I recieved a letter from Marc Emery's Wife Jodie Emery.


Well-Known Member
Now I don't know much about what all went down with the BC 3 but I can tell you that Marc Emery was a whiney fuck back in the 80's when he had a small bookshop in London, Ontario.....I know I was there and spoke to him several times.Wha.Wha>whaaaa Meee Meee Meee Whaaa Whaaa Whaaa.


Well-Known Member
Just read his blog from prison that's posted on Cannabis Culture- I think there is currently 24 posts as of today- WHA WHA.....MEEEE MEEEE. He's still a cry baby, just worse since he's in the slammer. He can't do this, he can't read that, blah, blah, blah. It's always about him and how everyone is out to get him........

Hey Canuck- nice bush!


Active Member
i love reading all the comments in all the pro marc emery threads. But not one has EVER mentioned how the Canadian Government ALLOWED the DEA to extradite him to the US. The US didnt just go on up to Canada with out warning and take the guy while he slept. The Canadian Government seemed willing to get rid of him. the judge at the extradition hearing could have said " We feel you dont have enough evidence for us to grant you the extradition at this time " Nope..... they didnt even bat an eye lash. SO blame The US all you want. But in all reality you Canadians are the one who gave him over to the US. im starting to think all Canadians are as much of a cry baby as Marc Emery, and it saddens me to say this because i am Canadian living in the US


well if you want to give us the credit ...I for one will take it !!!!!!!!!!!

and you silly fools who say he didnt break any laws hahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

f ck it used to be a two hundred dollar fine for beans now pimp boy turns it into a posible 5 year sentence..nice

but for you brainiacs I will spell it out one more time

the canadian government added a charge 3 years after the bust so they could take his store if he did fight in canada to stay

"""Possession of proceeds of crime"""" thats a f ckin law braniac !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

any way I see some of you have obviously drunk the Koolaid and the truth doesnt matter

Hitch up your Unicorns say hi to Santa and just fck off then hahhahaha


Well-Known Member
If you're ever looking you can identify him easily; he is the guy with a 4ft bong that will talk your face off.


Well-Known Member