i just got a new wissanator :)


Active Member
Hahahaha that is amazing! I used to play college football and they literally would watch your penis urinate to make sure you were not pulling off the pissonator haha!


Active Member
I've had a whizzinator for years and used it many times, they work. Practice practice practice before you go into actually use it. I always found a clean friend or family members pics to use though. Heat it up good it'll burn against your body but it needs to to stay warm until hours take your test. It'll fit snug against your body and maintain the same temp as your body.

The Outdoorsman

Well-Known Member
I've had a whizzinator for years and used it many times, they work. Practice practice practice before you go into actually use it. I always found a clean friend or family members pics to use though. Heat it up good it'll burn against your body but it needs to to stay warm until hours take your test. It'll fit snug against your body and maintain the same temp as your body.
Yes, practice, practice, practice.

Takes balls to pull it off and still act normal, so work on your nerves.


Well-Known Member
Can't help but laugh....

1) The guy who modeled for this

2) What happens if they get smart and ask you to drop your drawers completely

3) Do you "dress" left or right


Well-Known Member
Oh I see. That makes sense, thanks.

What if one were to wear a cod piece, it would essentially be dressing center.


Well-Known Member
True enough about the cod piece, but how would that look when going for a drug test not mention the way it would change your gait, walking around with a semi hard fake penis while wearing a cod piece...LMFAO just picturing it