I recieved a letter from Marc Emery's Wife Jodie Emery.


well if you had read my link you would know that to be bull shit and a lie

he went t save the money machine
his store

read unless you want to just be seen as a fool?


Well-Known Member
well if you had read my link you would know that to be bull shit and a lie

he went t save the money machine
his store

read unless you want to just be seen as a fool?
lmfao!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You're a feisty one aren't ya? I could care less why Marc Emery got the deal he got. I simply made the comment that I had seen an interview with him shortly after he'd made the deal, where he "claims" he took the deal to save some of his cohorts from going to jail. I made no assumptions as to whether he spoke the truth, just as I would make no assumptions as to the accuracy of the link you posted. I was simply telling what I had seen. Like I said before, I'll post the video if I can find it.:roll:


maybe you just dont want to?

the canadian government added a charge 3 years after the bust (in 2thousand and eight)
"Possession of Proceeds of Crime" that would have taken his store..or ego-plex as I call it

he pretended he made a deal to save the other BC2 but as I say that is a LIE

he is a scumbag and a coward

I hope he rots in jail

no one did more damage politically in canada than this looser

I am shocked some of you say .."if that link is true" well for gods sake it is written by Michelle Rainy herself...read it

Or maybe you missed this nugget from emery-iot himself?

""I've been fucked up the ass by a guy too in my early years""

hahhahahahhaa ......go ahead and tell us again why he is your hero????


emery is an idiot and I will spread the truth no matter who doesnt like it


Well-Known Member
maybe you just dont want to?

the canadian government added a charge 3 years after the bust (in 2thousand and eight)
"Possession of Proceeds of Crime" that would have taken his store..or ego-plex as I call it

he pretended he made a deal to save the other BC2 but as I say that is a LIE

he is a scumbag and a coward

I hope he rots in jail

no one did more damage politically in canada than this looser

I am shocked some of you say .."if that link is true" well for gods sake it is written by Michelle Rainy herself...read it

Or maybe you missed this nugget from emery-iot himself?

""I've been fucked up the ass by a guy too in my early years""

hahhahahahhaa ......go ahead and tell us again why he is your hero????


emery is an idiot and I will spread the truth no matter who doesnt like it
lmfao!!!!!! My hero? There you go making more ASSumptions. I never said the guy was my hero. I'm not even defending him! I will repeat myself, since you obviously didn't read it the first time; I saw an interview where he says he took the plea to save some of his friends. I never said he was being truthful or even implied that I believed him. Just stating an observation. I don't know the man. Never met him. Honestly, he does kind of come of like an arrogant tool IMO, but I digress. I have looked for the video and I can't seem to find it.:sad: It almost sounds like you have some personal beef with the guy. What is so wrong with the man trying to save his business?:-? I'm a small business owner and can tell you I'd do everything I could to save my business and source of income as well. If that makes me a bad guy in yours or anybody elses eyes, so be it. I've got mouths to feed.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Is Michelle Rainy a alias for Marc Emery? Or is Michelle Rainy a bitter bitch? Either way it does not influence my opinion that the USA should not be allowed to extradite citizens from Canada for breaking no laws. If the guy were Chuck Manson himself I would still feel the way i do, no amount of character assassination will change my viewpoint. Marc isn't my hero either, but I feel that what the US has done to a Canadian Citizen and under color of law has stepped all over every Canadian citizen who lets the US bully it around.

Canada is the USA's little bitch. Canada couldn't rule itself without help from us.


Well-Known Member
maybe you just dont want to?

the canadian government added a charge 3 years after the bust (in 2thousand and eight)
"Possession of Proceeds of Crime" that would have taken his store..or ego-plex as I call it

he pretended he made a deal to save the other BC2 but as I say that is a LIE

he is a scumbag and a coward

I hope he rots in jail

no one did more damage politically in canada than this looser

I am shocked some of you say .."if that link is true" well for gods sake it is written by Michelle Rainy herself...read it

Or maybe you missed this nugget from emery-iot himself?

""I've been fucked up the ass by a guy too in my early years""

hahhahahahhaa ......go ahead and tell us again why he is your hero????


emery is an idiot and I will spread the truth no matter who doesnt like it
that made much more sense.

and just so you know, i have always been on your side. i think marc is a tool. ;)


Well-Known Member
Is Michelle Rainy a alias for Marc Emery? Or is Michelle Rainy a bitter bitch? Either way it does not influence my opinion that the USA should not be allowed to extradite citizens from Canada for breaking no laws. If the guy were Chuck Manson himself I would still feel the way i do, no amount of character assassination will change my viewpoint. Marc isn't my hero either, but I feel that what the US has done to a Canadian Citizen and under color of law has stepped all over every Canadian citizen who lets the US bully it around.

Canada is the USA's little bitch. Canada couldn't rule itself without help from us.
did you know charles manson has never killed anyone? i don't think he was ever even at any of the crime scenes. prison for life though.


Well-Known Member
it was marc's idea to grow all that pot.

... ? Either way it does not influence my opinion that the USA should not be allowed to extradite citizens from Canada for breaking no laws. If the guy were Chuck Manson himself I would still feel the way i do, ...
it was YOU who brought up manson. a man who is in prison for never doing anything wrong. just like marc.

do you really not get it? :?


Well-Known Member
it was marc's idea to grow all that pot.

it was YOU who brought up manson. a man who is in prison for never doing anything wrong. just like marc.

do you really not get it? :?
Umm let me see, Chuck is in prison for commanding a group of people to go on a killing spree, Marc is in Prison for not breaking any laws at all, not the ones in Canada anyway. How is that the same at all? I don't think you know what your talking about. I didn't bring chuck up as a subject to discuss, YOU did. I used him as an example that no matter how dastardly or morally corrupt you are IMO it does not mean that you deserve to be prosecuted by a foreign country, extradited there while you own country sucks its thumb. You can try to legitimize the arrest and incarceration as much as you want, it still doesn't change the fact that he shouldn't be in prison.


Well-Known Member
Umm let me see, Chuck is in prison for commanding a group of people to go on a killing spree, Marc is in Prison for not breaking any laws at all, not the ones in Canada anyway. How is that the same at all? I don't think you know what your talking about. I didn't bring chuck up as a subject to discuss, YOU did. I used him as an example that no matter how dastardly or morally corrupt you are IMO it does not mean that you deserve to be prosecuted by a foreign country, extradited there while you own country sucks its thumb. You can try to legitimize the arrest and incarceration as much as you want, it still doesn't change the fact that he shouldn't be in prison.
marc commanded a group of people to break laws in the US. "overgrow the government". and then supplied some of the neccesary means to do it.

are you really this slow that you don't get it? you seem so frustrated that you can't even grasp simple concepts.

marc never committed a crime.
chuck never committed a crime.
they are both in US prisons.
YOU brought up chuck, i'm simply pointing out the similarities.

i'm not trying to legitimize anything.

try calming down a little, it will help your "focus".



Well-Known Member
LOL FDD are you getting upset? Poor poor fdd. Murder is a capital crime, selling seeds in the US is illegal for the PURCHASER, not the seller. selling seeds in Canada is 100% legal. Im afraid you don't understand that Canada is a separate country and has its very own laws, its not part of the USA and does not share our laws. So unless you can prove that the seeds were SOLD in the USA, then a crime has not happened. The seeds were sold in Canada, then shipped to the USA, the crime is perpetrated by the purchaser, since buying seeds IN the USA is illegal.


Well-Known Member
LOL FDD are you getting upset? Poor poor fdd. Murder is a capital crime, selling seeds in the US is illegal for the PURCHASER, not the seller. selling seeds in Canada is 100% legal. Im afraid you don't understand that Canada is a separate country and has its very own laws, its not part of the USA and does not share the same laws.
what would make you think i'm upset or don't understand? i'm sitting here laughing at how wound up you are that marc is in jail. i made a simple post and you can't stop getting all worked up over it. ranting on and on about how "wrong it all is". i'm babbling about manson and you think i'm upset. it's even funnier now, thanks. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
what would make you think i'm upset or don't understand? i'm sitting here laughing at how wound up you are that marc is in jail. i made a simple post and you can't stop getting all worked up over it. ranting on and on about how "wrong it all is". i'm babbling about manson and you think i'm upset. it's even funnier now, thanks. bongsmilie
I know, your pithy replies are keeping me in stitches over here. Keep em coming.


Well-Known Member
8:45 and forward ...

go back to 5:48 to watch tommy's story.



emery-iot is in jail because he is a coward and a liar...plain and simple

he was not extradited ....PERIOD !!

he lied and said he never ever sold pot....he sold it to me

we raised $50,000 dollars to fight..instead he spent $80,000 dollars just to stop a Head Shop owner (Friendly Stranger) from using the words cannabis culture

he is a scum bag and an ego maniac

I hope he rots in jail...because he deserves it

any of you sympathetic obviously never met the little girl


Well-Known Member
emery-iot is in jail because he is a coward and a liar...plain and simple

he was not extradited ....PERIOD !!

he lied and said he never ever sold pot....he sold it to me

we raised $50,000 dollars to fight..instead he spent $80,000 dollars just to stop a Head Shop owner (Friendly Stranger) from using the words cannabis culture

he is a scum bag and an ego maniac

I hope he rots in jail...because he deserves it

any of you sympathetic obviously never met the little girl
Tee Hee!!!!:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
tommy stepped up and took the rap like a real man and became a hero.

marc ran and cried and is perceived as a little girl.

funny how that all works. ;)