i have a hard time deciding between t5 and hps 600w cool hood

That's my Instagram page all under 1000 watt HPS last pic 4x8 vegg tent with t5's.


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Hey just wunderin. Im in the mids of making a 4'L x 4'W x 8'T. I was in searchin for lighting aswell. What would you recomend? It needs to be cost effeci t because im only growing for myself. No profit.

Also ventalation?

T5's all day for self get a 12 bulb fixture from ebay http://www.ebay.com/sch/thegrowzebo/m.html?ssPageName=&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2654 is the guy I use I had a ballast go and he sent new one right away. Look up for bulbs a page back. $300 and you can grow 5' tall plants easy with penetration to the lowers also with the aquirium bulbs. order it with 3000k bulbs as they cost more to buy as 6500k bulbs are dirt cheap.
oh It was me who wouldnt sell to a guy I know after he smoked some tf69 grown by rm3 he told me straight up he wanted 2 grams and handed me 100 and said if I didnt give him it he would kick the shit out of me and take it. So I gave him 2. Its that good. Oh I am using 1000 watt lights as I am growing in a a big area and sure its dense and good but t5's give better quality hands down. For personal smoke t5 all day. Oh and he has a med card and grows.
Ok all. I just ended up wit a pretty good deal. I have a 600w lumatek dimmable ballast runs both builbs. With a hydrosence reflicter.
All brand new. I only paid $112.

Sound like a deal or no?
Ok all. I just ended up wit a pretty good deal. I have a 600w lumatek dimmable ballast runs both builbs. With a hydrosence reflicter.
All brand new. I only paid $112.

Sound like a deal or no?
Where? Just did a search on ebay and the ballest itself comes in at well over $100.
I got it off a guy on kijiji. I ment to put $125 not $112 .

Really nice guy. I guess he had a bunch of stuff givin to him so he was selling off a bit.
I got 4 solis tek matrix 1000 watt and 4 magnetic ballasts 1000 watt hps/mh with 7 sealed hoods for $1000 so I couldn't pass that up. The cheapest hood costs $240 a piece new. I am doing a big grow and soon will add in t5's for more uv/blue and deep red around 675 nm. But I also have to run a mini split to cool them as if I had all T5's I wouldnt need any cooling. You can grow great bud with any light source but T5's with aquirium bulbs produce the best quality. How many growers can stay high for over 7 hrs with a 3-4 hr bake from 1 joint split between 3-4 people? cant do that with hps. I am doing HPS right now as I had a big area to grow in and needed a cheap light solution. But when I am done I will have t5 in there also and my GPW will drop but quality will increase.
I paid 240 for a Lumatek ballast alone
Wow really. I figured it was a good price. Im in the middle of building my room from the ground up
. I will post pics when im done and set up. I wont have it fully done tonight but im hopeing to have the lighting up.

I will put reflictive stuff on the walls whe i can.
I got 4 solis tek matrix 1000 watt and 4 magnetic ballasts 1000 watt hps/mh with 7 sealed hoods for $1000 so I couldn't pass that up. The cheapest hood costs $240 a piece new. I am doing a big grow and soon will add in t5's for more uv/blue and deep red around 675 nm. But I also have to run a mini split to cool them as if I had all T5's I wouldnt need any cooling. You can grow great bud with any light source but T5's with aquirium bulbs produce the best quality. How many growers can stay high for over 7 hrs with a 3-4 hr bake from 1 joint split between 3-4 people? cant do that with hps. I am doing HPS right now as I had a big area to grow in and needed a cheap light solution. But when I am done I will have t5 in there also and my GPW will drop but quality will increase.
This is my firet time growing indoors. So once i get the hang of it ill slowly add t5s and better lighting.

Step by step lol. Man i wish i was rich ahahaha
I am testing an ushio conversion bulb which has awesome even spectrums and uv.
its the hilux 1000 watt one. This could be a game changer for all using HID ballasts.
How much heat would a 600w hps throw if it is fully incased in a 4x4x8 room with very good insulation?

Reason im asking is i live in Canada and its pretty cold here still. Going to be -12 tonight. The room im building is in an unheated garage... this grow space will be used all year including -35 winters. I DO HAVE a heating sorce if needed but was hopeing by having a 4x4x8 room inside of a 12x8x10 room inside of a garage (All which are insulated) it would keep the small space warm enough... if not i will add heat.

Did this make any sence?
Depends on what source of light your using, exhaust... Etc I would deff USE a open HID light MH & HPS TO PRODUCE HEAT and if you had to pull some out but with -35 winters I think a HID would be fine and you still might need a heat source unless you put your exhaust on a timer to go on and off every 15 min.. Or so what's the yemp in your garage now when it's 35- ?
So i have a 600w hps. Last night was the first time running it. So i ran it by itself. I havent been able to do temps really yet because like i said im just starting.

But last night i did put a thermomator in the room. It recorded the lowest it got was 16°c. It was -12° last night. That was only using the heat from the light.

I have no exhaust as of yet. But i am looking so i will pick one up soon.
okay you want room temp at 26C and canopy at 31C in the room with lights on and 20C at lights out so a heat source is gonna be needed. you might want to build a 5x5x8 and get a 1000 watt HID but still would have to supply heat but would help more and I like the 1000 over 600 for growing.
okay you want room temp at 26C and canopy at 31C in the room with lights on and 20C at lights out so a heat source is gonna be needed. you might want to build a 5x5x8 and get a 1000 watt HID but still would have to supply heat but would help more and I like the 1000 over 600 for growing.
See i would have concidered it butttttt i just got done building it and insulating it. Lol

So now that i have it almost completly covered in ill get a true temp reading tonight. Were acually getting a big snow storm tonight. Warnings all over the place.

My wife made me take them out of the house today so now there in the room. I will be putting my infared heater in there for now. Ill just set it at 25° so theres no worrie. I also got a wireless thermomater to put in there so i can have the base inside and see what it is.