I have a twisted baby. NEED HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
Ok people it is now day 6 and I bought high quality soil and I have the fluorescent bulb and the pot. My set-up is ghetto I do not have the light timer yet. QUESTION. where can i get one? Next my problem. I think I may have left it in the paper towel too long and the white tail is long and I have the two clover leaves. But as you can see in the picture it grew bent. So how the fuck can I fix it? I mean I will do anything, like use tweezers to straiten it then maybe tie a little little sting to a toothpick to keep it strait for a couple of days, like what they do to trees. Or will it be ok and grow towards the light. Oh what wattage should I use I am currently using 75watts with a soft white bulb.



Well-Known Member
hey man, you can get the timer from almost any hardware store.

As for the bending, it happens to me all the time, i think it's something to do with how the seedling was placed into the soil. What i usually do is keep the lights close to the seedling, to get it to straighten and not stretch.

I think it's abit young to stake it up, you might want to try a fan too, to strengthen the stems. Good luck broth!


Active Member
you can let it grow thats how i grow mine..i let them go that long..they will grow towards the light...then just bury it past that bent point....for light you would need at least 2 48'' floros they have to say daylight on them......you could also use the Compact Florecent Lights but you would need light 4 or 5 27w's


Well-Known Member
yes, in the seedling stage, they are verrryyy fragile, so they do get bent sometimes.. it happens alot to my seedlings. You just have to plant em, and they will straighten out towards the light dude. sometimes there is a permanent bend in them too.