I'm sorry but you are either the most stupid human being ever to inhabit this earth or you are a troll, either way this is a fucking website dedicated to drugsFor the past 3 weeks I've Benn getting high off dxm my house manager wanted to drug test me and I had urinary retention after failed tries I just gave up and came clean
THIS IS WHY I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! pinworm!!!!!!!!I appreciate what some are trying to do for you here, but if I recall correctly. You went to rehab for your "marijuana addiction". Why don't you take some time to appreciate just what kind of situation you are in. I have been hanging out with junkies my entire life. We used to shoot dope, snort, cough, fuck, fight. You've got it easy kid. You think smoking pot makes you an addict? Wake the fuck up and realize what kind of future is still ahead of you. You are 20 something years old.
Get a fucking job. Quit complaining. If you are shooting dope and eating out of a dumpster in 3 months come talk to me, I will lend a spot on my couch. Maybe I will even teach you about punk rock music. Quit spamming the forum with your first world problems.
Fuckin union town. Boot it up, shoot it up town. Surprised he made it out alive, bro. Nice track.
Ran into a cat from arcata yesterday......told me those meixicans keep that damn tar EVERYWHERE out there, then my buddy showed him some nyc white, dude nearly shit himself, heroin is truly the bringer of PAIN!
What is this thread about?
Hey, this isn't a game man. I'm going to bump above you in the overall points in about a month which means you will be beneath me on that list. Lol
Just kinda like finding a different place to eat and sleep without having to work to pay for it. Honestly, if I didn't have a job I would not be smoking weed or drinking or anything. I would be looking for work. That's just what a man does.
Jesse why can you just take all kinds of drugs, drinks tons of alcohol, and fuck lots of bitches, and then go to work the next day?
I used to snort rails off of drunken strippers ass cracks, bottles all over the place, clouds of smoke in my face! I'd wake up the next morning shaking like crazy, but there I was at work looking like I had Parkinson's
I know, you need a job first. I'm just saying handle your shit man.
In a few years I will regain my throne at the top. Till then I have no problem with you keeping my seat warm.Hey, this isn't a game man. I'm going to bump above you in the overall points in about a month which means you will be beneath me on that list. Lol![]()
I lost my mother young and got into opiates. Know where youre coming from.I was honestly unaware that weed was his only problem ......I feel kinda dumb for feeling sorry in a way .....I lost my mom when I was young and got into some hard ass shit and had nobody ........I lost a huge portion of my life do to that .......and now I'm figuring out it's just a simple weed habit to begin with .......pot helped me sleep when I was coming down off the shit that tore me apart man I feel the same way as the guy above ........you don't know what a problem is my friend or addiction for that matter .........this is a serious subject for me I've lost lots of family and good friends to real drugs so I have no sympathy for someone who says there addicted to pot then comes on a weed website to cry about it ......that's not cool man for real grow up. You havnt had a problem yet Peace