I relapsed

God damn it. The fuck. Why can't Sunni and I have our own god damn ethnic group hug??!!! The fuck? Both of us loves da beaners, but jeez this is Italian. Have some fuckin sensitivity god damn it
You do speak Italian to me he might've thought since you speak to lahada a lot
God damn it. The fuck. Why can't Sunni and I have our own god damn ethnic group hug??!!! The fuck? Both of us loves da beaners, but jeez this is Italian. Have some fuckin sensitivity god damn it
Fuck off nigg@ if u where here in person id split ur fucking lilp bich, u have some respect! U lucky this just a fuqng forum..
Ur ass would of caught one....

Honestly, Singlemalt. I cannot decide if I am mad at the mods or if I am just mad at myself. I am just so confused.
Pinny, we both know, give it a day, then it will be clear.....unless the blade is right now at the nads, of course then it changes
We are all just sad, lonely and bored. And so we wanna argue to make us feel our lives are complete. But they are complete. We got the YouTube for music videos, we got the Google to do everything else. We got smart phones and giant color tv. We are complete in the peace and love! It completes us.

Now we have a young lad who's lost his way. Let's guide him to the bus stop tomorrow morning so he can go get a job. How easy is that? We can do it if we share the peace and love. Come on peeps. Chime in and let's show this young fella the way to the bus stop so he can go find a job. Luke! We love ya my brutha! We gonna love you even more when you get a job! You set the bar so low it will seem like a miracle for realz! Have an AWESOME day Luke. Cause your just Awesome dude. Peace and Love!

Honestly, Singlemalt. I cannot decide if I am mad at the mods or if I am just mad at myself. I am just so confused.
Im mad at my computer reading this. Id buy a tazer and kha-kha-kha my own temple if i didnt have to read about this bait and chase thread.
{{triggered}} {{hears violent words}} {{does not understand sarcasm}} {{facetious attempts at humor only enrages more}}
