I Need Some Fucking Help

Biological Graffity

Active Member
...ok.step 2, what did you recently changed? the plant looks at least 2 months old?...so you got it to grow this far...what did you changed, added or took away in the past 48 hrs?...just reread your posts...you saying its drying? ...just add water and wait 24 hrs LOL


Well-Known Member
Is it normally enclosed in a cab or out in the open?

I'm guessing out in the open because i see the large florescent light right above the plant in one of the pics.

Whats your watering schedule been. How long in between waterings?

When you lift the pot how heavy is it?


ok i've been giving it about half 2 a full cup every 2-3 days PLUS its a Blue Cheese plant the last thing i want to do is loose this


Well-Known Member
ok i've been giving it about half 2 a full cup every 2-3 days PLUS its a Blue Cheese plant the last thing i want to do is loose this
If your pouring in water every 2 days you might be over watering. Lift up the whole pot. How heavy is it? My guess is pretty heavy. You need to let the soil dry out some in between waterings. You cant just keep pouring in water. Otherwise the roots "drown" and start to rot.

Also how hot is your plant getting? Is it kept in an enclosed space with the hot florescent?


Well-Known Member

Ha ha oh dude! Slim - That plant looks sad :( I'd say to much water...not enough nuits, and needs some tlc, Finally found your thread :) RIU is the best place for you man, there are loads of really clued up clever people amoung the norms and I guarentee we can help ya.. If not with this one then defo with the next :) - STELTHY :leaf:


not yet it is one on my list? but a little short on cash at the moment but will be getting a cab-net for it in a few days


Well-Known Member
where are people getting its over watered if he is watering a half to a cup of water every 3 days...my seedlings in party cups get that much every 2 days.that that size pot should need at least half a gallon every 2-3 days...if the roots are properly developed that is