I Once.


Well-Known Member
I once drove a moped when i was much too stoned to be doing so and it took me 45 mins to make a 15 min trip in 92 degree weather....tah da!:shock:


Well-Known Member
ionce smoked some bomb ass weed and got knocked the fuck out
and my mates once filmed me getting knocked the fuck out


Well-Known Member
i once shot a peacock with a blowgun.

i didnt feel bad at all. they are annoying and spoiled

Adamus P.R.I.M.E.

Well-Known Member
While I was in the Military, on my 18th birthday, I slept with my commander's daughter, stole her panties, and hung them on my rear view mirror... I still have them hangin...

Skate Hawaii

Well-Known Member
i once closed the door to prevent my bird from flying out but than the bird got smudged right in the door/wall.
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