Oh I was hoping you'd ask!
The large craters are all sink holes mostly, where huge natural gas explosions happened under the ground.
There is nothing that other worldly about meteorite fragments found though. Same elements found all over the world, especially deep inside where we aren't allowed to know about. Sure, it is pretty cool to read about ancient swords/armor forged from it, and even desert glass pendants made from minerals that were melted upon impact at the site...
According to flat earth theory, the sun and moon are both inside the dome, so who is to say things don't get banged around a bit? Who says there aren't ancient objects within, let alone the amount of junk contained? We bombed the hell out of it after all.
And about the suction cup wheels, lol. I'm sure it would be more like mag lev light rails, etc. You get the idea though. Quickest way from one outer ice wall rim area of the earth to the other?