I relapsed

Relapse is natural it happens all the time

It's unfair to your other house mates to be doing that or bringing that into their safe space though don't bring them down with you

Pick yourself back up and dust off the guilt
Speak wth your house manager about your next steps go speak with your counsellor and let them know what happened

Make change and don't feel to guilty it happens

But as a former addict you need to cut ties with everyone who can help you get high
At least until you can be strong enough to resist

And as someone who has studied the last 2 years as a social worker in mental health and addictions and working towards my bachelors/ masters

Leave rollitup this community does nothing for you we have a quite huge and lengthy hallucinatory forum with too much to make you crave things
For the past 3 weeks I've Benn getting high off dxm my house manager wanted to drug test me and I had urinary retention after failed tries I just gave up and came clean
There's guna be people on here that are guna possibly make fun or give dumb opinions on a serious situation IMO so I agree this isn't the place for you to express the feelings your having I've been down that road myself took almost 6 years of my life ......it's no joke and I hope the best for you and being honest with yourself is the best method my friend. Good luck to you I honestly mean that addiction is a hard thing and I really wish you the best
I appreciate what some are trying to do for you here, but if I recall correctly. You went to rehab for your "marijuana addiction". Why don't you take some time to appreciate just what kind of situation you are in. I have been hanging out with junkies my entire life. We used to shoot dope, snort, cough, fuck, fight. You've got it easy kid. You think smoking pot makes you an addict? Wake the fuck up and realize what kind of future is still ahead of you. You are 20 something years old.

Get a fucking job. Quit complaining. If you are shooting dope and eating out of a dumpster in 3 months come talk to me, I will lend a spot on my couch. Maybe I will even teach you about punk rock music. Quit spamming the forum with your first world problems.
I dunno Luke. Seems like you just like being on this roller coaster ride. Everybody still taking care of you. You are really really immature like a 13 year old. When you got out of rehab and came straight back to this place it was pretty easy to guess that you would get high. I don't think it's a relapse, you just never unlapsed. You just got dry for a minute. It also sounds like you're not an addict but, just immature and have bad habits. Guess time will tell if you ever set out to be a man and do like men do to provide for themselves. So far.. I just see you kicking the same old can down the road like always. Figuring out some way to get the world to take care of you. Not trying to kick you around or anything but, it's pretty pathetic to hear your story. I honestly don't think you ever needed rehab. it doesn't sound like you've ever been strung out. Just kinda like finding a different place to eat and sleep without having to work to pay for it. Honestly, if I didn't have a job I would not be smoking weed or drinking or anything. I would be looking for work. That's just what a man does.
I dunno Luke. Seems like you just like being on this roller coaster ride. Everybody still taking care of you. You are really really immature like a 13 year old. When you got out of rehab and came straight back to this place it was pretty easy to guess that you would get high. I don't think it's a relapse, you just never unlapsed. You just got dry for a minute. It also sounds like you're not an addict but, just immature and have bad habits. Guess time will tell if you ever set out to be a man and do like men do to provide for themselves. So far.. I just see you kicking the same old can down the road like always. Figuring out some way to get the world to take care of you. Not trying to kick you around or anything but, it's pretty pathetic to hear your story. I honestly don't think you ever needed rehab. it doesn't sound like you've ever been strung out. Just kinda like finding a different place to eat and sleep without having to work to pay for it. Honestly, if I didn't have a job I would not be smoking weed or drinking or anything. I would be looking for work. That's just what a man does.
I was honestly unaware that weed was his only problem ......I feel kinda dumb for feeling sorry in a way .....I lost my mom when I was young and got into some hard ass shit and had nobody ........I lost a huge portion of my life do to that .......and now I'm figuring out it's just a simple weed habit to begin with .......pot helped me sleep when I was coming down off the shit that tore me apart man I feel the same way as the guy above ........you don't know what a problem is my friend or addiction for that matter .........this is a serious subject for me I've lost lots of family and good friends to real drugs so I have no sympathy for someone who says there addicted to pot then comes on a weed website to cry about it ......that's not cool man for real grow up. You havnt had a problem yet Peace
Henry Rollins used to be a punk rocker. Now all he does is drink crystal geyser and lift weights.

Don't tell him I said that, though. He will kick my ass.
Dudes like 50 something. Bout time to grow out of the punker thing don't ya think? Of course, I've gotta friend almost 50 still trying to front a fledgling death metal group(last I heard anyway). lol. Henry always been a health nut tho. I've read it anyway back in the day when I was a big fan. Don't like all punk. His was edgy and made sense. Now my musical tastes are a bit more refined. Classical with an edge.

Not my fav, the band name is Bond.
Dudes like 50 something. Bout time to grow out of the punker thing don't ya think? Of course, I've gotta friend almost 50 still trying to front a fledgling death metal group(last I heard anyway). lol. Henry always been a health nut tho. I've read it anyway back in the day when I was a big fan. Don't like all punk. His was edgy and made sense. Now my musical tastes are a bit more refined. Classical with an edge.

Not my fav, the band name is Bond.
You trying to squeeze one in on me? I am watching you, boy.

I was honestly unaware that weed was his only problem ......I feel kinda dumb for feeling sorry in a way .....I lost my mom when I was young and got into some hard ass shit and had nobody ........I lost a huge portion of my life do to that .......and now I'm figuring out it's just a simple weed habit to begin with .......pot helped me sleep when I was coming down off the shit that tore me apart man I feel the same way as the guy above ........you don't know what a problem is my friend or addiction for that matter .........this is a serious subject for me I've lost lots of family and good friends to real drugs so I have no sympathy for someone who says there addicted to pot then comes on a weed website to cry about it ......that's not cool man for real grow up. You havnt had a problem yet Peace
I believe he said he was doing other drugs as well not just pot

And in this thread he didn't say marijuana he named other drugs

regardless we don't know him personally we know tidbits of his life idk

Sorry to hear you had a rough past but that doesn't mean op doesn't have one either

Skeletons in your closet aren't comparable everyone has problems doesn't make other people's problems less significant because they seem like an easier path for you
Yeah that's a super serious subject for me and I don't take it lightly I'm not comparing anybody's passed or present with mine But when you've lost as many family members and friends as I have and had to really fight to get back on top I don't take it lightly Especially knowing that some of the problem was weed and he's here ...........drugs straight fucked my life up for a minute directly and indirectly so I feel for the real addicts having real issues not people looking for attention that's all ...........
Yeah that's a super serious subject for me and I don't take it lightly I'm not comparing anybody's passed or present with mine But when you've lost as many family members and friends as I have and had to really fight to get back on top I don't take it lightly Especially knowing that some of the problem was weed and he's here ...........drugs straight fucked my life up for a minute directly and indirectly so I feel for the real addicts having real issues not people looking for attention that's all ...........
But you're judging saying his problems aren't real because of what you had to endure throughout your life

He said he went to rehab for alcohol pills and weed

I've watched people die from addictions my ex boyfriend hung himself
I was an addict myself

Why I chose to go into a field to help people with these issues because I feel like it's a calling
During my schooling my eyes opened up quiet a bit
all I'm saying is we don't know him his life to say grow the fuck up because you feel his problems are insignificant because what you went through is unfair if he's struggling with real issues on the inside

That's all I hope you can see what I'm trying to say because i know you said this is a sensitive subject to you
I believe he said he was doing other drugs as well not just pot

And in this thread he didn't say marijuana he named other drugs

regardless we don't know him personally we know tidbits of his life idk

Sorry to hear you had a rough past but that doesn't mean op doesn't have one either

Skeletons in your closet aren't comparable everyone has problems doesn't make other people's problems less significant because they seem like an easier path for you
Rehab doesn't cure immaturity. That I am aware of. I mean, I know back in the day I loved the pills. I would only get strung out for weeks tho, not months so it was hard to come down but, not crazy like dudes get on it for months at a time. One day you got to check your priorities. I was an amateur musician. All my friends were in that loop and that's what we did. One day, I dumped old girl I had who was mostly the source of the pills. Moved away and just got two jobs and worked all the time. I still smoked weed 24/7 back then. And maybe within a year I quit that too for almost 15 years. It took s couple of years to get over the thirst for pills. Now I don't even think about it. I just don't do pills not even once. Like Xanax and stuff that's really addictive. Cause I know.

Anyway. You're pacifist views will prolong the maturing process. Like I said, sounds like dude is riding that sympathy train for all its worth.