I quit growing. This is my last post and my story.


Well-Known Member
Does Ativan relieve my anxiety? Absolutely. Do I get high from it.? Absolutely. Would I choose Buspar over Ativan? NEVER.


Well-Known Member
We're all addicts. Call yourself a "patient" and if that's what it takes to validate your drug use in your own mind, then that's completely okay. There's dope and there's medicince. As much as you wanna preach it, marijuana is DOPE. Just like Ativan (which I take in loads). I don't call it medicine. IT"S DOPE. Does it relieve my symptoms? Yes. But I'm not gonna act like ti's some kind of miracle medicine that "fixes me". It blasts me out of the world and AT THE SAME TIME relieves my symptoms. If I had an alternative that did the same thing without the high, I'd NEVER choose the alternative. You know why? Cause I like to get high. Just like you. You and me are the same. We're dopers and love to get high and escape.

Nobody will ever change my mind. I'm tired of people living in denial. I'm an addicit and I'll admit it. I love getting fucked up. and if given the choice between simply feeling better or feeling better and getting high as a motherfucker in the process, I guaran-fuckin-tee you and me both will choose the latter.

So put that in our pipe and smoke it brother.


Well-Known Member
id take the pot. chemicals destroy your body, id rather cure diseases off the land. good choice gettin out tho for ur kid. thats just another reason why i will never have children. they hold you back too much


Well-Known Member
dude you already said you were leaving and that it was your last post and you're still going? and you've completely derailed the initial subject of the thread to now spout shit about whether or not cannabis is a drug or not. go away already.

or at least take your dumb debate to the tolk n talk section.


Well-Known Member
id take the pot. chemicals destroy your body, id rather cure diseases off the land. good choice gettin out tho for ur kid. thats just another reason why i will never have children. they hold you back too much
he's not stopping shit for his kid. if he was then he wouldn't have said he was going to quit growing pot only to follow that up a few posts later talking about how he should start growing poppy so he could mfg his own heroine.


Well-Known Member
why does love being high make u an addict? i love milk but they dont have milk drinkers anonymous... or do they? i could stop smoking pot whenever i want. but why would i? why take away the greatest thing ive EVER had in my life? it has SAVED my life not destroyed it. and i got off all the pharmaceutical drugs. my life is BETTER because of pot


Well-Known Member
dude your talking about giving it up and this being your "last post", and then you go on to talk about growing poppies for black tar and shrooms. . heeellllloo??


Well-Known Member
he's not stopping shit for his kid. if he was then he wouldn't have said he was going to quit growing pot only to follow that up a few posts later talking about how he should start growing poppy so he could mfg his own heroine.
dude your talking about giving it up and this being your "last post", and then you go on to talk about growing poppies for black tar and shrooms. . heeellllloo??


Well-Known Member
I'm 35 and have been growing this time for a couple years. Always for myself. Never sold even a gram but did slide my Faher In-Law a doob once in awhile. I also grew back in my early to mid 20's for a couple years, but got tired of smoking and gave it up for a few years.

I finally realized that I was smoking so much damn chronic that it was doing little more than cigarettes for me. I was suckin down 2 ounces of dank a week myself. I'd catch a little buzz in the morning, but other than that it was hardly worth it. I was smoking more out of habit than anything else. Yes I'm an addict. Whether it be pills, gambling, alcohol, sex, guitars, or motorcycles. When I get "on" something it consumes me.

I quit drinking several years back. My wife and I had our first baby about 6 weeks ago and I just wasn't comfortable having all that dope in the house. I know it's stupid. It's only weed after all, but the law is the law. If the cops ever did find out about my grow, my family would be shattered and I'd lose my son.

The whole time I grew, back in the day, as well as recently, only my wife and I knew about the plants. I was always very careful. Well, I relapsed on booze and for whatever reason I showed the grow to my mom, dad, and just about anyone else that came over. I don't know why. Maybe it was the booze that made me stupid. But a part of me kind-of thinks that I needed a reason to get rid of it all and by doing so, I'd have no choice. I regret doing it in a way, but I'm glad to be free of the paranoia. Now I can blast music, don't have to be so damn low-key all the time, and worry about the cops anymore. I feel freed in a way. Like I said, the weed was doing little for my head anyway. It was making me stupid more than anything. I knew eventually that my boy would realize what I was doing and it would have to stop anyway.

My son to his second grade teacher: "My dad grows plants in his bathroom closet".
Teacher to my son: "Oh REALLY??? Tell me more!"

To sum it up, I put about 5 grand worth of chronic in the trash, tore down my grow closet and now i'm "legal". This is my last post. It was a fun ride, but I guess it's over now.

Peace guys.

On a side note, I can grow some killer veggies now. I know all about plants and I owe that to my studies of the Marijuana plant. Will I ever grow again? Probably, but not until I get out in the woods and can do it outdoors. Besides, growing inside is too much fucking work.

i thought you left. lol


Well-Known Member
I said I was quitting growing ganja. I never said I was "going clean". I take loads of pills and LOVE getting fucked up. AGAIN folks, I'm an addict and always will be. We all are. We just wanna escape. It's human nature to escape. Life sucks. Some people do it through sex, some do it through skydiving, but we all want OUT for a minute.


Well-Known Member
Don't act like you're so damn perfect because you smoke a plant. It's all a chemical you put in your brain to ESCAPE. We all need an escape.