How poor have you been before?

Well I live in Hungary, what else can I say?:) The things here just fucked up big times, the goverment takes 60% of your salary. Corruption everywhere. The minimal wage is 300 euro for one month. When I was 20 I had to stop study at the university because I couldn't pay it. After 3 months job searching, I couldn't find any, because there wasn't any job in my town, it was riddiculous. I was seriously depressed and I had no money at all. Finally I found a job in the Netherlands at UPS. I worked for 1 year for daily 12 hours, I bought only food, and I came home with the money. I started the university again, but not like before. I could rent an appartment for myself, and I invested to a 400w Tent system. It was the turning spot in my life, because after this, there wasn't any problem anymore. I can pay my bills alone, my university fee, my food and everything, and no help from parents. And by the way, my grow will be ready in 10 days, so I can tell, I'm happy in a fucked up country. It was my story, sorry for the grammar mistakes.
I saw a thread with alot of bologna going on and it got me to thinking about being poor in Chicago and living off bologna. Fried with cheese, fried and cut up and added to ramen, not my most nutritional living.

When I was a kid we had an outhouse while leach fields were dug and a septic tank installed. I consider that probably the poorest part of my life monetarily wise. Though we were fortunate I guess because the outhouse was a two seater. Fucking kids today have no idea about real sacrifice. Getting your phone taken away seems to be very traumatic anymore. pussies.

Anyone else care to share a less than shining moment of their life? Living in your car by yourself isn't really slumming it too much if it's a later model and or your parents pay for any part of its expense like insurance. If your car is on cinder blocks and you sleep in it bonus points....

Good thread, I like hearing real life stories from real people, especially from RIU

I'm poor. I'm unemployed, mainly because I can't stand the idea of making someone else a millionaire, so it's difficult for me to work a regular 9-5 job, most jobs these days (in America) are work for the man until closing, be lucky if your job provides medical/dental benefits, and stfu and stop complaining if not! "Times are tough!" aka "Deal with it!" Oh, you have a bachelors degree? That's cool, here's an $8/hour job, get busy! OH! You have no experience? Here's a guy with 2+ years experience, get in line! OH! You have a bachelors degree & 2+ years experience? GET IN LINE! Here's a guy with 2+ years experience, a masters degree, and will work for pennies! GET IN LINE!

Welcome to the American employment market.

I haven't had a job that pays over $10/hour... EVER!

Consider that when the cost to LIVE is +$14/hour. OH, You should move to another state.. Really? Cost to move ='s at least $1,600... (deposit + first/last months rent..) I'm stuck here working/living-6 months I can't afford JUST TO MOVE... I get there with zero in the bank account, live there 3-6 mo without furniture, 1 burner stove, no job, I hope I don't get sick!..

It sucks being poor and not having the skill set to pull yourself out of it... Sometimes this country feels like it's built that way.. To keep the poor, poor, and carry the elite to higher levels of economic prosperity...

Maybe it's just me...
I'd say it's right now. My father needs back surgery, but he has to wait till he gets old enough for Medicare to cover it, so a few more years. He also was diagnosed with a degenerative neurological disease a couple weeks before Christmas. My brother doesn't work, nor does my mother. My father tries, but he can't do as much as he used to be able to.

I'm trying my best, but is a losing battle as I cannot afford to support my family and pay the mortgage. I don't even have a car, and have to use my unemployed brothers car to commute 100 miles round Trip a day to work. I'm just getting deeper and deeper in the hole, but I'm thankful to only owe about $20,000 all together.
Damn Meta, you commute a 100 miles a day for work? I feel for ya.
Good thread, I like hearing real life stories from real people, especially from RIU

I'm poor. I'm unemployed, mainly because I can't stand the idea of making someone else a millionaire, so it's difficult for me to work a regular 9-5 job, most jobs these days (in America) are work for the man until closing, be lucky if your job provides medical/dental benefits, and stfu and stop complaining if not! "Times are tough!" aka "Deal with it!" Oh, you have a bachelors degree? That's cool, here's an $8/hour job, get busy! OH! You have no experience? Here's a guy with 2+ years experience, get in line! OH! You have a bachelors degree & 2+ years experience? GET IN LINE! Here's a guy with 2+ years experience, a masters degree, and will work for pennies! GET IN LINE!

Welcome to the American employment market.

I haven't had a job that pays over $10/hour... EVER!

Consider that when the cost to LIVE is +$14/hour. OH, You should move to another state.. Really? Cost to move ='s at least $1,600... (deposit + first/last months rent..) I'm stuck here working/living-6 months I can't afford JUST TO MOVE... I get there with zero in the bank account, live there 3-6 mo without furniture, 1 burner stove, no job, I hope I don't get sick!..

It sucks being poor and not having the skill set to pull yourself out of it... Sometimes this country feels like it's built that way.. To keep the poor, poor, and carry the elite to higher levels of economic prosperity...

Maybe it's just me...
acquire the correct education/skills or start your own business...if you dedicated as much time making money as you do with your relentless debating on the net you most probably would no longer be poor...sure blame it on everything but you...if you do not like it then do something about it or stop whining and be is your choice and no one will do it for you
I've never been poor because I've always been willing to do whatever it takes, unfortunately this has its own consequences and costs more than most know in other ways
currently, i have 45$ in my wallet, no bank account, no vehicle, about 20 gallons of heating oil in the tank. but this is not the worst i have been. nor is it even the hardest i shall see, im sure of that.

but im happy.
I was never poor. I did live out of my car and hold a construction job. I had a station wagon that I would park next to a swimming pool place next to an industrial park. Worked out great until about 2 weeks later a bunch of cops roused me from my sleep with some kind of bullshit about a report of shots being fired. Then I got an apartment.
I haven't had a job that pays over $10/hour... EVER!

I don't understand how this is even remotely possible.

I live in one of the poorest states in the nation, and even we have call centers that pay $12 to $15 per hour, and they constantly hire uneducated and unqualified people.
The poorest I''ve ever been is right now. Growing up I was taught if I wanted some money then I needed to take out the trash. So when I wanted even more money I knew I needed a job and working for the family business was the next logical move. Well 14 or so years later here I am. If it wasn't for healthcare I'd be doing great. My wife got pregnant and had to quit her job so I've been the only source of income. Top that off with ridiculous premiums, a $1200 deductible and copays out the wazoo and I'm just getting by. Not to mention my wife needed an emergency c-section and an extra day in the hospital. I haven't got the EOB yet but I imagine they'll rape me but good. I'm doing better than most though so I'm not complaining. Just feeling the sting of a greedy system is all.
I saw a thread with alot of bologna going on and it got me to thinking about being poor in Chicago and living off bologna. Fried with cheese, fried and cut up and added to ramen, not my most nutritional living.

When I was a kid we had an outhouse while leach fields were dug and a septic tank installed. I consider that probably the poorest part of my life monetarily wise. Though we were fortunate I guess because the outhouse was a two seater. Fucking kids today have no idea about real sacrifice. Getting your phone taken away seems to be very traumatic anymore. pussies.

Anyone else care to share a less than shining moment of their life? Living in your car by yourself isn't really slumming it too much if it's a later model and or your parents pay for any part of its expense like insurance. If your car is on cinder blocks and you sleep in it bonus points....
When me and my husband first lived together we had a flat we had a knife fork and spoon each a plate and bowl each a sofa with broken springs and if you sat on it to hard your bum went through a second hand bed from the war years and we lived on egg and chips, my husband would get up at 5am in the morning and follow the milkman round and as he delivered the milk, bread and eggs to his customers my husband would steal them, I no that's terrible and shameful but they were the posh houses lol only the strong survive and survive we did we burnt old shoes to keep warm and we were happy to be together, and we have some good tales to tell our kids.
I was 17 years old and living in NJ. My father kicked me out of his house and my mother did the same. I thought Florida had something for me NJ didn't. Moved to ft lauderdale. I was riding my bicycle 5 miles to work as a bus boy in south florida summer. 100° +. Those times were hard with no family. I shared a room with a man that attempted to blow his brains out with a shotgun at some point years prior. In order for him to smoke cigs he would have to pinch his nose shut to get a drag. He later burned our room down and died. I was sleeping on the bus stop benches of A1A of south florida at 17. What fun!
I was born in a cabin/shack with no plumbing and my family of 6 shared a room with a space heater till I was a child.

That didn't change much as I got older since my father was the kind of guy that wouldn't except help from anyone.

When I got old enough I took jobs as a farmhand and built a life of my own from there.

I've always tried to make the best of everything and never really saw myself as "poor".
Been rich and Poor...

I received an Ins settlement from a car crash that awarded me Way the hell more then they should paid any 22 y.o

Within the time period of less then a year ALL the money was gone I had been married-divorced
lease on the house was up..
had no job due
no house

lived in my car off and on for about 2 months going back and forth to school staying with a friend here and there it sucked..
I remember sitting in the car at night and realizing how many other people were also sleeping in their cars at this rest stop..

I personally am glad for the times I had to suffer.. it made me appreciate the little things in life.

As as a kid (Navy Brat) we were not "poor" so to speak but my folsk were very frugal. we may not have had the best toys coolest shoes and clothes.. but we still had a shit ton of fun and that was free.
Damn Meta, you commute a 100 miles a day for work? I feel for ya.
Yup, hour each direction, longer if there is traffic. I live in LA county, but work in the next county north of us, been doing it for the past 5 years. Luckily my brothers car gets like 32 at 4 bucks a gallon, my first hour of work for the day barely offsets my gas cost.
Yup, hour each direction, longer if there is traffic. I live in LA county, but work in the next county north of us, been doing it for the past 5 years. Luckily my brothers car gets like 32 at 4 bucks a gallon, my first hour of work for the day barely offsets my gas cost.

i hear you,I do 108 miles six days a week from May to October.I go through commuter cars like crazy.3 outta 5 days there is an accident.That shuts down the traffic.A 1 hr drive can thake 3 or more easily.
The important message in most of these replies is we are pretty effing resilient and over came what we deem bad or as we see bad at the time.

I try to see my current situation as.. It could always be a heck of alot worse.. so I'll take my small beatings...