i hate rap music

the root of all evil
what rap would a dude like me try
remember im a virgin

Lol i every day i see this thread in my subscriptions and for twenty pages now we have been trying to justify or deny the usefullness of "rap". If u Like rap, good. If u like rock, good. If u like punk, good. Hell ill even listen if ya like country BUT WHO THE FUCK CARES WHAT YOU DONT LIKE??? I hate clowns, do you care? SHould i go start an i hate clowns thread so i can try and push the theory that clowns are the root of all even with a plan to destoy society? NO I SHOULDNT, BECAUSE THAT WOULD BE STUPID!
is helpful!
remember im a virgin Lol i every day i see this thread in my subscriptions and for twenty pages now we have been trying to justify or deny the usefullness of "rap". If u Like rap, good. If u like rock, good. If u like punk, good. Hell ill even listen if ya like country BUT WHO THE FUCK CARES WHAT YOU DONT LIKE??? I hate clowns, do you care? SHould i go start an i hate clowns thread so i can try and push the theory that clowns are the root of all even with a plan to destoy society? NO I SHOULDNT, BECAUSE THAT WOULD BE STUPID!
yeah internet and booze makes you do things that you would try to stay out of at other times
but im now
and clowns are the root of evil they shoud just be all killed
Anyone that sees that puffpuffpassedout guy should just ignore him. All we are doing is enabling him. He obviously thrives off of pissing as many people off as possible. He claims to ''know everything" yet he messes up the spelling of words on almost every post. He is probably sitting at his parents house on the computer all day blogging with the sole intent to piss people off. He most likely doesnt have any friends so this is the only attention he can get. Only a closed minded person would sum up a whole genre of music as bad. What are you God, have you listened to every rap song on the planet. There are some pretty fucking stupid country songs but i dont hate it with a passion. You are the most immature person ive seen on this site and i feel sorry for those that have to be around you in person. You are self rightous, arrogant, closed minded and rude. You are that guy that nobody can relax with when you're smokin pot with them because you cant keep the conversation light. People with your mindset kid are whats really destroying our society.
Rappers like Lil Wayne and some of the modern-day "rappers" are fucking awful. The fact that this sort of crap is played on most major radio-stations 24/7 it's no wonder you hate it. Personally, I'm not the biggest fan of rap at all, but some of the older shit (mostly Notorious B.I.G) I'm quite into, really really skilled rappers flowing is quite amazing.
yeah i agree
when i think rap its little dicks with bling alover and piss weak
songs that girls like maybe if some hard arse rappers came back with good songs rap
would have some cred back
Hey homie, if you hate rap music and think that its a problem in (Y)-our society, you really have to wake up!!!!
You done really missed a significant part of your life. ------Seriously!!!!!! You missed out on the people from the Ghetto!!people that have there on way of expressing themselves in other Artistic ways. Remeber this is Art! we
are talking about here. Take for instance the average young teenager, ANYWHERE on the PLANET EARTH.
What music do you think they listen too? country? jazz? acid? techno? You really cant be serious!!!! LOL!!!!!
Dont you know that this music has/is transforming peoples cultures? Germany, Berlin, Russia, China Japan , Africa
all have jumped into the Hip Hop / Rap Game. Black , White, Hispanic , Latino, (there is a difference) Jewish, Japanese (sp)
ect. all agree that this is the dopest invention since the vaporizer hooked up on solar panel (lol).... seriously. Homie you
need to go and blow one and get Too Short " Freaky Tales"(oak town) and let your girl do the rest...... and see what you been missing since 86'. But Then again , if you want to really catch up (lol) go and get Atmospher.(Minnesota) and see
the bgger picture. "Didnt they tell you the revolution was't gonna be televised"? what you thought they were playin? LOL!! you have bee upgraded ---the real stuff is still underground!!!!! (Bro Ali , got to get him)
not every rapper is from the ghetto... most rappers DONT live what they rap about. its all entertainment... and most ppl dont get that.

i hate this fuckin thread.
I used to like rap, then I went into rock and other instrument based genre's.

the only thing I don't like about most rap is not the lyrics, but the music. I listen to music for the instruments and the actual music, diversity in sound, etc. I'm a guitarist so high notes trebles and melodies are important to me, and those are rarely found in rap.

I do like some rap artists such as Atmosphere, they actually have some nice music as well as deep political lyrics to back it up. but I don't think it's fair to just diss an entire genre as cultural garbage. every society has something to offer, rap was merely one of those offerings.

I'd have to say the lack of focus on instruments is really the only thing stopping me from liking rap.
There's a ton of rap with great instruments. Take these for example:




EDIT: Anyone know why they're not showing up?
Lol i every day i see this thread in my subscriptions and for twenty pages now we have been trying to justify or deny the usefullness of "rap". If u Like rap, good. If u like rock, good. If u like punk, good. Hell ill even listen if ya like country BUT WHO THE FUCK CARES WHAT YOU DONT LIKE??? I hate clowns, do you care? SHould i go start an i hate clowns thread so i can try and push the theory that clowns are the root of all even with a plan to destoy society? NO I SHOULDNT, BECAUSE THAT WOULD BE STUPID!

Gangster rappers are clowns.

Hell anyone in the media/entertainment industry is a clown.
Anyone that sees that puffpuffpassedout guy should just ignore him. All we are doing is enabling him. He obviously thrives off of pissing as many people off as possible. He claims to ''know everything" yet he messes up the spelling of words on almost every post. He is probably sitting at his parents house on the computer all day blogging with the sole intent to piss people off. He most likely doesnt have any friends so this is the only attention he can get. Only a closed minded person would sum up a whole genre of music as bad. What are you God, have you listened to every rap song on the planet. There are some pretty fucking stupid country songs but i dont hate it with a passion. You are the most immature person ive seen on this site and i feel sorry for those that have to be around you in person. You are self rightous, arrogant, closed minded and rude. You are that guy that nobody can relax with when you're smokin pot with them because you cant keep the conversation light. People with your mindset kid are whats really destroying our society.

OK yes I did generalize rap, and call all of it bad. Maybe i should have made it more clear.... GANSTER RAP IS BAD FOR SOCIETY.

Thanks to all that keep hating me, and my opinions. It really makes me feel like somebody :roll: :spew: