I hate this bitch

awww, little racist shithead is running away from the question now.

No, I'm inviting you to have a discussion which has a clear set of definitions of the terms, lest you shit on the floor and call it a purring kitten or something.

So, please define "owner".
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It's 'pedaling' a bicycle, you're 'peddling', as in trying to sell, a line of totally discredited bullshit.

Answer your own fucking question, there are property law resources everywhere.

Congrats. You just confirmed everything @abandonconflict has said about you.


It's 'pedaling' a bicycle, you're 'peddling', as in trying to sell, a line of totally discredited bullshit.

Answer your own fucking question, there are property law resources everywhere.

Congrats. You just confirmed everything @abandonconflict has said about you.


Your clairvoyance seems imitation and unnatural.

“a parent does not have the right to aggress against his children, but also … should not have a legal obligation to feed, clothe, or educate his children, since such obligations would entail positive acts coerced upon the parent and depriving the parent of his rights. The parent therefore may not murder or mutilate his child, and the law properly outlaws a parent from doing so. But the parent should have the legal right not to feed the child, i.e., to allow it to die.” ~Murray Rothbard, "leading "free-market" proponent and the guy who coined the term "anarchocapitalism"

That's a nice conflation.

First of all a legal obligation and a moral obligation are two different things aren't they?

Second of all, even if I think Murray Rothbard says some things that make sense, it doesn't mean I agree with everything he says or did.

For example you, you say you're an anarchist, good for you, then you allude to the need for a central authority.
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Nope. You may think I do when I point out how you only oppose laws that infringe on your property rights, but I only do that to point out the hypocrisy of it since property rights come from gov't.

Good morning, Abandon Conflict.

When you say "government" do you mean the kind that forcibly redistributes other peoples property or do you mean "governance" by an entity with as few members as an individual person or a small group who all voluntarily align with each other?
Good morning, Abandon Conflict.

When you say "government" do you mean the kind that forcibly redistributes other peoples property or do you mean "governance" by an entity with as few members as an individual person or a small group who all voluntarily align with each other?
I mean the kind who, by way of the greatest genocide in history, confiscated a huge portion of the earth from its original inhabitants and then granted you exclusive deed over a parcel of it.
I mean the kind who, by way of the greatest genocide in history, confiscated a huge portion of the earth from its original inhabitants and then granted you exclusive deed over a parcel of it.

Are you implying that an original occupant has some kind of property right and that the forcible removal of an original occupant is not a good way to change ownership?


Are you implying that an original occupant has no greater property right over that property than anyone else and his right to be there is nonexistent ?
I mean the kind who, by way of the greatest genocide in history, confiscated a huge portion of the earth from its original inhabitants and then granted you exclusive deed over a parcel of it.
Of course, they were doing the exact same thing to each other. The US government just won the fight.
I mean the kind who, by way of the greatest genocide in history, confiscated a huge portion of the earth from its original inhabitants and then granted you exclusive deed over a parcel of it.

That's the kind I usually mean too, when I say "government".

I see the last question I asked you, in a post above, has not been answered, is that because you feel that there is no such thing as "property" or my question exposes a contradiction ?
I can't speak for everyone, but there are a lot of people in Michigan looking at Bernie as the last hope. If he doesn't get the nod on the dem side I think a lot of people will stay home and not vote. My family included. I have no interest in more of the same, dem or repub. Hillary is more of the same. She does the bidding for the 1%. Pass
Who did Michigan go to?