i must say, grasscity.com SUCKS


Well-Known Member
yo these mafuckers are bullshit alotta talk and no pics to prove shit. what is it with me and the HPS?!?!?! people are actually hating on my cfl grow just cuz i have not produced to their liking (bout to have a hps in there soon) but still, is it becuz its super big? and they want to see big buds? off the hps?? shit i dont know what their motive is. i have a big plant no doubt, im gonna put an hps in there to shut mafuckers up. along with the cfls


yo these mafuckers are bullshit alotta talk and no pics to prove shit. what is it with me and the HPS?!?!?! people are actually hating on my cfl grow just cuz i have not produced to their liking (bout to have a hps in there soon) but still, is it becuz its super big? and they want to see big buds? off the hps?? shit i dont know what their motive is. i have a big plant no doubt, im gonna put an hps in there to shut mafuckers up. along with the cfls
well they are better lights the hps, but my close friend, growing for 15 years, always uses CFLs on at least one crop. The buds aren't as dense but usually produce just as well of weight. Don't let ignorant mother fuckers get to you like that bro...but if you got the cash, HPS is great.

Illegal Smile

Just go copy some pictures from somewhere eklse and post them. That's what much of the so-called "proof" is.

Brick Top

New Member
Some people take growing far more seriously than others and sometimes some can be down right rude when they see someone who does not take growing equally seriously and especially if and when they attempt to advise someone of what is better and the person does not agree with them. I am not saying that is what happened in your case but that does often times happen.
Some believe if you are going to grow then do it right or don’t do it at all and if you are going to grow and not do it right don’t bother to tell them all about it because they don’t want to read all about your ghetto grow, as they may see it as being.
Another factor is the more experienced someone is the more they will tend to point out flaws in someone else’s setup and how they do things. They are not always rude in how they do it, though some are, but they will tell you if something is sub-par. If you then disagree with them that may offend some of them and they may reply with a sharp tongue.
When it comes to grow lighting HID lighting by far produces more grams of herb per watt of electricity used than CFL’s or other present commonly used grow lighting. The highest quality LED’s if used in sufficient numbers and if used correctly can beat anything but most growers purchase lower grade LED’s in part because of their lower prices and in part because few know what is high grade and what is low grade and they fall for advertising copy and because even the lower priced LED's are not really inexpensive they purchase to few of them to get good results so most would say that LED’s suck when the failure is really the cause of the buyer/grower and not the LED's.
So since HID lighting produces more grams per watt, to some it only makes sense to use HID lighting. You won’t find books written by famous professional growers that tell you to use CFL’s. They say use HID’s. You don’t see threads from cash croppers with major grows with hundreds of CFL’s strung all over and around their plants like lights on a Christmas tree and instead you see HID’s hanging overhead and often times on light movers. Mention CFL's to growers like that and a typical response might be when you get out of Jr. High School and actually learn a few things, or one I like, wait before you buy your lighting, keep flipping burgers until you can save up enough for a real light and then give growing a shot.
While they may be rude in how they say it anyone telling you to scrap CFL’s or other types of florescent lighting is trying to help you, trying to instruct you so you will have better results. Now some fail to take into consideration how while they may be growing in a 15ft. X 15ft. room, or whatever, the CFL grower they are telling have their head being pinched off by their own sphincter may be growing in a small cabinet or a PC case or a small closet and while the heat issues that would arise using HID’s could be overcome it likely would not be simple and not practical for the CFL user to do and maybe they just cannot afford to make the needed changes, or for that fact even afford HID lighting. The cheap price and ready availability of CFL's make them very popular. Some people just cannot not or will not shell out what it costs to purchase a decent to high quality HIG light setup but they can hit WalMart or Lowes each time they shop and pick up another CFL or two and slowly over time increase their lighting capability and to them that is the only route they can take if they want to grow or it seems like the most acceptable way to do it in their opinion.
So to many experienced growers and real hardcore growers they see anyone using CFL’s as being inexperienced, ignorant and in some cases not really being capable to grow herb due to budgetary constraints, or a combination of some or all of those, and they more or less look down on them for one or some or all of those reasons.
I have grown for 37 years and I would not use CFL’s if you not only gave them to me but also paid me to use them. I know very experienced growers who if someone asks them a question and then tosses in that they use CFL’s or are going to use CFL's the experienced grower will not bother to respond. Some I know will respond but if the person asking the questions replies with something like, but I know a guy that uses CFL’s and he says they work great for him, the experienced grower will not respond and will likely never again respond to them because they way they see it is the person came to them for help and advice then reused to accept the help and follow the advice and instead wants to do what some guy the experienced grower will see as being as ignorant as the one who asked the question and the experienced grower will not waste their time trying to help someone who refuses to be helped, or at least that is how they see it as being.
Some grow sites have a higher percentage of experienced growers than others and you are more likely to get the sort of responses you referred to at a site that has a higher percentage of truly experienced growers than you will on other sites, like this one for example. I was a member of the now defunct original Cannabis World and that place was overflowing with very experienced growers, including a handful of very talented professional breeders. If someone mentioned CFL’s the experienced growers, for the most part, were normally polite with their responses but basically the person asking the CFL question was told get to an education in growing and laughed off the site, but again normally done in a polite way instead of a rude way.
Here it is like the Ellis Island of growers. It is like every day a new boatload of new growers shows up and almost every single day the exact same very basic questions are asked, sometimes several times in a single day, and then followed by a string of the exact same less than intelligent questions that almost always seem to follow the first questions and so on and so on.

What makes it worse is after the last batch of noobs finishes their first grow and the next crop of noobs shows up the previous group talks like they are Greenman or Jorge fucking Cervantes or or someone and they pass on to the latest batch of noobs all the inaccurate or partially accurate information they were handed down plus the absurd things they came up with on their own that they think are good. It is like a perpetual motion machine, a never ending cycle of the blind leading the blind.

Here it is accepted while on some sites they will just tell you to piss off, especially if you ask their advice and then will not heed their advice. They won’t waste their time on you and they see you as being nothing more than an annoyance cluttering up the forums and a waste of bandwidth and they will not at all be shy about telling you so.
When it comes to you purchasing an HPS grow light (High Pressure Sodium), unless it will cause heat issues that you cannot deal with for whatever reason it would be a very smart thing to do, as long as you purchase the correct light for your setup.

But you will not want to grow only with an HPS. As I am sure you know an HPS puts off a light spectrum that is best suited for the flowering stage of a plants life. Using one for the vegetative stage will cause plants to have wider nodal spacing and you will not get as thick and as lush of growth. For the vegetative period a MH (Metal Halide) is a far better option since it puts off a light spectrum that is what plants need for vegetative growth and the results will be tighter nodal spacing and thicker lusher growth.
So what is needed is to purchase an HPS and also a MH conversion bulb so you can give your plants the lighting they need the most during each stage of growth or purchase a switchable ballast that will let you use both MH and HPS bulbs for the different stages of growth or buy multiple lights, one MH and one HPS, and switch them out using the correct/best one for each growth period.

Good luck! Happy growing!

Brick Top

New Member
Snatch is a great movie

If you liked "Snatch" and haven’t seen Guy Ritchie’s previous flick, "Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels" check it out. It’s really good too.

If you want to check out the flick before buying it, that is if you have not seen it yet, you can go to http://icefilms.info/ and click on movies and then click on ‘L’ and then scroll down until you find it and you can watch it for free … that is if you do not mind watching it in Divx where depending on your connection speed and computer speed it might drag a tiny bit now and then.
Another good site to watch free flicks online is

Illegal Smile

People who act that way about cfls are a bunch of tools. I'm flat out puking sick of gurus and poser guru wannabes. It's like telling someone they shouldn't play golf unless they are willing to quit their job and devote their life to it. Everyone growing with cfls is aware of hid lighting, thank you very much. If we wanted to use it we would. I'm already growing more than my wife and I will ever use, giving a lot away, and I don't want to sell it. Why would I want to saddle myself with the heat problems from hid lighting? cfls make growing possible in places where it wasn't possible before. Remember - anyone who can't understand the value and utility of cfls is ignorant and the rest of their advice should be considered suspect as well.


~ Out-Dawrz ~ Moderator ~
People who act that way about cfls are a bunch of tools. I'm flat out puking sick of gurus and poser guru wannabes. It's like telling someone they shouldn't play golf unless they are willing to quit their job and devote their life to it. Everyone growing with cfls is aware of hid lighting, thank you very much. If we wanted to use it we would. I'm already growing more than my wife and I will ever use, giving a lot away, and I don't want to sell it. Why would I want to saddle myself with the heat problems from hid lighting? cfls make growing possible in places where it wasn't possible before. Remember - anyone who can't understand the value and utility of cfls is ignorant and the rest of their advice should be considered suspect as well.
Thank You, lol I bet he would use a CFL if someone was gonna pay him to use it, hell I would.

Illegal Smile

By the way, I am NOT referring to Brick Top at all! I have no argument with anyone who uses hid and If I had the location and desire to grow more, so would I. I'm talking about the people who say cfls suck and look down their nose at anyone who uses them.


Well-Known Member
People who act that way about cfls are a bunch of tools. I'm flat out puking sick of gurus and poser guru wannabes. It's like telling someone they shouldn't play golf unless they are willing to quit their job and devote their life to it. Everyone growing with cfls is aware of hid lighting, thank you very much. If we wanted to use it we would. I'm already growing more than my wife and I will ever use, giving a lot away, and I don't want to sell it. Why would I want to saddle myself with the heat problems from hid lighting? cfls make growing possible in places where it wasn't possible before. Remember - anyone who can't understand the value and utility of cfls is ignorant and the rest of their advice should be considered suspect as well.
im also tired of snitches but we gotta learn to deal with em the best way we can..Now you giving away plants/bud?HAHA please post a pic of a bud you grew..Funny as hell.


Well-Known Member
If you use cfls the correct way.in multiple spectrums,with the proper wattage,,its just as good as HID if you can fit enough of them in the op.!
Simple ..you got heat probs and cant vent,use cfls.if you got no issues or can vent the heat out by all means go HID.

Brick Top

New Member
Everyone growing with cfls is aware of hid lighting,

Over the years I have known and read of many growers that switched from CFL’s or other types of florescent lighting to HID lighting but I have not personally known one single person to have switched from HID lighting to CFL’s and I have not read all that many messages of people who have and of those I have read who switched from HID lighting to CFL’s usually did so because they moved and no longer had a large grow area and it was easier and cheaper to go with CFL’s than do all and pay for all that it would take to make HID lighting work in their new small grow area.
You said; "Everyone growing with cfls is aware of hid lighting," well that is not exactly true unless you only mean they know of the existence of HID lighting. I have read near countless messages on numerous herb-growing sites over the years where it was far more than just obvious that the CFL growers who wrote the messages were totally oblivious when it came to the facts of HID lighting.
Most messages I have read over the years where the reasons given for going CFL were price followed by easy availability and then a fear of higher electricity bills that might raise a red flag and then normally came possible heat issues that sometimes were not as in an overly hot grow room but instead the fear of IR scanning. I have never seen a single message written by any grower who knew anything at all about growing who said they went CFL because they produce more bud than HID lighting, not one.

It is a proven fact that HID lighting way tops CFL’s when it comes to grams produced per watts of electricity used and I would much rather deal with the few additional things needed to deal with HID lighting than lose the production.
Normally I will advise people to wait a little longer and save more money and do things right from the start because again I have read near countless messages from people who said they started out with CFL’s or a low-wattage HID light setup and soon learned that it was inadequate and then paid even more to upgrade.

But I will also at times say if you cannot wait or you know you will not be capable of saving up the needed additional cash or due to their space to grow in HID lighting is virtually impossible to use then do the best you can with what you can afford to use and are capable of dealing with.

If that means someone goes with CFL’s then they go with CFL’s but the reason people go CFL is not because they are better or out produce HID lighting and to any serious grower grams produced per wattage used is the yardstick of success or failure .. or maybe better called a wasted effort.

Brick Top

New Member
Thank You, lol I bet he would use a CFL if someone was gonna pay him to use it, hell I would.

If you were referring to me you are wrong. I would not use CFL’s even if I were paid to use them … well that is unless it was a very large sum of money, far more than I would need to be able to then be able to purchase all the top quality bud I would need to replace what I would lose in production plus have a whole bunch more cash left over. I have known to many people who use or used CFL’s and know what sort of production they get or got I would never exchange what I use for what they use or used.


Well-Known Member
Yea i agre..ill never go back to cfls unless i HAVE to..but ill always vent or do what i gotta do to operate this 400w setup.


Well-Known Member
Yea i agre..ill never go back to cfls unless i HAVE to..but ill always vent or do what i gotta do to operate this 400w setup.
see dude, i totally respect that. but for some of those people out there that are just ignorant and dont want to help someone with what they have, these cats dont have to post anything if thats the way they feel and be a dick about it either. its about learning, growing and making it something fun and just because someone has an hid doesnt mean their grow will be successful, thats why those people go to others for help that have hid's you dont see someone using a cfl setup bashing on the hid growers. this is only my second grow. the first grow was with shoplight flouros, and had very good success. so i wanted to try out the cfls and see what will happen. and if i do happen to get a hps, now im going to have to totally reconstruct my grow space, spend more money in the process and have to deal with heat. ive known for YEARS to use Metal halide for veg and the an High pressure sodium for flowering. i knew this upon my first grow as well, growing is growing, making your own cannabis is a sense of achievement to know you dont have to deal with outsiders and risk getting caught just cuz u wanna buy a bag. i applaud all growers, no matter what the means of lighting is. grow free and grow happy :peace: oh and to brick top, thanks for that clarification on the whole situation, kudos...Ilegal smile i know you know how to grow with cfls good, thanks for the support keep on growing strong!!!