i just bought new socks

did you buy new socks?

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Did you buy new socks or is this your way of saying you have new sock accounts?

I buy the same brand sock now. Got tired of mismatching pairs due to one coming up missing.
I just bought 24 new pair. I like the diabetics socks because they don't bind so hard that they leave a huge imprint on your legs when you take them off. I bought 12 black pair, but amazon fucked up and sent me white ones. So they sent me black ones and asked me to return the white, which I thought was too much trouble. Glad I kept them all now. I also have about 24 sock accounts in case we're actually speaking of those. A few notable ones are @mr sunshine, @Gary Goodson, @Pinworm, and @cannabineer when I'm feeling extra saucy...
I just bought 24 new pair. I like the diabetics socks because they don't bind so hard that they leave a huge imprint on your legs when you take them off. I bought 12 black pair, but amazon fucked up and sent me white ones. So they sent me black ones and asked me to return the white, which I thought was too much trouble. Glad I kept them all now. I also have about 24 sock accounts in case we're actually speaking of those. A few notable ones are @mr sunshine, @Gary Goodson, @Pinworm, and @cannabineer when I'm feeling extra saucy...
sock it to me


Bushy, how's the investigation into that skank hoe on the grift?

Oh she's in trouble. Secretly recorded a 20 min confession last night. Looks like it's around 20k total but I'm still adding it up. She has priors of fraud and theft. Doesn't look good for her.