I made iso hash.. oil?


Well-Known Member
That's some yummy iso sludge right there... why would you even come here with that crap(I mean the article;))


Well-Known Member
For a first attempt, I suppose its not bad. Next time freeze all material including strainer filter bud and iso. Not the collection vessel(Pyrex) to avoid condensation.. your extract is horribly green, freezing temps will reduce iso's ability to pick up undesired compounds. You should also wash no longer than 30 seconds. And filter through 2 coffee filters....you will end up with much better product maybe even shatter, it should be gold amber

In fairness your product looks a lot like in the tutorial so I guess you did pretty good for a non riu tech:)


Well-Known Member
Ya, I totally skipped the part about freezing product and iso, I also didn't strain as well as I should of. I rinsed for 30 seconds and went through 2 coffee filters switching them every 1 or 2 passes. Thanks for the info.


Well-Known Member
also dont use a gas stove to be safe. ive done it before because thats all i had but i made sure i had a high cfm fan sucking the alcohol vapors out the window


Active Member
Whats the consistency?
It doesn't look very viscous, is this just because it hasn't had enough time to settle?


Well-Known Member
i was surprised. i had to read your post over a few times to make sure i wasnt saying something thats already been said. haha

also ive made hash with everything used in the pictures

same fan same dish same type of gas stove in an apartment it looked like. haha just reminded me of the old days