I just can't

Yeah but still, how big is it? Assuming all the land area we have mapped out being a few tens of thousands of miles from end to end, it must be at least that far across. But does it stop there? Does it stretch out to infinity? Is there some wall somewhere that for some reason we can't climb/cross to see what's on the other side? If so, how far away is that barrier?

Round-earth models go into at least this level of detail about the structure and size of the earth and the solar system, why do flat-earth models lack the same level of detail?
Yeah but still, how big is it? Assuming all the land area we have mapped out being a few tens of thousands of miles from end to end, it must be at least that far across. But does it stop there? Does it stretch out to infinity? Is there some wall somewhere that for some reason we can't climb/cross to see what's on the other side? If so, how far away is that barrier?

Round-earth models go into at least this level of detail about the structure and size of the earth and the solar system, why do flat-earth models lack the same level of detail?
Because when they try and build that model they run into the same problem every time realizing they’re fucking idiots.
I've often thought about how big the Universe is. I know that we can see (with the Webb) that there "were" objects there 96 Billion light years away. But even tho we can't see beyond that at the present moment, I can't see a "wall" where it ends.. if there was, what's beyond the "wall"? It's never ending, and you and me will never live long enough to find out. It blows the mind to see how infinite and and small we really are in this vast Galaxy. .. much less the space that is out there.
The shapes and visuals we see now through the Webb and Hubble are not even "real time" .. we may have spun around for millions or billions of times before seeing the light that has traveled at 186,000 mph to hit us. It's a mind fuck.

Welp. Scientist are confused becau.. lets just leave it at that. Scientists are confused.

They really have no f'ing idea what is out there, and never have.
It's all dark matter, which means there is nothing there. Only light exists.

What we see is right here inside the firmament, where all the light is contained.