I have defoliated my plants in the hope to increase my yeild :)

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joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
yeh clipped leaves for newbies, even growers that have a few grows under there belt is not good, you really need to know what your doing before trying this

funny, cuz I would argue anyone who chops their poor plants up that way DON'T know what they're doing. :joint:

it can't feel good doing it.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
yeh clipped leaves for newbies, even growers that have a few grows under there belt is not good, you really need to know what your doing before trying this
I'll agree with that. If they have a handful of grows under their belt prior to doing this, then they'll be in a good position to appreciate what a waste of their time and resources it was ;)


Active Member
so you just scrogged it?

still woulda been quicker had you only topped and trained.

It just doesn't make sense to wack alll of the good growth off that a plant has worked so hard to produce....only to let it all regrow again

wut? why?

edit: and yes you have some nice colas in there. Try keeping those leaves more green next time. They'll be better
I am perpetual grower so I have a veg and flower room, both rooms are to be full of plants at all times, now when I chop the plant back it takes up less room and I get to train it in a way that it only takes up 12" square
and next to no height,

(stage 4)

I pulled the plant down for couple of days

re potted and flowered (stage 5)

2-3 week later in the flower room I added the screen

stage 6

full screen of green :)

I have to ask you have you ever seen a plant take up 1ft square in veg and turn into a 2ft x2ft scrog in flower with good results because that's what I did,

good point on the leaves, need to give them more grow nutes in flower thanks :)

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
I'll agree with that. If they have a handful of grows under their belt prior to doing this, then they'll be in a good position to appreciate what a waste of their time and resources it was ;)
lol...never thought of it that way :) good point

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Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
I am perpetual grower so I have a veg and flower room, both rooms are to be full of plants at all times, now when I chop the plant back it takes up less room and I get to train it in a way that it only takes up 12" square
and next to no height,

(stage 4)

I pulled the plant down for couple of days

re potted and flowered (stage 5)

2-3 week later in the flower room I added the screen

stage 6

full screen of green :)

I have to ask you have you ever seen a plant take up 1ft square in veg and turn into a 2ft x2ft scrog in flower with good results because that's what I did,

good point on the leaves, need to give them more grow nutes in flower thanks :)
I have said it before and I will say it again...they do it to make themselves feel good. Which is fine, whatever floats your boat. But when you start adding claims like it increase the number of budsites, yield ect...be prepared for the consequences. Plus the fact you used a term like 'grow nutes' speaks volumes on your actual botanical knowledge when it comes to cannabis. Those leaves are the result of a high P and probably K diet. You could feed them all the N you want and it wouldnt help. Learn basic plant nutrition dude...

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
I am perpetual grower so I have a veg and flower room, both rooms are to be full of plants at all times, now when I chop the plant back it takes up less room and I get to train it in a way that it only takes up 12" square
and next to no height,

(stage 4)

I pulled the plant down for couple of days

re potted and flowered (stage 5)

2-3 week later in the flower room I added the screen

stage 6

full screen of green :)

I have to ask you have you ever seen a plant take up 1ft square in veg and turn into a 2ft x2ft scrog in flower with good results because that's what I did,

good point on the leaves, need to give them more grow nutes in flower thanks :)
I was actually just getting ready to post a thought on this..... and you posted this first.

the only way I could see defoliating to this extreme would be because of space/timing constraints....In which case you should really work on the real problem which is space and timing

and yes, I have seen it. Or close to it anyway. My moms only take up around 12" in veg. But in flower they easily get 4 sq. ft.


Active Member
my plants are vegging under a 250w mh in a veg room 60cm x 90cm
so my veg room is small, I use a 12" fan to keep the air moving so this leaves 60cm x 60cm left

have to keep plant count down so I don't keep mother plants
just take cutting before I flower, get about 8-10 tops on each plant, re pot and flower, often pull the sides down and they fill a 2ft x 2ft gape easy

but pulling off a 2ft x2ft scrog without any veg time was not going to be easy, just saying it worked

just haven't got the room for a larger veg room and this works well imo

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
My veg room was about the same size, one of those clone tents. Firstly I did not use a 12 inch fan, I used a computer fan, meaning I got to use the whole footprint, but without all this chopping and extra growth time, I ended up with the same size plants as yours (I scrogged, and just kept everything training beneath the screen, and then let it grow through come flowering time) and got same or higher yields. I just am not seeing anything in this thread which shows that what you did was beneficial over simply scrogging properly from the start.


Active Member
apical dominance This occurs in the terminal or topmost shoot of a plant and it’s what guides the upward direction of the plant’s growth

Apical dominance is governed by the production of plant hormones (auxins) that are developed in the terminal shoot, which inhibit the growth of other lateral shoots below

when I trim the leaves on the apical dominance shoot there’s a decrease of certain auxins throughout the plant which allows these lateral shoots to produce new, vigorous growth

this is also how topping, pinching off and fim works so why can't

trim the leaves on the apical dominance shoot work the same ?

the big advantage is I can keep switching them every few days


Well-Known Member
I had great success when i defoliated, keep on trucking man, haters are going to hate, experiment. critical Yumbolt day 73.jpg next time leave the top fan leaves tho'

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member

there is a HUGE difference between topping a plant to get more colas

and trimming virtually every living sprig on the plant off

trimming a plant to suit ones style of grow is really pretty simple stuff.
I don't understand why people try and make it so complicated :shock:

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
I had great success when i defoliated, keep on trucking man, haters are going to hate, experiment. next time leave the top fan leaves tho'
wait....what? Why leave the top leaves???

and I don't hate on science man.

I feel sorry for people that ignore it though.

threads like this PROVE ANYONE can grow weed....except finshaggy.
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