i have to put down my dog


Well-Known Member
my dog, jocko...( rickythepitbull) is 15 years old. i took him to the vet friday and the vet told me, he thought it is time to put him down.

ive had this dog since he was 6 weeks old. now im bringing him to die. this fucking sucks. i hat drugs like xanax, but im thinking i might need one tonight.

ive for the past year just been waiting for this day.
i guess this dog has had a happy good long life so i cant really complain .
but my 7 year old doesnt want him to go.

well anyway im on my way out the door now. please say a prayer for my little buddy. fuck i love this dog.

and if my face isnt the last one he sees i will regret it for the rest of my life..
ive been in situations where death was just accepted as normal. i saw good people die, and i have to say my dog is going to affect me worse than when some of my brothers at arms had to leave this world.

am i a bad person for feeling that way? that my dogs death is going to hit me harder than a persons death? then again when your in a situation you might not get through. you really dont have time to mourn anyone, till long after its over. the lead up to this moment. a moment of definite death, no chance for survival, and its killing me....wish me luck guys/gals

has anyone ever had an animal they loved so much it hurt like hell when they went?

Mr. Limpet

Well-Known Member
my dog, jocko...( rickythepitbull) is 15 years old. i took him to the vet friday and the vet told me, he thought it is time to put him down.

ive had this dog since he was 6 weeks old. now im bringing him to die. this fucking sucks. i hat drugs like xanax, but im thinking i might need one tonight.

ive for the past year just been waiting for this day.
i guess this dog has had a happy good long life so i cant really complain .
but my 7 year old doesnt want him to go.

well anyway im on my way out the door now. please say a prayer for my little buddy. fuck i love this dog.

and if my face isnt the last one he sees i will regret it for the rest of my life..
ive been in situations where death was just accepted as normal. i saw good people die, and i have to say my dog is going to affect me worse than when some of my brothers at arms had to leave this world.

am i a bad person for feeling that way? that my dogs death is going to hit me harder than a persons death? then again when your in a situation you might not get through. you really dont have time to mourn anyone, till long after its over. the lead up to this moment. a moment of definite death, no chance for survival, and its killing me....wish me luck guys/gals

has anyone ever had an animal they loved so much it hurt like hell when they went?
If the vet said its time its time man. Your story makes me wonder what i will do when my dog has to go.

Good luck man you are doing the right thing dont get to down on yourself. All good things come to an end


Well-Known Member
thanks bro, this dog is like a child to me. 16 years is a long life for a dog. but at least my kids got 7 years with him. i wish dogs just lived a little longer. i appreciate the words.


Active Member
had to take my 15 year old staff the other month, was horrible. One of the worst things iv done. He was on his last legs would of been cruel to leave it any longer, i just think iv give him the best life.

Sorry to hear about that man, i feel for you.

Mr. Limpet

Well-Known Member
thanks bro, this dog is like a child to me. 16 years is a long life for a dog. but at least my kids got 7 years with him. i wish dogs just lived a little longer. i appreciate the words.
my dog is only 7 and i think about it atleast once a week. It almost makes me not ever want another dog


Active Member
I feel for ya man, when I was in grade 7 I watched as my dog Nico suffered through multiple seizures in a single night, 9 I believe within 4 hours or so. It was hard for me, but my dad explained to me it was best for him to be put down. I have a new dog now that I love to death. To answer your question, it's not wrong to feel for a dog more than some humans. Pets take up a good part of your heart, and that's completely understandable.


Well-Known Member
Yeah man i Had to have my golden retriever put down just this past year. He had kidney failure... It is really sad if u ask me i had him almost 12 years. Its been at least 8 months and im not sure if ill get another companion any time soon. In my opinion its even harder when they have to be put down. If they just pass naturally its not quite as bad but when u have to make the choice its hard. Sorry to hear bout your misfortune and hope everything shapes up. Good luck brother:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
We've usually put down dogs when they lose mobility.... It's really sad seeing a dog not being able to climb a few stairs or not being able to eat without falling over....

Really sad. I feel for ya.

Get a new dog, it's bittersweet, but what else ya gonna do? Don't want them to suffer.... Dogs love ya pretty much unconditionally, all they ask is the same.

I really miss my old dogs! I'm kind of sad now.

My dad died a few years ago... I miss him too.


Well-Known Member
Its sad .. I had to do it 2 yrs ago to My Black Lab .. He was an old man 2 weeks shy of 14 yrs old ..I had him from 6 weeks also .. I still miss him dearly .. I got another lab right away it helped ease the hurt .. but I still Miss my friend ..

Im sorry for you losing yours ..


Well-Known Member
fucking kidney failure, thats where my dog is at exactly.
Its one of the worst ways to see a dog go in my opinion.. My dog(zeus) stopped eating/drinking because of it. He got all skinny so quick and we just couldn't watch him suffer anymore. When it gets that far its gotta be better to have em put down. As much as it probably hurts you, it will save your buddy so much pain.........

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I'm so sorry about this.I understand completely what you're feeling.Animals give us unconditional love and all they really want in return os for us to love them back.It's a hard thing you have to do.:-(
my dog, jocko...( rickythepitbull) is 15 years old. i took him to the vet friday and the vet told me, he thought it is time to put him down.

ive had this dog since he was 6 weeks old. now im bringing him to die. this fucking sucks. i hat drugs like xanax, but im thinking i might need one tonight.

ive for the past year just been waiting for this day.
i guess this dog has had a happy good long life so i cant really complain .
but my 7 year old doesnt want him to go.

well anyway im on my way out the door now. please say a prayer for my little buddy. fuck i love this dog.

and if my face isnt the last one he sees i will regret it for the rest of my life..
ive been in situations where death was just accepted as normal. i saw good people die, and i have to say my dog is going to affect me worse than when some of my brothers at arms had to leave this world.

am i a bad person for feeling that way? that my dogs death is going to hit me harder than a persons death? then again when your in a situation you might not get through. you really dont have time to mourn anyone, till long after its over. the lead up to this moment. a moment of definite death, no chance for survival, and its killing me....wish me luck guys/gals

has anyone ever had an animal they loved so much it hurt like hell when they went?


Well-Known Member
Its one of the worst ways to see a dog go in my opinion.. My dog(zeus) stopped eating/drinking because of it. He got all skinny so quick and we just couldn't watch him suffer anymore. When it gets that far its gotta be better to have em put down. As much as it probably hurts you, it will save your buddy so much pain.........
Too bad humans don't think the same way about other humans.

Watching family members die slowly is probably one of the worst things ever.


Well-Known Member
Too bad humans don't think the same way about other humans.

Watching family members die slowly is probably one of the worst things ever.

Definitely teatreeoil, there are many times i have seen a family member suffering through there last days and thought how much better off they would be just to pass on speedily, but in most of those situations i was wrong. As much as i hate to see them suffer i have always realized it all worked out for the best after the fact. Perhaps they needed the few extra days to make peace with their maker or talk to a loved one one last time. Either way i believe these things usually happen in the timeframe they need to happen.
As far as pets go, many people have them so long that they "become" part of the family and as harsh as it may sound, their deaths can be just as tragic as the death of true family member.
Thats just my take on these things.


Well-Known Member
My lab mix will be 16 in April. He and I pretty much grew up together and I don't know what I'll do when he dies. I very well might just lose it and I'm ok with that. Best wishes to you and yours, I'm sorry that today had to be that day for you.

Not to be a downer, but it really amazes me how attached we become to our pets, even if we don't realize it. A little over a year ago, I had to put down my cat. I went in to the vet with a strong mind and strong heart put her on the table and waited for the vet... not shedding a single tear. The vet came in and gave her the injection as I was petting her and as soon as her body went limp I couldn't control it. The tears started rushing down my face, and it really shocked me. I thought that as a grown man I had learned to control that. Even at funerals I don't cry. PEACE and LOVE


Well-Known Member
yeah man i feel sorry for you they are like kids i would die for my dog i couldnt imagin life without him he sleeps right next to my feet every night and i think you feel so much more for your dogs death over a buddys is that there there for you all the time and there more loyal than anybody could be there kinda like a guardian angel they'll watch out for you no matter whats comin at them if they belive its danger


Well-Known Member
i feel you bro my dog death is the reason i started smoking weed and probably the reason why i barely talk to my parents anymore. :-(


Well-Known Member
Definitely teatreeoil, there are many times i have seen a family member suffering through there last days and thought how much better off they would be just to pass on speedily, but in most of those situations i was wrong. As much as i hate to see them suffer i have always realized it all worked out for the best after the fact. Perhaps they needed the few extra days to make peace with their maker or talk to a loved one one last time. Either way i believe these things usually happen in the timeframe they need to happen.
As far as pets go, many people have them so long that they "become" part of the family and as harsh as it may sound, their deaths can be just as tragic as the death of true family member.
Thats just my take on these things.
I think it should be up to them.... I surely don't want to make that choice.

But in America... suicide(or assisted death) is ILLEGAL.... Which is fucked up in my book.

If you want to die, so be it. That should be one's right.


New Member
i had a doberman named brutus I grew up with ..he lived to be 14 years old.....he died 3 years ago and i really miss him...im sorry man...that really sucks.....


Well-Known Member
I think it should be up to them.... I surely don't want to make that choice.

But in America... suicide(or assisted death) is ILLEGAL.... Which is fucked up in my book.

If you want to die, so be it. That should be one's right.
Im with u on this one. If a person has a terminal illness where they ARE gonna die and its just a matter of time, i think they should be able to make that choice...

I also agree with the law tho.. It needs to be revised but if assisted death became fully legal we would probably be knee deep in dead emo kids, and i for one am not helping clean that up...:blsmoke: