I love everyone......


100% Authentic A$$Hole
With that being said I went to the store today for some rolling papers and there was a very large heavyset woman ahead of me....She had paid for a bag of chips, gallon of whole milk and 3 candybars with a diet pepsi...

My question is why do large people act like they care about there diet by ordering diet drinks all the time...Does that compensate for the candybars and bags of chips? I never understood this......Or they order a supersized value meal with a large diet soda...I mean wtf...

Please explain to me why I see this all the time and for what reason does this exist...Is it just because the taste or is it because it justifies the situation and they feel better about themselves...

Also I am not racist by any means but why do you see 80% of large women with black males? Please don't tell me Im a racist full of shit person....I see this shit all the time and was just wondering why?


Well-Known Member
With that being said I went to the store today for some rolling papers and there was a very large heavyset woman ahead of me....She had paid for a bag of chips, gallon of whole milk and 3 candybars with a diet pepsi...

My question is why do large people act like they care about there diet by ordering diet drinks all the time...Does that compensate for the candybars and bags of chips? I never understood this......Or they order a supersized value meal with a large diet soda...I mean wtf...

Please explain to me why I see this all the time and for what reason does this exist...Is it just because the taste or is it because it justifies the situation and they feel better about themselves...

Also I am not racist by any means but why do you see 80% of large women with black males? Please don't tell me Im a racist full of shit person....I see this shit all the time and was just wondering why?
on a psychological level, black dudes are more apt to love a woman with more booty, or at least with more cushion for the pushin..i knew this black chick that referred to herself as a nubian matress monster(ironically i watched the shield and finally realized where she stole it from..), and all the black dudes she had been with were rather rough..usually they went really deep and with lots of momentum, so the padding helps compensate for the lack of finesse

as for diet soda, if she is heavy set, possibly she has some form of diabetes? of course she ordered the candy bar, so probably not..unfortunately that is american health for you, we tell people sodas are bad but we don't tell them why(simple sugars/carbs), we don't inform them why carbohydrates are beneficial, why the atkins diet is fuckin dangerous to your health..everything in this world is portions..the key to eating perfectly well and satisfingly is to not be so god damn fucking lazy..stick to the grocery section and meat section..lean reds, chicken, fish..everything else is bunk..if u don't create it(if it's boxed--cereal/pasta/noodles, etc), it's bad for you.

this shit gets me heated, cuz i have resentment towards it. i use to weigh almost 350lbs, being obese my whole life. i'm 18, 6'2'' and 200lbs now, in shape, and fuckin love it..it sux cuz i see big people and wanna help them and inform them, but at the same time don't wanna seem like an asshole cuz they'll think i'll see them as a fat piece of shit (that's how i use to feel when my friends would tell me)..but i finally did somethin bout it

jesus christ this weed makes me ramble on forever, sorry for taking up ur time..thanks for stickin thru it, if u read all this i love u


Well-Known Member
i am a decently big dude and will order a big ass fatty meal from a restaurant with a diet coke lol.................because i am diabetic. but i have no idea why heavy people eat all that bad shit and wash it down with diet soda.


i have personally wondered this myself ever since i was a young lad... i think it is mainly a subconscious mechanism to make them feel like they are still trying to lose weight...the only part of their "diet" that they kept.... that way if someone criticizes them, they can say that they "are trying"

on the other hand; there are the people that, as above stated, that are diabetic; and thus they obviously wouldnt fall into my hypothesis.


Well-Known Member
Also I am not racist by any means but why do you see 80% of large women with black males? Please don't tell me Im a racist full of shit person....I see this shit all the time and was just wondering why?

I would like to comment on this but I would definitely get on some peoples bad sides..
All I can say is ''exactly''


100% Authentic A$$Hole
i have personally wondered this myself ever since i was a young lad... i think it is mainly a subconscious mechanism to make them feel like they are still trying to lose weight...the only part of their "diet" that they kept.... that way if someone criticizes them, they can say that they "are trying"

on the other hand; there are the people that, as above stated, that are diabetic; and thus they obviously wouldnt fall into my hypothesis.
Some do benefit from it ...no doubt but I think a lot of it is what you say also:hump:


100% Authentic A$$Hole
I love receiving some good skull...Ive been with all sorts of women in my life, not sexually just aquainted with.....Why is it that heavyset woman have seemed to master the art of skullduggy? I would take some good slow skull from a heavyset woman over anyone else anyday:hump:

I think its a gene in heavyset women:hump:

P.S. I love you bigguns out there:hump:


100% Authentic A$$Hole

I would like to comment on this but I would definitely get on some peoples bad sides..
All I can say is ''exactly''
No way dude, this is my thread and I have family of all race, please tell me without being deragatory to anyone or any race on this site....Im not blind, Im calling it out like I see it....Its not racial, its the fuckin truth:hump:


Well-Known Member
33% of america suffers from an imballance in the lactoblii (sp?) bacteria in the belly.

Thus they crave suger and carbohydrates and yeast. It really is very difficult to fight the cravings. The natural bacteria of your belly has just got out of control.

You have to starve the bacteria down to normal size by cutting out all types of sugers and carbos and yeast and fungus.

You can only eat meat, green veg, and berries.
The only dairy products you can eat are unlimited plain yoghurt and small amounts of butter or cream are ok.

Yellow veg are out. Anything with suger is out. Alcohol out.

I lost 45 lbs in 2 months.

You can use slimming tablets but you must eat plain yogurt daily, or the bacteria fights back.

It is impossible to lose the weight unless you understand the bacteria is what you are feeding, not yourself, but the bacteria is a part of you that has run amock.

Unless you change your diet, you will not win.

Once you are normal size you can eat what you like again.


Well-Known Member
33% of america suffers from an imballance in the lactoblii (sp?) bacteria in the belly.

Thus they crave suger and carbohydrates and yeast. It really is very difficult to fight the cravings. The natural bacteria of your belly has just got out of control.

You have to starve the bacteria down to normal size by cutting out all types of sugers and carbos and yeast and fungus.

You can only eat meat, green veg, and berries.
The only dairy products you can eat are unlimited plain yoghurt and small amounts of butter or cream are ok.

Yellow veg are out. Anything with suger is out. Alcohol out.

I lost 45 lbs in 2 months.

You can use slimming tablets but you must eat plain yogurt daily, or the bacteria fights back.

It is impossible to lose the weight unless you understand the bacteria is what you are feeding, not yourself, but the bacteria is a part of you that has run amock.

Unless you change your diet, you will not win.

Once you are normal size you can eat what you like again.
Don't mean to be rude mate, but that ^^^ is rubbish. Consult a trained dietician or a doctor if you want to know how to lose weight safely - don't go for fad diets like the above, where someone thinks that:
1) a bit of pseudoscience will fool people into spending cash
2) there is something to blame other than them being greedy/lazy/ignorant

Just my humble opinion of course.

Also, by skully and all that above, did he mean getting head from a chubb?


Well-Known Member
Don't mean to be rude mate, but that ^^^ is rubbish. Consult a trained dietician or a doctor if you want to know how to lose weight safely - don't go for fad diets like the above, where someone thinks that:
1) a bit of pseudoscience will fool people into spending cash
2) there is something to blame other than them being greedy/lazy/ignorant

Just my humble opinion of course.

Also, by skully and all that above, did he mean getting head from a chubb?
45lbs of fat in 2 months is scarily unhealthy. congratulations on losing more than likely 30% lean muscle mass


100% Authentic A$$Hole
Don't mean to be rude mate, but that ^^^ is rubbish. Consult a trained dietician or a doctor if you want to know how to lose weight safely - don't go for fad diets like the above, where someone thinks that:
1) a bit of pseudoscience will fool people into spending cash
2) there is something to blame other than them being greedy/lazy/ignorant

Just my humble opinion of course.

Also, by skully and all that above, did he mean getting head from a chubb?
YES thats what I meant:hump:


Well-Known Member
i think it would be impossible to understand another persons eating habits unless you've walked a mile in their shoes;)