I have yet to see this answered anywhere


Well-Known Member
Is there any factual information regarding vegging under 18/6 vs 24/0. Is there a growth difference and is one a better method than the other aside from saving on electricity.
in the 5 days of getting a 42w (150w imatation) my plants have gotten taller fast and has alot of new branch growth all over, even the bottom of my plants have bew branches, pretty much where ever a leafe is off to the side not realy paralel to a nother leafe it has a new branch forming and I have my plants on 24/0 and my plants are about 3 months old and I got them when they where about half a month old and most of my plant is still light green compared to my friend's clones that have darkgreen / brown (branch colours) on his


Well-Known Member
i go 20/4 dunno if its ne better than 18/6 tho
I have a 3 day clone on 24/0 and it looks like its starting to form roots already, cut and trim like a clone, dip in Rootech and placed area with Rootech in water and have it under 10w CFL Cool White Bulb for 24/0


Well-Known Member
I have done both and watched alot of big setup grows and found 24 hours on is a much better light schedule.Faster rootings for clones and saves a ton of veg time as I only need 10 days of veg in aero. I find the plants to get thicker stalks and larger fan leaves much quicker.The 18/6 is ok but I found it slows rooting clones and plants had a more droopy sick look not to mention the added veg time that is needed. I reccomend and use 24 hours on for veg
yea ever since I bought a 10 pack of 13w CFL bulbs (60w immatation) and 1 42w CFL (150w imatation) I have noticed a huge diffrence in growth rate


Well-Known Member
I think I'll stick to 24/0 as all my plants whether veg, clone, or mom are all under the same lights so I don't want to have my clones suffer. I've had good success with 24/0 so if it aint broke don't fix it right? And I agree atleast in my first grow that CFL's keep shit soooooo compact. My plant was only like 6 inches tall when it had 6 nodes... It makes a bush though and makes it harder to get good light penetration IMO.


Well-Known Member
I think I'll stick to 24/0 as all my plants whether veg, clone, or mom are all under the same lights so I don't want to have my clones suffer. I've had good success with 24/0 so if it aint broke don't fix it right? And I agree atleast in my first grow that CFL's keep shit soooooo compact. My plant was only like 6 inches tall when it had 6 nodes... It makes a bush though and makes it harder to get good light penetration IMO.
I pretty much have 1 42w CFL light in the center of all my plants and 1 light on the out side to help get the outter sides and I am using water cloning method and day 3 I already got roots and I used Rootech


Well-Known Member
.In Ed rosenthals book he claims that "studies" have been done on the 24 vs 18 hrs of lighting.He doesnt cite his source, but says that the 24 hrs gets them off to a faster start. He could be making it up though.
i dont know if you fully understand who ed rosenthal is if you are suggesting that he was lying about growing bud.


Well-Known Member
how does it allow for better root growth?

more light more photosynthesis more energy more plant growth, also more electricity cost
In a way you are right, but not fully. Light required for photosynthesis: Only part of solar radiation is used by plants for photosynthesis. The photosynthetically active radiation(PAR) contains the wavelengths between 400 and 700 nanometers, and falls within the so-called visible spectrum (380-770nm). The total visible spectrum is perceived by us humans as white light, but with the aid of a prism, we see that the "white" light is actually separated into a spectrum of colors from violet to blue, to green, yellow, orange, and red. Plants use the blue and red light as their energy source for photosynthesis. So not all of the light emitted is used as food, only part of it. As for 18/6, I have read that it is very healthy for plants to have a "resting" period. That 6 hours of darkness helps them grow better and stronger.


Well-Known Member
I like thinking of the night cycle this way.....

People grow while they are sleeping, right? Plants kind of do the same thing, the roots grow and by proxy the plants are very healthy. I wish I had have grown my plants on an 18/6 schedule. They probably would have been alot healthier.


Well-Known Member
you guys ever heard of the dark reaction cycle? ...Remember it from highschool biology, now I wish I paid better attention to what it did... lol


Well-Known Member
yup and according to the wiki link, dark cycles should promote stronger cellwalls thus stronger plants. I think?
I think the quoted paragraph (emphasis mine) is saying while there are light induced triggers, the Calvin Cycle is erroneously called the dark cycle but is actually independent of any light-centric trigger...

The enzymes in the Calvin cycle are functionally equivalent to many enzymes used in other metabolic pathways such as gluconeogenesis and the pentose phosphate pathway, but they are to be found in the chloroplast stroma instead of the cell cytoplasm, separating the reactions. They are activated in the light (which is why the name "dark reaction" is misleading), and also by products of the light-dependent reaction. These regulatory functions prevent the Calvin cycle from operating in reverse to respiration, which would create a continuous cycle of carbon dioxide being reduced to carbohydrates, and carbohydrates being respired to carbon dioxide. Energy (in the form of ATP) would be wasted in carrying out these reactions that have no net productivity.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Well years of personal growing has showed me 24 hour on cycles makes a bigger stronger plant that yields higher and then you got people saying well it costs more which is incorrect as its actually cheaper to use 24 hours light and makes your lights last longer. The increased speed of growth and health allows for a much shorter period to veg which means less day needed so the less days need the less electricity you use and the lack of off and on times saves the hard start damage on bulbs and equiptment.


Well-Known Member
Well years of personal growing has showed me 24 hour on cycles makes a bigger stronger plant that yields higher and then you got people saying well it costs more which is incorrect as its actually cheaper to use 24 hours light and makes your lights last longer. The increased speed of growth and health allows for a much shorter period to veg which means less day needed so the less days need the less electricity you use and the lack of off and on times saves the hard start damage on bulbs and equiptment.
and judging from the wiki link about the Calvin cycle - there is some science backing you up. :joint:


Well-Known Member
Well years of personal growing has showed me 24 hour on cycles makes a bigger stronger plant that yields higher and then you got people saying well it costs more which is incorrect as its actually cheaper to use 24 hours light and makes your lights last longer. The increased speed of growth and health allows for a much shorter period to veg which means less day needed so the less days need the less electricity you use and the lack of off and on times saves the hard start damage on bulbs and equiptment.
yes and also it uses more power to turn a light bulb on then to let it run 24/0


Well-Known Member
Technaflora Plant Products LTD. the makers of the B.C. Fertilizer line

suggest an 18/6 or as they put it " Begin vegetative growth on an 18 hour light cycle...18/6 ~ ON/OFF "

They are also the makers of the 'Thrive Alive B-1' product series as well as 'Awesome Blossoms' flowering formula.

I think Technaflora has more time growing, field testing, and experimenting in their little finger then most of us do in our entire bodies. Im going to take their word for it.