I just got my clones


Well-Known Member
I had shoulder surgery yesterday so now my mom and sister have to help feed the plants.
They were supposed to go in and repair a tear but instead found bone spurs that were pushing on the rotator cuff and causing a lot of inflammation.
I can probably mix nutes but can't pour my 5 gallon bucket into the planters.


Well-Known Member
I can't wait to see what I can do in the gym after recovery. My bad shoulder I can only do a few exercises and my shoulder starts to fail so i take a break and go tanning or get a hydro massage and then back to lifting till the burning starts in again all while my good arm doesn't burn or hurt at all. I could probably get in better shape if neither arm is hurting for a change.


Well-Known Member
I can't wait to see what I can do in the gym after recovery. My bad shoulder I can only do a few exercises and my shoulder starts to fail so i take a break and go tanning or get a hydro massage and then back to lifting till the burning starts in again all while my good arm doesn't burn or hurt at all. I could probably get in better shape if neither arm is hurting for a change.
Just do leg and core day if the pain comes back. When i pulled my groin i just did upper body only til it healed and then strained my bicep(lol) and did leg, core, and push movements only. Now im all healed up for the most part. Better to rest then to push through it if the pain is there ime.
A common mistake is to leave the clones in the sun....
You know how the sun moves in your garden, put the clones somewhere they will be in mottled shade, or place it somewhere the sun will shade after an hour or two in the morning...
You can move it over the new few days so it gets more and more direct sun,
shade protocol .


Well-Known Member
I started with the same Dark Heart Blue Dream clone you got.

I was told the clones are under like 20+ hours of light initially, so I slowly transitioned the light cycle indoors to 18/6, and then down further to match the normal daylight hours we have in Nor Cal.

After that I started putting her outside in partial shade for a bit longer each day until she was fully hardened off and then permanently outdoors.

She’s been outside since 5/23 so she’s just over 2 months old now and is 6 feet tall and still going! Been flowering for a few weeks now, I expect to harvest mid-late September.

Good luck!



Well-Known Member
I think one of my plants has aphids on it.
Not too sure what to do for aphids.
There is ants all over the plant too.
Do ants eat aphids?


Well-Known Member
Ants eat aphids white sticky secretions. Ants farm aphids. Get terro ant bait stakes and some dawn dish soap. Dish soap or neem oil will help get rid of aphids if the infestation.is not bad. Ladybugs also. Aphids will ruin a wet dream for sure.