Well-Known Member
I did read that thread and have had that in the back of my mind for about a month now. I bought 200mg of gummies from the dispensary and ate them all, nothing. That was my final test for edibles because if that doesn't get me high then it doesn't work and if it takes that much i'd rather just smoke a bowl. If somewhere in that thread you gave measurements. Well, don't remember that part lol so thank you.
Although some dude, random stranger, gave me a cookie once and i did get high as fuck off that thing. The only time an edible ever worked.
Yea, you add to oil then put decarbed weed in it and infuse, that is all. I recently gave a testimony that I tried store bought edibles again and had the same results I did before the lecithin. There is nano technology but it did not hit me the same way. I need more trials with it.
I wouldn’t give up, I almost did but found what does it for me but it isn’t like smoking but close enough. I feel it so well I was able to see where I was supposed to be feeling it with store bought edibles and won’t mind buying more nano tech since it is not supposed to go through the liver. Thc distillate doesnt do much to me.
I feel it right away but goes out the window an hr in but before I most the time did not feel anything until I learned the high but still get similar results.