know how you feel.
PM me if you wanna talk....I'll shoot you my email addy if you want.
I just looked that up and I gotta give it to you,your strong for not letting that get to you.


Well-Known Member
I have psoriasis that shit suuuuccccks.. nobody even wants to touch you. I mean I was covered head to toe.. I got soy Lecithin, take it everyday its been about 5 years since i had a single flair up .. btw I tried a shit ton of stuff from the dematolgist, was the only thing that even kinda helped fluocinonide usp cream .05%.. but the soy works like 50x times better:)

good luck.. sendinggood vibes your way
damn my nigga medi is peeling to lmfao.......where can I get some of that stuff?


Well-Known Member
that really sucks hun. i am sorry. you know, a lot of this stuff is stress induced. try to sit back and relax and think about positive things. don't let things get you upset...

you really need to see a specialist to manage a chronic condition. a family doctor tends to know nothing beyond the basics.

i never had any luck with OTC products for treating anything, lol. i used to have bad skin but birth control pills wiped out my skin issues. i don't think it would help with dermatitis because that's more of an infection. you may need a cream like elocon.


Well-Known Member
I believe I have psoriasis to.Its all over my head and arms but I still haven't went to the dr.
I need to get my ass there.Do you got any idea if there's a cure for it?
I take 2 showers a day,constantly apply lotion and I've been using hydro cortisone cream but nothing is helping.I dont care what people have to say about me but I can only imagine what its like being a girl with it.

I think I got this shit in the county since I've never had a sign of it until I came home last year.
psoriasis isnt something that you catch, it develops. it isnt contagious... head on down to the doctor, they can help... but in the mean time google psoriasis and compare the way your head and arms look with the pics you find