I quit growing. This is my last post and my story.


Well-Known Member
Just cause I ain't smoking don't mean I won't be getting fucked up. I started this thread to illustrate the idea that I quit growing dope. I'm still gonna get high and ESCAPE. Just like the rest of you.

I'm just gonna do it different now and in a way that won't shatter my family.


Well-Known Member
I can go to my doc and get a boatload of pills if that's what I want. Quit judging me and each other. We're all in this shit together. Can't you people see that?


Active Member
Stomota I'm gonna agree with you on most of the points you made i.e. Humans love there escapes; were all an addict to something. The problem is just how far you delve into those addictions.

Don't know if you're still going, but I'm with ya.

P.S. I'm studying physics right now; physics is some crazy stuff if you can rap your head around it. It's a love hate relationship right now.


Well-Known Member
You have an addictive personality, use or abuse for escape and call a plant dope. Anything that alters your mind must be dope, right? Caffeine, nicotine, alcohol. For you it was dope but for others it can be a relaxant, pain reliever, appetite enhancer, etc. For me it is both just for fun and also for mental and physical issues. When you have problems some 'dope' fun can be helpful in itself.

I quit for 20 years so I know some of what you are doing. I never abused the plant but thought it was not worth my time. I feel different now. Take some time off, you were overdoing it and if that is what you will do in the future then keep off it.


Well-Known Member
You obviously have zero intelligence and no valid responses. Probably burned out from all your "medicine".
You are a addict of pill's,,,While blaming your problem's on Pot,,,Yea I gotta a problem,,,Your an addict,,,Not me buddy!,,,,Best of Luck I seen many fall down that road,,,Not me tho" and yea I'm older than you!


Well-Known Member
lol i didnt start smoking pot cuz of the high. i started it to help with a mental disorder. remember, the new wave of "pot heads" are people that wouldnt have ever smoked pot b4 the got ill.


Active Member
Wow that rings true and quite a few levels myself, I figure I have two years left before my daughter is going to become cognizant of my black ops life. I wish you all the best mate and your honesty touches my heart to the core. Good luck.

P.S. hope you move to the woods sooner than later!!


New Member
When I read the first page of this thread I thought you were doing a good thing for your family. After reading the rest of this BS I think you need help. Just because you have to quit does not mean you have to get on a soapbox to the people telling you goodbye. You are no better than anyone else on here so you should STFU !! Good luck kicking the pills, heroine and booze. Pot may not be a medicine per say, but is less harmfull and addictive than the other BS you mentioned. Unlike you this will be my first and last post in this peice of shit thread. Good luck cop.- No respect !


even though marijuana has positive effects towards some serious illness's. Marijuana Doesn't not cure nor help MOST OF THE 215 patients. I think the marijuana laws/state/fed is corrupt. The fact that so many people are getting their card is ridiculous and should be regulated More strictly.

Do u know how many people i know that have their card and Shouldn't have it?
Ummmmm--I think you on the wrong site for that shit!:finger::finger: