I quit growing. This is my last post and my story.


Well-Known Member
I'm 35 and have been growing this time for a couple years. Always for myself. Never sold even a gram but did slide my Faher In-Law a doob once in awhile. I also grew back in my early to mid 20's for a couple years, but got tired of smoking and gave it up for a few years.

I finally realized that I was smoking so much damn chronic that it was doing little more than cigarettes for me. I was suckin down 2 ounces of dank a week myself. I'd catch a little buzz in the morning, but other than that it was hardly worth it. I was smoking more out of habit than anything else. Yes I'm an addict. Whether it be pills, gambling, alcohol, sex, guitars, or motorcycles. When I get "on" something it consumes me.

I quit drinking several years back. My wife and I had our first baby about 6 weeks ago and I just wasn't comfortable having all that dope in the house. I know it's stupid. It's only weed after all, but the law is the law. If the cops ever did find out about my grow, my family would be shattered and I'd lose my son.

The whole time I grew, back in the day, as well as recently, only my wife and I knew about the plants. I was always very careful. Well, I relapsed on booze and for whatever reason I showed the grow to my mom, dad, and just about anyone else that came over. I don't know why. Maybe it was the booze that made me stupid. But a part of me kind-of thinks that I needed a reason to get rid of it all and by doing so, I'd have no choice. I regret doing it in a way, but I'm glad to be free of the paranoia. Now I can blast music, don't have to be so damn low-key all the time, and worry about the cops anymore. I feel freed in a way. Like I said, the weed was doing little for my head anyway. It was making me stupid more than anything. I knew eventually that my boy would realize what I was doing and it would have to stop anyway.

My son to his second grade teacher: "My dad grows plants in his bathroom closet".
Teacher to my son: "Oh REALLY??? Tell me more!"

To sum it up, I put about 5 grand worth of chronic in the trash, tore down my grow closet and now i'm "legal". This is my last post. It was a fun ride, but I guess it's over now.

Peace guys.

On a side note, I can grow some killer veggies now. I know all about plants and I owe that to my studies of the Marijuana plant. Will I ever grow again? Probably, but not until I get out in the woods and can do it outdoors. Besides, growing inside is too much fucking work.


Active Member
I fully understand and respect your decision mate, sometimes we come to that point in life where enough is enough. While 5G in smk down the trash makes me cry, nobody can fault you for your reasoning. Family is everything, there is no need losing that for a plant (albeit the best plant every created).

Good luck with the new kid and all the best of luck to you!


Well-Known Member
I fully understand and respect your decision mate, sometimes we come to that point in life where enough is enough. While 5G in smk down the trash makes me cry, nobody can fault you for your reasoning. Family is everything, there is no need losing that for a plant (albeit the best plant every created).

Good luck with the new kid and all the best of luck to you!
Thanks brother. May the Universe be with you.


Well-Known Member
I want my boy to be the first man on Mars. Every time I look at him, I know he's gonna be the one. Screw the Russians!!!


Well-Known Member
On that note, I'm totally into physics, astronomy, and the Universe as a whole. When I see these brilliant researchers it's clear that they're not sucking down weed every day. You know why? Because they don't wanna corrupt their minds. Weed has it's place in society. It's great for relaxing, making you more musical, so on and so forth, but astronomers ain't potheads.

Einstien didn't come up with the Theory of Relativity while smoking a binger of AK-48.

Best wishes, my friend. I know this must have been a hard decision. I have made the same one in the past, and I know it's a tough one. But I also know that when you don't have the pressure of keeping it hidden, you feel free again. In a way, I envy you; you don't have to water those thirsty, needy bitches any longer! ;) Take care, bro


Active Member
I applaud you on your recent decision Stomata. By all means, Family does and always will come first. There are many a times that my head is in the clouds, but unfortunately for me, it is only for medicinal purposes. I hope that someday I can hear that Your Son, an astronaut, will be landing on Mars. I also hope that my 5 year old grandson, will be his co-pilot.

The very best and well wishes to you and your family this Holiday Season. I bet it will be worth seeing.
Happy Holidays
The MaineYankee :-)


Well-Known Member
Best wishes, my friend. I know this must have been a hard decision. I have made the same one in the past, and I know it's a tough one. But I also know that when you don't have the pressure of keeping it hidden, you feel free again. In a way, I envy you; you don't have to water those thirsty, needy bitches any longer! ;) Take care, bro
Thanks man. It's all good. I went from 325lbs to 155 over the course of 18 months and I truly owe it to the Ganja plant. I was a vegetarian in my teens for a short while, but finally decided that I can live off plants and the land. I don't need to kill animals to survive. I'm SHREDDED and prolly gonna start an MMA stint even though I'm old as dirt in terms of the sport.

It's all in our heads man. We make our own reality. Hell, this "reality" we see might not even be real after all. I won't go into string theory but shit is deep. Goddammit though, a fat doob of clear trich sativa makes it open up doesn't it? (At least it seems to).

Love your families, love yourselves, and forget the negativity. Hate will never bring prosperity. I'm a die-hard Atheist, but do realize that we got smart for some reason.


Well-Known Member
You will be back I quit for 10 years...thing's were different back than,,,So much better now!,,,,But I understand and respect putting you family first...Hope the best for you Good Luck,,You'll be Back;-):peace:,,,,


Well-Known Member
Maybe we'll just pack up and move to Califorinia. I'm on the mid-East coast. Get my piss clean and get a job in corrections. I almost went into the Army as a CO when I was 19 but backed out. I hear they pay 70 grand a year to CO's in CA prisons.

Don't get the wrong idea guys, I'm NOT a cop, but damn, that's pay for little of nothing. My wife and myself could probably easily get a job in Chino. "I'm not scared Homie".

Then we could get "medical" cards and smoke dope legally. Hell even grow it legally.

Not to open a can of worms, but pot isn't medicine. It's dope. Just like Xanax isn't "medicine" it's dope. At least weed is natural though. But then again, so is poppy....

It's all relative.

psychedelic son

Well-Known Member
Man I dread the day when my daughter is older and the possibility of her doing the same. Best of luck! I'm def gonna think how can i prepare for that dreadful day that you're at.... try growing peppers though all this knowledge gained you can grow dank hottest peppers ever!


Well-Known Member
Wow, moment of clarity. Maybe I'll just grow some poppys. Or even some shrooms. These hillbilly cops where I live wouldn't recognize either. Scrape that resin, make some black tar and FTW!!!


Well-Known Member
Man I dread the day when my daughter is older and the possibility of her doing the same. Best of luck! I'm def gonna think how can i prepare for that dreadful day that you're at.... try growing peppers though all this knowledge gained you can grow dank hottest peppers ever!
No doubt brother. I grew Beefsteak tomatoes as big as my fucking head this past year.

Watch AG PHd on Dish. Those Hefty brothers know what they're talking about.


Well-Known Member
Heroin,,,is Dope,,,Pot is medicine,,,and natural,,,,sounds like you have inner-conflict and trying to vent your frustration against weed,,,,Whatever hope it works for you and not against people like me,,,That smoke and don't have them issue's no more,,,That sound's like immiturity to me. Not a 30-ish man.


Well-Known Member
Heroin,,,is Dope,,,Pot is medicine,,,and natural,,,,sounds like you have inner-conflict and trying to vent your frustration against weed,,,,Whatever hope it works for you and not against people like me,,,That smoke and don't have them issue's no more,,,That sound's like immiturity to me. Not a 30-ish man.
I'm an addict. I will always be an addict. I'm not gonna say I have a "disease" becasue I don't believe addiction is a disease. It's a weakness of the mind. Do I have a weak mind? Yeah, probably. But I didn't lose all that weight and go from a mayonaise sweating pig to a porn star by just thinking about it. I like to get high.

My point was that one way or another we are all gonna find our escape. It's human nature to escape. Whether it be through mariujana, heroin, benzos, booze, or whatever. We are all human. I'm just looking for a way out.

I came up hard man. REAL hard and I'm doing the best I can at the moment. Please don't judge me. I've never judged anyone and truly resent it when others do so of me.

Peace man. That's all I want is peace.


Well-Known Member
Let's put it this way... If these "medical" users had a choice of a pill that would completely relieve their "symptoms' without the side-effects (the high), or smoking pot, which would they choose. My bet is that they'd take the side-effect "medicine' 10 times out of 10.


Well-Known Member
I hope you find peace,,,That's all I'm saying,,,But you will not feel peace blaming pot on your addictive nature,,,It's genetic's and what's going on in your life!,,,Don't use weed as the culprit,,,if it is for you than good for you,,,You found the problem in your life,,,But remeber that's your Life and not mine or other's,,,Please don't tread on pot,,,it's all good,,,I'm not judging you I'm evaluating what I hear from you.


Well-Known Member
Tylenol is medicine. Marijuana is dope. Paint it how you want. You know I'm right. At least I'm not in denial.


Well-Known Member
even though marijuana has positive effects towards some serious illness's. Marijuana Doesn't not cure nor help MOST OF THE 215 patients. I think the marijuana laws/state/fed is corrupt. The fact that so many people are getting their card is ridiculous and should be regulated More strictly.

Do u know how many people i know that have their card and Shouldn't have it?