I just Googled my User Name....

Silly String

Well-Known Member
As if my relatively low posting rate (115?) didn't protect me enough, my screen name's safe as hell, too. I'd hate for "the man" to catch me posting cannabutter recipes! Eeek!


New Member
This is the reason why I stopped using universal usernames for sites I go on since 2008. Now I use a different username for every forum so it's very difficult to find a trail back to me. You can further protect yourself by always accessing sites like this one through a proxy so that your IP address isn't linked to it. Ideally you would purchase a virtual private network, but Tor would certainly suffice if purchasing a VPN would be too much of a strain for you.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure if this has been covered yet, but I do web design for a living. Its easy for the webmaster of this site to add to the robots text file... disallow all.

It would keep Google from indexing this site period

Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Rollitup mobile app


Well-Known Member
Haha I win! This is what I get when I google me :D

Anxiety felt when one suspects they may have sent an inappropriate text message to the wrong person.
He was overwhelmed with textiety when he realized he may have texted "Do you have any weed?" to Dave his boss instead of Dave his friend.
by giggles26 July 08, 2012