i replanted my seedling

so 5/5 germ rate nirvanas ak48 to start with very pleased and as a noob i fucked up and werfe down to 4 this is my first grow so 3/4 are coming up wonderfully no problems the husks fell off and everything now for my 4th one it didnt come up so i dug around for a bit to check it out and found it the taproot is still connected the seedling pushing out of the husk but i noticed that it was to deep down so i removed it and replanted it closer to the top of the soil will this stunt my seedling is it doomed or will it be all good in a few days

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Unless you stuffed it down there 3 inches. You should not be digging up your Germed seeds. See you did not replant a seedling. You replanted a germed seed, in my opinion. Just stick a hole in the dirt with a pen or something. And gentle place the seed root first to about 1/2- 1 &1/2 inches down. and keep it just moist. Now Soaked. And BE PATIENT!! Do not watch it like boiling water. I have had seeds Crack open in 18 hours. Others have taken 10 days. Some seeds will pop up by the next day. Some will take 3-4 days. Best to just take a few bong hits and forget about them.


Well-Known Member
Unless you stuffed it down there 3 inches. You should not be digging up your Germed seeds. See you did not replant a seedling. You replanted a germed seed, in my opinion. Just stick a hole in the dirt with a pen or something. And gentle place the seed root first to about 1/2- 1 &1/2 inches down. and keep it just moist. Now Soaked. And BE PATIENT!! Do not watch it like boiling water. I have had seeds Crack open in 18 hours. Others have taken 10 days. Some seeds will pop up by the next day. Some will take 3-4 days. Best to just take a few bong hits and forget about them.
Yep best advice is wait it out and especially those hits from the bong!lol!

As a rule i plant seedling at just under half a centimeter, that way they have enough pressure on them to sink there tap root and also push up after rooted to the surface to spread those cotyledon leaves.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Most plant deaths by new growers are committed because of over loving of the plant. Mary Jane likes to be treated more like a Booty call. Give it attention and love. Then leave it alone for 3-4 days. Depending on your cituation. I only check on my girls about once every three days. Sometimes 4-5 days. I have left them for as long as 12 days. Once I had put the light up higher then normal, and left for about 12 days. When I got back one of the tops was touching my 1K HPS. It was air cool with a Vortex fan. It was so cool, you could put your tongue on the glass easy. When I got back the Top that was touching it looked nice and normal. Except for it was bleached pure white. It looked so odd that I could not smoke it. So i threw it away.
that sounds like a good idea lol i just need to leave em be but its just so hard and so far al the research ive done and eveerything theres nothing like actually growing your own i can read 1k books and never be as good as the guy who actually grew it ya know its all just a learn as i go experience but now im learning ill be better prepared for my next grow whic will consist of 5 fem white widow cant wait!


Well-Known Member
i planted an ak48 seed from nirvana on tuesday and it still aint came through yet :( link to my grow logs in sig, check them out