I need help


so when this plant finally shows pistills and stuff can i cut the light down on it like take out lights or should i get more


Well-Known Member
I would not take light away, that's for sure. Bud formation needs lots of light and as they thicken up the lower stuff will be hurting for light and may need more.


Well-Known Member
Gyros right and why would you be considering lowering light? Isn't the goal big buddage? low light= low yeilds. Get some nutes that have proven results, if this new one works great but you aren't prepared to experiment right? You can see others grows and follow their lead. Measure part A add stir wait 30 minutes stir /add part B stir wait 30 minutes stir stir measure ph, adjust as necessary. Don't ever add A to B directly, it will not mix and key elements will fall out and become solids. PS; check pruning lower branches for they will receive less light and give only popcorn size buds at best. There are many threads on this with pix, check it out bro.


well it is a girl and i coverd the outside of the tub with paper and added a co2 geerator i think it helps even if not in air lock quarters but thans for all the help
i am barrowing some of those lights from my friend and he wants them back so i was thinkinf of gettin a 105w = 420 w cfl 2700k warm white bulb and a 105w = 420 w 5000K Full Spectrum what does everyone think


New Member
All of his nutrient products are cheap. I have seen side by side comparisons with General Hydroponics and BPN won. The guys name is Corey and he only sells direct to the public and will even answer questions about your grow, if you have any.
Do flowering nutes usually have such high K? I was under the impression that K was less needed than P for flowering.


Well-Known Member
Do flowering nutes usually have such high K? I was under the impression that K was less needed than P for flowering.
Normally they don't, but now it seems to be a trend towards higher K at the end. Some of the growers that I keep my eye on are swearing by this now. This is the first time I have tried it and they are really packing on the frosting !


Well-Known Member
Your plant is sativa-dominant so it may be a bit slower showing sex than other types. However, this plant
is showing sex, just can't make it out from your pix. Look for small growths right in the crotch where a
new branch leaves the main stem. Should see a ladybug-sized growth with 2 small wispy hairs growing out.
That's a lady.

The light green color says healthy to me. Keep her at 12/12 and you will see buds and pistils any day.



thanks guys she is a healthy girl i see white ittle pistils everywere how much longer till i can chop her down you guys think?

and is 2700k better for buddingand 5000k for veg or what


Well-Known Member
hmmm Im also thinking .. if you dont know that 2700K have most red/yellow colors/kelvin and therfor is best for flowering and 5000K sucks and you schould get 6500K for Veg I think you need to learn how to google and read and do some research ..

might also help you with your hole set up .. them CLFs have to be with in 2-4 inches to even provide 1K foot candles ..

and no roots dont like light .. they need total darkness .. like the plants doing night hrs ..

please use a few hrs/days and do some research ..

you could start here:


good luck ..


slipon i have no light leaks it is so dark in there you cant see your hand an inch away from your face and no need to be rude i do know what kelvin and colors are and you gave me the same advice as everyone else read a little more on what i said i did because it is budding it is a female and it is so fucking beautiful and i covered the roots. but everyone else that has said something thank you i guess some people just need to look before the talk haha

hmmm Im also thinking .. if you dont know that 2700K have most red/yellow colors/kelvin and therfor is best for flowering and 5000K sucks and you schould get 6500K for Veg I think you need to learn how to google and read and do some research ..

might also help you with your hole set up .. them CLFs have to be with in 2-4 inches to even provide 1K foot candles ..

and no roots dont like light .. they need total darkness .. like the plants doing night hrs ..

please use a few hrs/days and do some research ..

you could start here:


good luck ..


Well-Known Member
Hey Kev, Don't worry about the other guy. Congrats on those pistils ! I was betting it was female since it was late to the party....


wel i am thinking about getting rid of the ten cfls i have now and buying like 4 105w 420w equal 2700k cfls what do you guys think i would have more light wich means better and more weed right?