I just can't

Why are there no craters with elongated shapes.. Or big meteorites sitting in the holes. The meteors must always come in at 90 degrees to make the crators perfectly round like that.. Look at the moon too, they are all perfectly round. Why is it that one couldn't come in from the side? Explain!:
Oh I was hoping you'd ask!

The large craters are all sink holes mostly, where huge natural gas explosions happened under the ground.

There is nothing that other worldly about meteorite fragments found though. Same elements found all over the world, especially deep inside where we aren't allowed to know about. Sure, it is pretty cool to read about ancient swords/armor forged from it, and even desert glass pendants made from minerals that were melted upon impact at the site... https://www.revyuh.com/news/science...-of-tutankhamuns-meteorite-dagger-wow-moment/

According to flat earth theory, the sun and moon are both inside the dome, so who is to say things don't get banged around a bit? Who says there aren't ancient objects within, let alone the amount of junk contained? We bombed the hell out of it after all.

And about the suction cup wheels, lol. I'm sure it would be more like mag lev light rails, etc. You get the idea though. Quickest way from one outer ice wall rim area of the earth to the other?
So, who built this gigantic dome, that encapsulates the sun, moon, and earth, if we've never been to space? And what about the planets in between?
Why are there no craters with elongated shapes.. Or big meteorites sitting in the holes. The meteors must always come in at 90 degrees to make the crators perfectly round like that.. Look at the moon too, they are all perfectly round. Why is it that one couldn't come in from the side? Explain!:
"The short answer is that the energy involved in an impact is so huge that when the impactor hits the ground, it explodes like a bomb, rather than just denting the surface like a rock thrown into mud. Explosions are generally symmetric, so the resulting crater from most impacts is circular."
I just wonder why some astronaut, somewhere on the planet, has not come clean on the Earth being flat.
Can you provide a video demonstration showing how it works on a smaller scale. Using a rail gun to blast something at an angle, etc?
Why are there no craters with elongated shapes.. Or big meteorites sitting in the holes. The meteors must always come in at 90 degrees to make the crators perfectly round like that.. Look at the moon too, they are all perfectly round. Why is it that one couldn't come in from the side? Explain!:
There certainly are elongated craters, but they are rare since it requires an almost perfectly horizontal angle in relation to the surface of impact.
In all seriousness though, I would like to know if anyone knows how big the dome is...
Those secrets were forever lost when the last of the overlord aliens departed from Giza, Egypt (these were the aliens that constructed the dome, in addition to the pyramids, not the anal probing-bastards that came later, we all agree those guys suck)
He said a dome, and a dome would imply hemispherical, roughly half a circle. The bottom of the dome, would have to be grounded, in order for it to work. No way he's fitting the sun, moon, earth, and the planets in between.
I'm thinking of it like "the universe" assuming there is only one universe - we have no idea what exists outside of it, and it might be incredibly huge, and the bedrock below us might just extend infinitely.

Round-earth scientists have calculated the size of earth, the sun, other planets, solar system, other stars and galaxies, etc, how far apart they are and how fast they are moving relative to each other, and even approximately how big the entire universe is. Nobody has put a tape measure around these things, they've used mathematical equations to figure them out.

Do flat-earth scientists have even a rough idea of how big the dome is? Or does it just stop at "it's a really big dome"?
"The crater rim is well-defined, with a terraced inner wall and a slight outer rampart. At the southeastern end, a smaller crater is connected to Schiller by a wide valley. Most of the crater floor is flat, most likely due to lava flooding. "

More than one crater, and flat because of "lava". See, just another volcanic natural gas implosion sinkhole.

Look at pictures of other volcanic craters, like crater lake. They have little islands just like the ones on the moon do.
There are no planets inside, or stars. Planets and stars don't exist. What you see as planets\stars\galaxies\etc are either CGI fakery, or if you have a decent scope.. you can make out what are the focal points of certain frequencies, which appear as a cymatic standing wave patterns, which are being projected onto the inside of the dome like a huge map (coming from ancient structures covered in earth, but still functional). Its called sonoluminescence, and you can create your very own star in a jar with less than a few hundred dollars worth of parts. If you get technical enough, or scaled up high enough, you could replicate the planets in the same way, even the rings like saturn has.
There are no planets inside, or stars. Planets and stars don't exist. What you see as planets\stars\galaxies\etc are either CGI fakery, or if you have a decent scope.. you can make out what are the focal points of certain frequencies, which appear as a cymatic standing wave patterns, which are being projected onto the inside of the dome like a huge map (coming from ancient structures covered in earth, but still functional). Its called sonoluminescence, and you can create your very own star in a jar with less than a few hundred dollars worth of parts. If you get technical enough, or scaled up high enough, you could replicate the planets in the same way, even the rings like saturn has.
So who built this dome? Can't be humans. We can't even figure out how the Pyramids were built. You say the sun, moon, and earth are inside. How big is this dome? How big is the sun, moon, and earth? Cgi? We barely have good enough cgi for movies.