I Need Some Fucking Help


Well-Known Member
where are people getting its over watered if he is watering a half to a cup of water every 3 days...my seedlings in party cups get that much every 2 days.that that size pot should need at least half a gallon every 2-3 days...if the roots are properly developed that is
Look at how big his pot is compared to the size (mass) of the little plant. The pot looks at least 3 gallons. If he is pouring in water every 2 days, there is no way a plant with that small amount of mass can drink that much water.

Thats why I keep asking him to lift up the pot to see how heavy it is.


Well-Known Member
Look at how big his pot is compared to the size (mass) of the little plant. The pot looks at least 3 gallons. If he is pouring in water every 2 days, there is no way a plant with that small amount of mass can drink that much water.

Thats why I keep asking him to lift up the pot to see how heavy it is.
once again i state...he is only watering with a half to a CUP of water every 2-3 days...any idea how little a cup of water is.my 2 week old seedlings drink more then that in 2-3 days.look at the plant...its green from top to bottom.nice size leaves...the stems are so droopy because they are starved of water and and cant transpire....i can also get into the lack of co2...but i think im too tired for that
also it looks so small because the whole plant is almost laying down..standing up i bet its over 24-25 inches tall


Well-Known Member
take a 3 gallon pot...fill it with soil...dump in a cup of water...and see what happens...i bet it wont reach the roots at the bottom of the pot


Well-Known Member
Does the pot the plant is in have holes in the bottom to drain out water from if you over-water, (run off) etc...?? I'd transplant that plant, very very carefully into an 'Air-Pot' about half the size, filled with 'potting soi'l and 'Perlite' and start watering with PH balanced water and basic nuits.. also it may help to have a small 4" or 5" fan blowing over her - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
once again i state...he is only watering with a half to a CUP of water every 2-3 days...any idea how little a cup of water is.my 2 week old seedlings drink more then that in 2-3 days.look at the plant...its green from top to bottom.nice size leaves...the stems are so droopy because they are starved of water and and cant transpire....i can also get into the lack of co2...but i think im too tired for that
also it looks so small because the whole plant is almost laying down..standing up i bet its over 24-25 inches tall
If it is a literal half a cup then I agree with you. But I have a feeling he is pouring in more than half a cup. It is a classic rookie mistake to overwater.

And plus the leaves dont look dried out and brittle or crispy. They look moist, saggy and light green.

Im still waiting for the OP to actually respond to the questions and suggestions.

But you could be right. If the lower half of the plants roots arent recieving any water, the lower roots could be dried out.


Active Member
ummm excuse me folks but i truely do think its either underwatered.orr rootbound.they look strangled 2 me


Well-Known Member
any help will do?
look around the stem of the plant...can see where its wet...look around the outside rim of the pot...the soil is completely dry....they are underwatered.your barely getting enough water to the top of the roots to keep it alive...water that thing until you get water running out the bottom..if there are no hole in the bottom of the pot...make some...all of the soil in the pot should be saturated


Active Member
was not an insult directed at you...more of a generalization of each response so far
Then don't respond with quotes. You put my comment in quotes, and say *lowers his head in shame and walks away*
Looks like it directed at me. Will flushing hurt? No. Did I have follow up comments planned based on his answer? You do
not know
, which makes you out of line telling me *lowers his head in shame and walks away*.
We're all trying to help him. You're not helping him by fucking with me. I can't help him, because I am now dealing with you.


Well-Known Member
Shes badly streched , re train but keep tension in the stems as you do so , a fan would also help thicken them up.

Looks over watered to me as its fairly green , Where are you watering the plant from , its best to water in a tray at the bottom of the pot. watering from the top can cause the roots to turn up.

Pick you pot up and feel the weight does it feel like theres much water in there ?

Edit : If the pots light stick ur fingers in the soil try find some moisture , if your finding dry patches gives it enough water that you get some out the bottom