I need help, I'm debating if I wanna quit growing, I keep getting hermi issues

One thing i can think of is gases...do you have anything nearby like fruits, or bananas? Those gas off ethylene, idk maybe some other gas could be doing it. Paint in the closet, some big furniture with finish gasing off
I have a food grow in another room but nothing is fruiting from that. and all the furniture/the house as a whole is as old as i am so i dont know if that could be it
"lemon OG is from DNA genetics. It was an attitude freebie"
This had me worried, but if you've had this twice before from other decent gear, then do as @PadawanWarrior says, check for power strip lights or other.
There's no lights on any power strips so its not that, the vent is sealed on the inside and on the outside to make sure no light is getting in, and the door is completely sealed with foam inserts in the frames and a door seal at the bottom. Idk mane i just wanna get baked till i forget that i even grow at this point. shit got me more depressed than i ever have been. I wish I didn't live in the middle of no where and could get clones and bud like everyone else but there's nothing for hours of driving in any direction
There's no lights on any power strips so its not that, the vent is sealed on the inside and on the outside to make sure no light is getting in, and the door is completely sealed with foam inserts in the frames and a door seal at the bottom. Idk mane i just wanna get baked till i forget that i even grow at this point. shit got me more depressed than i ever have been. I wish I didn't live in the middle of no where and could get clones and bud like everyone else but there's nothing for hours of driving in any direction

Is there any air exchange in the room?
Maybe get a mother going? Take cuts before flowering, and what doesn't nanner becomes a mother. At least you'll know that it isn't the genetics.
I have a few mothers but they cycle, flower and are replaced as i go so i dont waste power and room i just started that 2 months ago when i started running outta seed. every time before i flower i take cuttings and label em based on what they are
Wow this is a real stumper. Some other large quantities of vegetables or fruit in the house for storing from last harvests?
yeah I have a prenuptial harvest for my outdoor food and for my indoor weed. i start food pre season so it will yeild higher outside, and my bud as soon as the last plant in the grow room as been chopped i start new seeds so it can be replaced by a 1 to 2 month vegged plant. one veg room and a few flower rooms. makes it easy till this hermi shit happenes
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All you need is water to kill pollen. I hope you didn't get rid of the tents.
Nah not at all. I sprayed my runts muffin girls with some water that was in the same room as my lemon og. I have some 2y2 that prolly needs spraying but its not in the same area but its close like a few feet away, not on the same air exchange, just dont wanna get bud rot cuz the runtz muffin is only 1 week into flower but the 2y2 is 3. Its almost not worth the stress of keeping it going if every time i grow its just problem after problem
Ethylene gas could be accelerating flowering, to the point it's a hormone overload and wham you got hermie...idk i would think it would take a pretty large consistent dose of that gas to do it though. Only you can see if there's too much ethylene sources nearby...you aint stopping ethylene gas unless you have some kind of ISO Class 8+ cleanroom.
Ethylene gas could be accelerating flowering, to the point it's a hormone overload and wham you got hermie...idk i would think it would take a pretty large consistent dose of that gas to do it though. Only you can see if there's too much ethylene sources nearby...you aint stopping ethylene gas unless you have some kind of ISO Class 8+ cleanroom.
I mean weed grows around a bunch of other plants in nature. Is it possible that gas could even be affecting it? i have 100+ small food plants near by that are still really small so i dont know if that would be enough because they are a 50 feet away
I mean weed grows around a bunch of other plants in nature. Is it possible that gas could even be affecting it? i have 100+ small food plants near by that are still really small so i dont know if that would be enough because they are a 50 feet away
Well in nature the gas is diffuse by wind and open space, ur enclosed home is just recirculating that day after day...and only lab gear could measure the levels.
I mean weed grows around a bunch of other plants in nature. Is it possible that gas could even be affecting it? i have 100+ small food plants near by that are still really small so i dont know if that would be enough because they are a 50 feet away
Be sure to bring in fresh air if veggies are around I have all.sorts of other plants that fruit and such never had a issue.