I Once.


Well-Known Member
i once realized that we are the only 3 real members on the boards, i realized once im ok with that and i realized you guys are my best buddies and love ya to bits,a nd i once relized you my friends

ill end this with a quote form rush hour 3

"I dont know what you feed him...BUT HE IS TOO DAMN BIG!!!"

Plato Is Boring

Well-Known Member
I once drank too much and threw up on a chick while we were having sex. She didn't want to stop, so I let her continue. Obviously, I was on the bottom.


Well-Known Member
i once stayed inside of my own fridge for an hour naked, came out and had a 2 hours hot shower.


Well-Known Member
I once gave a poor man in a third world country my hat, which was new, because his was worn and ragged, and I felt it was a good thing to do. Feeling he should give me something, he gave me his old hat. I later took it off and gave it back to him because I was afraid I would get lice.

I've never felt right about that. I wished I could at least have accepted the gift gracefully, if I couldn't in the manner in which it was given. I probably made him, if only in that moment, feel wretched and low. He probably felt looked down on by others every day of his life. And for that one moment, I was the one who reminded him of it. Worse yet, he might have thought I was being extremely generous. :-|

I once broke a person's one-hitter, which was given as a gift, with the leg of my chair on accident. I lied, and said it fell off a high dresser (onto carpet, no less). They knew I was lying, and I knew I was lying, but I couldn't bear to be made the asshole (even though I was when I didn't admit to my mistake).

I once saw a man sprawled out on the pavement, in a pool of his own blood, struggling to stay alive. All I could do for him or his wife is gather his shoes, as he lay there dying.


Plato Is Boring

Well-Known Member
I once was ordered to attend an alcohol education program within a six month time frame. That was over a year ago; I've yet to go.

Plato Is Boring

Well-Known Member
I once gave a poor man in a third world country my hat, which was new, because his was worn and ragged, and I felt it was a good thing to do. Feeling he should give me something, he gave me his old hat. I later took it off and gave it back to him because I was afraid I would get lice.

I've never felt right about that. I wished I could at least have accepted the gift gracefully, if I couldn't in the manner in which it was given. I probably made him, if only in that moment, feel wretched and low. He probably felt looked down on by others every day of his life. And for that one moment, I was the one who reminded him of it. Worse yet, he might have thought I was being extremely generous. :-|


That's an extremely sad story, ethno. It's pretty obvious that incident still weighs on your mind.


Well-Known Member
I once gave a poor man in a third world country my hat, which was new, because his was worn and ragged, and I felt it was a good thing to do. Feeling he should give me something, he gave me his old hat. I later took it off and gave it back to him because I was afraid I would get lice.

I've never felt right about that. I wished I could at least have accepted the gift gracefully, if I couldn't in the manner in which it was given. I probably made him, if only in that moment, feel wretched and low. He probably felt looked down on by others every day of his life. And for that one moment, I was the one who reminded him of it. Worse yet, he might have thought I was being extremely generous. :-|

I once broke a person's one-hitter, which was given as a gift, with the leg of my chair on accident. I lied, and said it fell off a high dresser (onto carpet, no less). They knew I was lying, and I knew I was lying, but I couldn't bear to be made the asshole (even though I was when I didn't admit to my mistake).

I once saw a man sprawled out on the pavement, in a pool of his own blood, struggling to stay alive. All I could do for him or his wife is gather his shoes, as he lay there dying.


deep. thank you for sharing. :peace:


Well-Known Member
i once saw a homeless man in a wheel chair missing a legal and a bullet wound to the right shoulder. I gave him 100 dollars, thanked me and wheeled his ass down. I watched him by 2 20 sacks of coke i proceeded to rob his ass , turned out he had both legs and ran away. I dont trust the homeless anymore

"chhaannngeeeee!!!! .....spair some changeeee please "


Well-Known Member
I once lit my fart on fire, a blue flame came out and it went up my crack, i felt burnt after that, (true story) everyone shit themselves laughing, and i proved it could be done