I hate this bitch

You voted for Hillary in the primary, thus setting the table for Trump victory in the general.

Thanks a lot Chezus!
Sanders won Wisconsin.
Any other deflections and dishonesty you want to put out there?
I can't speak for everyone, but there are a lot of people in Michigan looking at Bernie as the last hope. If he doesn't get the nod on the dem side I think a lot of people will stay home and not vote. My family included. I have no interest in more of the same, dem or repub. Hillary is more of the same. She does the bidding for the 1%. Pass
I voted for Clinton in Wisconsin
You gave your vote to Trump in Michigan
I did my part to keep Trump out of office
You didnt

Why would you have wanted to keep the better candidate out of the office? Thank god we have the electoral college!
Stein has shown herself to be gutless. For all of Stein’s self-aggrandizing — she bills herself as a braver, more honest representative of the American left than any Democrat — she’s remarkably cowardly when it comes to standing up for her values when the going gets tough. Take, for example, her relationship with Putin. As Michael Tomasky in the Daily Beast points out, Stein actually brags on her website about how much Putin liked what she said on a panel organized by RT, the Russian propaganda television network. And when she met with Putin, she didn’t bother to bring up the horrific human rights abuses he oversees, including killing journalists and jailing LGBT people. Russian Green Party members criticized her visit for that exact reason. And if Stein can’t stand up to Putin and advocate for human rights when she’s purely an activist without the constraints of an elected official, how is she going to do it as president?
Instead, the focus landed on Democratic National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who was forced to resign over internal emails that revealed DNC staffers’ frustration with Sanders’s insistence on playing out his campaign until the last possible moment.

"I think she should resign, period," Sanders said on an ABC appearance the morning before the convention started. "And I think we need a new chair who is going to lead us in a very different direction."

Wasserman Schultz did ultimately resign, only to be given a courtesy title as an honorary co-chair of Clinton’s campaign. This, in turn, was misinterpreted by many on the left as Clinton rewarding her for malfeasance rather than simply letting her save face. Critically, some of the most over-the-top coverage of the leaks appeared in the New York Observer, a publication that happens to be owned by Jared Kushner.
The DNC hacks, by contrast, were highly effective. It’s impossible to say, of course, how decisive they proved in the end. But it’s true that even as Trump performed historically badly with young voters, Clinton was hurt by relatively low turnout among under-30s and a relatively high level of defection to third-party candidates. To attribute all of her problems with mobilizing Trump-hating young people to the hack would, of course, be going too far. But it’s fair to say that she lost in large part due to a failure of the unity efforts with Sanders, efforts that were sabotaged by a very well-timed and very well-framed release of stolen DNC emails.

It’s certainly possible that the Russians merely got lucky, or that they happen to be much more plugged into American political dynamics than they are to French ones. But they also naturally raise the question of whether the Russians were assisted by anyone on this side of the Atlantic — questions whose import has only grown sharper since we learned that key members of the Trump campaign were actively seeking Russian assistance.
A democrat in the white house will probably mean the Dems will also reclaim the Senate. The young Bernie voters should see the need to keep trump out of the white house & will come around eventually. If trump splits the party, it's a huge win for the democrats
Well, they should...
good job voting for putin. they didn't even have to spend a whole lot of money to microtarget fucktards like you to do their bidding.

your mind is mush. you are a weak person and an easy mark.


You left out the fact that Jill stein was a horrible candidate with half baked ideas who was incapable of leading the country. As was Johnson.

If third parties want to be credible, they need credible candidates. None of them are. Not only that but the Libertarians have been unable to keep their party free of goose-stepping cockroaches, so they just quaffed the Flavor-Aid for the foreseeable future.
Nice. Someone disagrees with you over a politician on a weed website, and because of that you hope they get busted for growing weed.

You’ve just clarified what a total douchebag you are. Rollie was right about you.
He most correctly was pointing out hypocrisy. You like to do that. Are you jealous that he beat you to it?
Nice. Someone disagrees with you over a politician on a weed website, and because of that you hope they get busted for growing weed.

You’ve just clarified what a total douchebag you are. Rollie was right about you.

you reap what you sow, stein voting useful idi0t.