I Once.


Well-Known Member
I once snuck out of my parent's house to go down to the Siletz river, and take a swim at night. We met some boys from school, my sister and I, and the two of us stripped down to our bras and panties, and swam. When I swam out to the middle of the river, fish would swim through and touch the insides of my thighs as I treaded water. The water was always cool, even on the warmest of days, and that night had been a hot one. I was, at the time, inlove with one of the boys there, his name was John, we swam together, but I was too afraid to let him know how much I liked him. We re-dressed after swimming, and walked home, of course by the time we got home our clothes were soaked mostly, but my parents never did ask... And a short time later, my sister ended up sleeping with John, claiming she never knew I liked him! C'est la vie.............


Well-Known Member
I once told my friend to shoot the skunk that got into his house under the cabinet with his pellet gun.He did and it smelled like skunky burnt sulfer in his house for months.......


Well-Known Member
I once paid bum $29 to dance in the middle of North Ave (busiest street in Baltimore city) while the light was green and completely disregard traffic... This was the funniest shit I've ever seen in person...


Well-Known Member
I once was driving down the street at night in Atlanta with my friend,

all of a sudden he says watch out!!!! i was goin maybe 45 mph on a dark street

as soon as he said watch out an old woman appeared into my vision standing in the middle of the street with a walker just starting into my headlights like a stunned dear.

I was maybe 20 feet from smashing into her at full speed,

in a crazy hyper panic i slamed the brakes untill they locked up and cut the wheel as far as she would go and hence begins a nightmarish skid of my jeep skiding sideways towards this feeble old woman.

the jeep stopped about 2 feet from the old women parked sidways in front of her. She still hadnt moved an inch

took me about 3 seconds to compute what just happened then i took a left and floored it outa there

I never forgot how close i came to killing her. thank god my friend was with me or I would have never seen her.

Adamus P.R.I.M.E.

Well-Known Member
I once took a dump... I wiped to find nothing on the paper... I stood up to see nothing in the toilet... I thought i had totally wasted a trip in the bathroom... or there was a glitch in the matrix...


Well-Known Member
I once almost walked 2 miles at night, in a swim suit and a towel, barefoot, because someone pissed me off and I was too stubborn to get back in the car.

I say almost because before I got more than half a mile, someone I knew happened to be driving by and picked me up.

I've done a lot of stupid things out of stubborn pride.


Well-Known Member
I like that song... and you are oh so correct...
Strange, I couldn't find the post where she originally gave head!! And I looked too :hump:

In this particular storyboard, aren't we supposed to be telling of all the things we did ONCE ??? :mrgreen: Does this story still work wicky bitch??? lmao

*marijuana momma claps and giggles*

So, um I got nothing new, but found this very amusing....:mrgreen:

Yay for giving head!!